So all my efforts to find this info and attempting a few covers in different locations have come to no avail....
Is it even possible to add box art to Dolphin Android?? I have a couple of homebrew titles I'd like to have a cover showing for but it shouldn't be this hard!!
Anyone know if it can be done at all or are we just stuck to what gametdb offers and are these stored locally on my device??
Any info appreciated!
Edit... fix for anyone else...
So the cover has to be in the same folder as the game/iso/dol and must be named cover.png or gamename.cover.png
Info from the below source as directed on the dolphin forum!
Is it even possible to add box art to Dolphin Android?? I have a couple of homebrew titles I'd like to have a cover showing for but it shouldn't be this hard!!
Anyone know if it can be done at all or are we just stuck to what gametdb offers and are these stored locally on my device??
Any info appreciated!
Edit... fix for anyone else...
So the cover has to be in the same folder as the game/iso/dol and must be named cover.png or gamename.cover.png
Info from the below source as directed on the dolphin forum!
Last edited by Lostbhoy,