Not all the latest cards have it. It is certainly a big pro for the card. As you can probably tell I was mainly an EZ-V user before the DSTT so the difference was quite big.
Yes, I agree - to certain extent. But it's not mentioned as pro in ANY other flashcard review; my flashcard history isn't really big, but it isn't really small either (GBA Movie Player (you know, that special rare firmware made by Chishm
) -> SuperCard miniSD -> M3 Lite Perfect -> R4 DS -> CycloDS Evolution) and they ALL boasted this feature, but hardly anyone mentioned it. I think it's should be marked as a con in other reviews, not as a pro in this one (since it makes it sound like it's the only card with this ability). To me, it also gives the impression of unnecessary text, just used to make the review longer (note, I'm not saying that's the truth, nor do I think so). Anyway, this is just my opinion. No hard feelings.