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  • My mom just bought a Dance Dance Revolution game Board at a yard sale thinking it came with a wii and the game inside for $12. =_= facepalm
    To be fair I'd 100% buy one for 12$.
    If it was decent quality of course.
    The fucking Portugese pulled a win straight from their asses. Never felt so sad and happy at the same time. USA USA
    I'm a fucking portuguese and I find that offensive.
    It wasn't meant as an insult, just saying how surprised I was at Portugal to get that header to equalize the game. I was 30 seconds away from celebrating so it came as a shock. Sorry if you took offense to it.
    Just messing with ya, I don't care about soccer :P
    Woke up to an email saying Amazon took 100 out my account for prime without me knowing! Stipulation hidden in the fucking free trial. Thiefs
    Nathan Drake
    Yeah, let this be a lesson in the future to read when you're signing up for something. 99.9% of the time they'll say plainly, outright on the sign-up page that unless you cancel before the trial is over, they will automatically bill your credit card for a membership, which in Prime's case is 1 year. You can get a refund, I'm sure, but I know for a fact that Amazon did warn you on sign-up to be aware.
    They do warn you. And Amazon customer support is wonderful.
    I know there's 90% of the time a fine print telling you that if you don't cancel your going to be charged but Usually it shows up on my credit card/paypal as pending for the month or an ongoing charge which reminds me to cancel it at that time or a later date in the month. I saw neither of those in my monthly statements. Anyway, customer service said I'll have my money back in 2-3 days. Problem solved.
    My bratty cousin snuck off with my phone and skype called people i dont talk to no more... fuck, now I gotta talk to them. #Futureasswhoppin
    Breaking News: Twitter to respond to Facebook's Oculus Rift acquisition by purchasing Valve and the Large Hadron Collider.
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    Reactions: gamefan5
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