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  1. M

    Hacking XP Card Question

    I purchased two XP cards a while back and one of them had a problem so I got it returned and replaced. I just received the replacement yesterday and I'm a little confused about it. It seems to be slightly different than the other one I have. The firmware is version 1.23M. Anyway, when I hook...
  2. M

    Hacking Homebrew Avoid region locks?

    Was just wondering if there were any mods or hacks that disable region locks and let you get around those restrictions? For example, letting you play US UMD movies on a Japanese PSP, or vice versa?
  3. M

    Hacking Homebrew Question regarding TA-082 PSPs

    I'm considering buying a PSP online and would like to avoid the PSPs with TA-082 motherboards. I'm not very knowledgeable regarding PSPs, but I believe the only way to check if the PSP has a TA-082 board is to physically inspect the PSP for the TA-082 tag, correct? If I'm purchasing online, is...
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