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  • Merry Christmas Adan!
    I dont know if you remember me.
    I was on the Spice and Wolf thing for a moment :)
    Thanks for all of your hard work on the SD Gundam G Generation Overworld English Translation !!
    Wow i read your "Bio"
    You seem like a really good person!
    Wish you a good week Adan! Take Care (:
    (We meet on Spice And Wolf thread)
    • Like
    Reactions: funtime
    Stopping by to wish you and your team the best !!
    Thanks. Doing test runs on latest build while gathering materials for the next video. The main problem is the attempt to minimize spoilers as much as possible. lolz.
    Cool, very much so looking forward to the new progress video.

    But yeah, since the game has been out for a while...not sure what would be a spoiler.

    Hmm, maybe some of the secret units/pilots ?
    hey adan i cant send a private to you..but i want to participate on ur beta event :(
    saya pun busy juga nak siapkan projek perterjemahan game dari nintendo ds, Hehehe. Tapi yg susahnya nak translate game dari psp dan pc sbb saya memang lemah dalam code2 ni......... xtahu macam mana diarong buat, geram pula rasa. Game nds dan gba je saya dapat translate.
    Seronok pula ada orang Malaysia kat sini. Harap kamu boleh berbahasa Malaysia sudahlah
    Sorry. Busy sikit dengan uni. Bukan nak hentam, kira nasihat la.
    Anyway, kena teruskan report saya. Good luck!
    takeya yuki
    takeya yuki
    Thanks utk nasihat bro hahaha.
    Aik Adank85 kita 1negara pun saya kena hentam juga??? Bukan apa, hari itu saya ada buat request utk translate 1 game psp ni tapi dah berapa bulan tiada reply.... maaf jika saya impolite komen dlm thread request game.
    Working on SD Gundam Overworld
    takeya yuki
    takeya yuki
    Dasyat bro , jadi translator utk game juga ker? Oh ya macam mana kamu dapat script text utk Sd gundam overworld? Sbb pernah cari psp game script text tapi payah sungguh nak cari. Diorang cakap pakai ppsspp kalau nak cari text game tapi xtahu macam mana?
    takeya yuki
    takeya yuki
    Minta tunjuk ajar sifu
    Holiday from translation scene for now. Coming back after I settle some stuffs in RL and finish my backlogs.
    Not sure it works for everyone.

    Try addon Pera Pera Japanese for firefox. This add-on is actually an online japanese dictionary.Once install, configure it with its drop down menu, click the popup tab, look for Pronunciation and change it to Romaji.
    Note it only works in browser. So copy jp text to e.g. google doc and hover over it to get the dictionary help. if you want to try your listening skill. The one in google sounds like a a women who wants to quit her job.
    Thanks a lot, AdanK85.
    I will try and if there are anything, I will contact you again.
    Thanks a lot guy.
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  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    fun fact: popeye with spinach solos
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Spinach alone didn't give him those arm muscles
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    true, but he's always the underdog until, at the lowest point of the battle, he eats some conveniently located spinach, then he fucks shit up
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    also as of today i've been on nofap for 3 months
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    so uh, yay me for breaking an addiction that many suffer from like that
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Maybe the spinach was just a metaphor. Maybe it was really meth or crack.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Spinach gave him a tumor
  • BunnyPinkie @ BunnyPinkie:
    Plasturion is working on uncensoring imagine makeup artist!
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Then we will recensor it...
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    We don't want to see that shit
  • Sonic Angel Knight @ Sonic Angel Knight:
    Since when are bunnies pink? :ninja:
  • Veho @ Veho:
    The ones you are hallucinating, or...?
  • ModernSithLord @ ModernSithLord:
    Why is someone spamming call girls in the user submitted news
  • ModernSithLord @ ModernSithLord:
    really odd
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Maybe they got alot of girls they want to call
  • rqkaiju2 @ rqkaiju2:
    yeah i just made a post about it
  • ModernSithLord @ ModernSithLord:
    looks like they are all gone
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Thanks for the update what's tomorrow's weather going to be like
  • ModernSithLord @ ModernSithLord:
    lol really?
  • ModernSithLord @ ModernSithLord:
    im not a weatherman lol
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I'm a watermelon
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: