Converting 3D videos to moflex

I saw an initial tutorial on here about converting to moflex and while it worked out with some of my videos I noticed that it didn't work with everything. I went through a lot of trial and error to figure out the exact perfect method for converting videos over and thought it would be worth sharing. I hope it helps a few.

1. Download handbrake it's an open source video encoder that has been been around for a while.
2. Open the application and under Source Selection click File and open the file you want to encode.
3. Go to the Video tab, click on drop down by Framerate (FPS) and select 29.97, under it select the button next to Constant Framerate
4. Under Audio go over to Gain and turn it up to anywhere from 16-20. It seems like 16 or 18 is pretty good for most things. It should be selected but verify that under Mixdown it is set to stereo.
5. Then select Encode and let it do it's thing.
6. When it's done go to this original tutorial and follow it to convert that video into a .moflex file that can be played on the 3DS. The only step you don't have to worry about is Convert Audio section if you let handbrake Mixdown your audio to stereo already.
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Oct 13, 2008
United States
I help manage a project called moflix, there is much better solutions that this, if you would like a invite PM me. :)
I would definitely be interested if you can send it. Thanks.

There is simply which allows you to watch videos without even needing to convert to moflex
I didn't think it could play 3D videos on it's own. From the release notes it does look like it's possible. I'll give it a look over. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
United States
I saw an initial tutorial on here about converting to moflex and while it worked out with some of my videos I noticed that it didn't work with everything. I went through a lot of trial and error to figure out the exact perfect method for converting videos over and thought it would be worth sharing. I hope it helps a few.

1. Download handbrake it's an open source video encoder that has been been around for a while.
2. Open the application and under Source Selection click File and open the file you want to encode.
3. Go to the Video tab, click on drop down by Framerate (FPS) and select 29.97, under it select the button next to Constant Framerate
4. Under Audio go over to Gain and turn it up to anywhere from 16-20. It seems like 16 or 18 is pretty good for most things. It should be selected but verify that under Mixdown it is set to stereo.
5. Then select Encode and let it do it's thing.
6. When it's done go to this original tutorial and follow it to convert that video into a .moflex file that can be played on the 3DS. The only step you don't have to worry about is Convert Audio section if you let handbrake Mixdown your audio to stereo already.
i put the mario movie and dungeon and dragons on my 3ds even though i prefer dungeons and dragons

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