[KYT] MartyDreamy

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Feel the Sunset once in a Lifetime
Jul 1, 2015
Deep Fantasy World
Oh boy, too much questions (but hey, this is Know your tempers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
How are you feeling right now? I'm happy :3
Neptune or Noire? Noire <3
Would you buy a plushie of Neptune? Sure, why not
What was the last thing you ate? A sandwich
Do you check your email at all? I do have your email somewhere... Yeah, sometimes I check it :P

What do you think of Nintendohacks + pets today compared to like 8 months ago? - - Too much cats. Thanks to Shadowhand <3
How did you manage, despite being an Italian who enjoys console hacking, to be in that minority who doesn't ask for overdocumented problems, irrealistic requests, or just wanting solderless free games 11.5 now and for free?
Well... Before asking stupid questions, I search my problem on Google (thing who a lot of people don't do) and I'm glad I'm in that minority :P

Fallacious question, did you mean: ...or Vert? :)
What character from Moomin Valey do you like most? Never saw it, sorry :P
Would you buy a Moomin plushie? Yeah why not
Favourite movie? I enjoyed despicable me 2 (saw with my sis)
Favourite music type? Pop
What do you think about 8/16bit demos cene? Uhm... I don't know lol
Do you play any musical instruments? I played the piano years ago

Bayonetta or Mia Fey?
Good question. Can I say both? <3

Hello! Heya!
How's it going? Good! Thanks for asking :3
Favorite game console/handheld? Nintendo GameCube
Favorite game(s)? Oh, I have a lot of fav games. Uhm... Ace attorney series, bayonetta, Pokémon, I also enjoyed watch dogs and rhythm heaven series
What do you think of yourself? myself? I think I'm a crazy person, who loves meet new people and make new friends. I'm also a funny girl sometimes. I'm a but different of the other girls of my age, a lot of people said it.
favorite food? Chinese food
are you on any diet? Nope

favorite franchise Nintendo franchise boi
favorite tv show i don't watch TV shows
favorite movie despicable me 2
favorite food Chinese food
how are you and how's going life? I'm fine as always and my life is OK :D
what is the thing you most love and care in your life? My sister
Knuckles, Fuckles or Mia? Miaaaaaaa

What kind of music do you listen to? Pop
What sort of games do you play? Rhythmic games and action games
Do you think ROBLOX is just for little kids? Yes. I hate roblox.
Have to spoken to the Kool-Aid man recently? Who? Lol
Were you the kid Barney punched in the face on live TV? (I ran out of questions about 2 questions ago :P) what

Hey luv <З

Excited for S02 of Miraculous? : D a lot chaton. A lot.

Do you eat eel? Never ate it
Any special kinds of foods you can make? Pasta, pizza, cakes, noodles (yes. I can make it)
Ever visited another country? France
Did you know Dinoh was in love with an alien, but it was a lie? Lol nope

Do you like this fromat? ;) Yep!

firefox or chrome (or IE)? Chrome
favorite color? Green
how many consoles/handhleds do you have? 1 ds lite 1 dsi 1 3ds 1 Wii 1 wiiu 1 psp
android or iPhone? Android forever
tempstyle? The new one, still waiting for the dark style.
do you have something to say? Thanks for asking me these questions <3

'ello there haii
How are you? Fine thanks :3
What's your favorite color? Green
Favorite song/band? I like a lot M.I.A paper planes
Any song recommendations? Nah, listen the songs you want. :D
Favorite food? Chinese food
Favorite video game? Ave attorney series and bayonetta 1
Do you have any pets? Yep a dog. You can see him in Temper Beats
How old are you? 14

What's your honest opinion of me? You're a very enjoyable person, one of the first who write me in my profile and you're very important to me <3
Favorite beverage? ACE drink (orange carrot lemon drink)
Favorite food? Chinese food
Favorite video game? Ace attorney series and bayonetta 1
Favorite movie? Despicable me 2
Favorite musical instrument? I very like the piano
If you had to move to another country, where would it be? France or USA

You mean Mia "FEY" :ninja:

What was the last dream you remember? Well... I have a lot of dreams (am I MartyDreamy, right? Lol) the last dream I remember was me as men kissing a tree...
Have you ever had a nightmare? Yep
Did any of your dreams ever come true? :) yeah!

@MartyDreamy are you alive? Yeah sorry, I'm answering from my phone..

Favorite meal? Dinner
@MartyDreamy you there? Yeah sorry I was eating and I'm answering from my phone
Childhood game? Pokémon diamond
Favorite gaming peripheral? Pc

What is the most tedious part of 3DS theming to you? (For me, it's looping the music) doing the folder textures. Dammit, I hate doing them!

Also yeah sorry if it takes a lot answering all of these questions but I was busy and I'm not at home so yeah... It takes a little answering from my phone :D


Feel the Sunset once in a Lifetime
Jul 1, 2015
Deep Fantasy World
open bob?

Are you always in a hurry ?
any close calls in your love life ?
favorite video game ?
why did you Join the Temp ?
what's the story behind your Username ?
-explain this question
- Ace Attorney games and bayonetta 1
- I joined temp for the custom themes for 3ds. I started write on posts when I started publish my themes
-Easy. Marty is my name (Martina) Dreamy because I have a lot of dreams and my best friend says me one time: you're a dreamy girl.
duck donald trump wants to explode Mia and Bayonetta
who you would save?
Ahh guys why are you asking me this? It's difficult to answer lol
What grade are you in? (School wise)
Do you have any pets?
Are you a grammar Nazi?
Have you ever tried Pepsi fire? It's pretty good
-Uhm... In Italy we have different school grade. This year I will go to the "Superior School" (scuola superiore in Italian) which is the college in USA etc
- Yep a dog. If you want to see him, you can look him on Temper Beasts
-Xbox i think
-Yes lol
-I don't like carbonated drinks :/ (like pepsi fanta coca cola etc)

what is love?
Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more~

How do you feel about life right now?
Got any long-term goals?
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Have any favorite comedians?
Do you play any instruments?
-I think my life is ok lol
-nope (for now)
-No more poverty.
-I love "Angelo Pintus", an Italian comedian
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