

pronouns big/pingus
GBAtemp Patron
Jun 23, 2014
United States
What is word?

When is time?

Where does the sun go when it goes down?

These are some of the questions that have plagued human minds since time immemorial, and we still don't have solid answers.

Hello, I am X. I will be your guide through this journey. Science tries to answer these questions, but the answers are unsatisfying. Sure you can believe man walked on the sun in 1969 if you want, but we have a deep yearning for something more consequential.

This is where Jebus comes in. Have you ever felt lonely? Of course you have - you are reading a video game website. Let's be honest you have never felt love before. Not until now. Jebus loves you. Jebus loves you even when you spend your last dollar on a my little pony figurine or spend your 12th hour watching bible black.

Now I know what you are thinking. What is the catch? Well that is fair. Jebus does not just love you for free. You have to donate money to fill Jebus' lust for every increasing wealth. For just 13.99 an hour, you can help Jebus dig wells in Antarctica for starving penguins - and you will have the satisfaction of knowing Jebus thinks about you when he touches himself at night.

Some testimonials:

Frank Herbert, author of Dune:
Before I gived manny to Jebus, my book no sold good. Now that I help Jebus to feed penguin in South America my book are good sell and even movie. Wow!

So what are you waiting for? Donate to Jebus below. But wait, if you donate in the next 5 minutes Jebus will double your paradise. That's right - two heavens for the price of one! You can choose a pal of your choice to also be saved from eternal damnation.

Donate at:

  • Haha
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"Action-packed movie" star
Apr 16, 2019
United States
What is word?

When is time?

Where does the sun go when it goes down?

These are some of the questions that have plagued human minds since time immemorial, and we still don't have solid answers.

Hello, I am X. I will be your guide through this journey. Science tries to answer these questions, but the answers are unsatisfying. Sure you can believe man walked on the sun in 1969 if you want, but we have a deep yearning for something more consequential.

This is where Jebus comes in. Have you ever felt lonely? Of course you have - you are reading a video game website. Let's be honest you have never felt love before. Not until now. Jebus loves you. Jebus loves you even when you spend your last dollar on a my little pony figurine or spend your 12th hour watching bible black.

Now I know what you are thinking. What is the catch? Well that is fair. Jebus does not just love you for free. You have to donate money to fill Jebus' lust for every increasing wealth. For just 13.99 an hour, you can help Jebus dig wells in Antarctica for starving penguins - and you will have the satisfaction of knowing Jebus thinks about you when he touches himself at night.

Some testimonials:

Frank Herbert, author of Dune:
Before I gived manny to Jebus, my book no sold good. Now that I help Jebus to feed penguin in South America my book are good sell and even movie. Wow!

So what are you waiting for? Donate to Jebus below. But wait, if you donate in the next 5 minutes Jebus will double your paradise. That's right - two heavens for the price of one! You can choose a pal of your choice to also be saved from eternal damnation.

Donate at:


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