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  1. W

    Homebrew [RELEASE]Nitro Screen - Facilitating screen capture with NTR CFW

    Honestly, my perspective is this: So long as you actually test the app with Mono I'm fine with .Net. If you don't, then I might have to take issue with it because I might not be able to use it in that case :P
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    Homebrew [RELEASE]Nitro Screen - Facilitating screen capture with NTR CFW

    You are really not well informed about these issues. Assembly has a place especially in some embedded systems applications, in OS development, in optimization of C or C++ programs (yes, knowledge of assembly is useful there), and in compiler code generation. C has a place but really only when...
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    Hacking 3DS Bricking Rumor

    That's true, but if something like bootmii is possible on the 3DS, there might not be an issue.
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    Hacking 3DS Bricking Rumor

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    [Essentials] N64

    Mario Kart 64 Pokémon Stadium 1 and 2 (IMHO, 2 was better) Yoshi's Story Super Mario 64 Paper Mario Super Smash Bros. LOZ: Ocarina of Time LOZ: Majora's Mask Pokémon Puzzle League Pokémon Snap Animal Forest 64 (since Animal Crossing was awesome, I assume this one was awesome as well) Diddy...
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    How to build a Nintoaster

    I've got an NES lying around... maybe I'll try this.
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    Pokemon TCG 2 translation?

    Oh, I'd also love to see this released in English.
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    Homebrew Is there a way to preventing access to the Mii Channel?

    Thanks; I will try that.
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    Homebrew Is there a way to preventing access to the Mii Channel?

    My brother (with down syndrome) keeps messing up my Miis. I have tried hiding the channel by moving it to another screen-thingy (the thing you use + or - button to switch), but he figured that out. However, if there isn't a way currently to do it (by hacking, I mean), could someone get me...
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    ROM Hack Official translation requests topic

    Alright, I'm already (trying to, at least) doing that.
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    ROM Hack Official translation requests topic

    Well, I looked it up, and it said that Capcom said that they weren't going to localize it, and that was my reason for asking for a translation in the first place.... Edit: Therefore, since I had already looked it up, this whole argument was caused by confusion on both our parts, and you just...
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    ROM Hack Pokemon HGSS US -> J Translation patch.

    Anyone else begin hating Nintendo of Europe and Nintendo of America for the Game Corner crap? I do, and it's the reason I'm learning Japanese.
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    ROM Hack Official translation requests topic

    I do get, it's just that Capcom said they wouldn't release it over here. Besides, people translate Pokemon games, which are always released over here. EDIT: And yes, I know Pokemon games (for the DS) are easier to translate with LoadingNOW's translation thing.
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    ROM Hack Official translation requests topic

    What's wrong with wanting a game that won't come out to come out? The companies have nothing to do with unofficial translations. That's why it's unofficial. Oh, and what the heck is your problem with Mega Man?! Edit: And yes, I know it's a "gimmick game," but I still want it to come out...
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    ROM Hack Official translation requests topic

    Edit: nvm.
  16. W

    ROM Hack Official translation requests topic

    Game name Battle Network RockMan EXE: Operation Shooting Star OR MegaMan Battle Network: Operation Star Force Release date Capcom has no plans to release it in the West Game info Just think MMBN1 with some Star Force cameos Screenshots...
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    Homebrew Best DS homebrew coding library?

    Alright, thanks for the tips, everyone. EDIT: With the PAlib, I'm confused as to how I'm supposed to compile it (I ran the build.bat, but there were some errors.) EDIT 2: Alright, I looked on the PAlib forum, and it said something about downgrading the devkitPro. Oh, and of course I'll be...
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    ROM Hack Pokemon Shiny Gold Unofficial Developement

    Isn't this game kind of obsolete because of HeartGold and SoulSilver (everyone here has a Flash Cart, so don't use that argument against me) (although the original content in ShinyGold might prove me otherwise, I guess)?
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    Homebrew Homebrew Discussion Thread

    What is the best DS homebrew coding library?
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    Homebrew Best DS homebrew coding library?

    Hi, I was just wondering (since I happen to know some C++), what is the best library for DS homebrew programming? EDIT: nvm, just found the questions thread. I'll ask there. EDIT 2: Alright, since no one seems to read the "discussion thread," I'll try in this thread again. So... what is...
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