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Roe V Wade has been repealed

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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
All this means is just go get an abortion in states where it's legal.
That's a nearly 900 mile drive for many people, one way. And that isn't something many people can afford to do.

No constitutional rights have been violated or taken away.
Whether or not you think it's a constitutional right, bodily autonomy rights now no longer exist. Do you believe a state should be able to violate a person's bodily autonomy rights? Because that sets a dangerous precedent.


Visoly 512 Flash Advance Linker Xtreme Master!
Mar 17, 2003
The Internet
United States
That's a nearly 900 mile drive for many people, one way. And that isn't something many people can afford to do.

Whether or not you think it's a constitutional right, bodily autonomy rights now no longer exist. Do you believe a state should be able to violate a person's bodily autonomy rights? Because that sets a dangerous precedent.
That's a nearly 900 mile drive for many people, one way. And that isn't something many people can afford to do.

Whether or not you think it's a constitutional right, bodily autonomy rights now no longer exist. Do you believe a state should be able to violate a person's bodily autonomy rights? Because that sets a dangerous precedent.
It doesn't matter what I or anyone here believes. The repeal just shows roe vs wade was unconstitutional to begin with and so the SCOTUS finally removed it from Federal jurisdiction.

And I'm not aware of any laws regarding bodily autonomy rights. But I agree it may set a dangerous precedent depending on how government wants to spin it.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
It doesn't matter what I or anyone here believes. The repeal just shows roe vs wade was unconstitutional to begin with and so the SCOTUS finally removed it from Federal jurisdiction.
Overturning Roe doesn't mean it was unconstitutional. It means the current Supreme Court said it was unconstitutional, despite 50 years of precedent saying it was. It isn't a secret that there was a concerted political effort to get justices on the court who would repeal it, whether or not abortion bans were actually constitutional.

I'm not aware of any laws regarding bodily autonomy rights. But I agree it may set a dangerous precedent depending on how government wants to spin it.
State anti-abortion laws are anti-bodily autonomy laws.

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
He thinks there's Nazi's around every corner
That's a strawman. It just happens that your language is very Nazi adjacent along with your group of peers. You outed yourself as against LGBTQ people. And you refuse to listen to evidence but rather alternative facts, regarding "dear leader"
Something Nazi's in Germany did before taking complete power. They wanted to control people's bodies, which hello to Roe reversal. And maybe the fact oath keepers and proudboys were explicitly called out by the former president, to do an arm coup attempt. Which also Nazi Germany went through. Maybe hints at borderline nazi /fascist rehetoric.
white people are guilty or some sort of hate crime
Now that's just another strawman. Cope harder

and can never get pregnant so this change in law doesn't affect him in any way whatsover
It does effect me, just not directly. My mother originally wanted to get an abortion. But couldn't do so because I was too far developed. She wasn't ready to have a kid or in the best of mental places.
Had abortions been banned back then. She would of tried to get an abortion. And end up dying in the process getting a "back alley" abortion. Because the lack of information and safety. Her and my life would of been lost for nothing.
Since you can make something illegal, but won't stop it from happening. I have several women friends that I'm not interested in for a longer term relationship. But even they have vented to me about how terrorfying it is. That's where my belief comes from. It's not from myself. It's confirmed in almost every friend I've talked to. So I'll be the speaker, and they'll be microphone.
So maybe you, as obvious male, should learn to relate to your peers. Instead of casting them, their opinion like fodder for something that doesn't effect you.
and doesn't like the police or anyone with authority over him.
I'm raised like how my mother taught me. Question authority, even her own.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
United States
So should we also extend child support payments, welfare, medicaid and voting rights to a fetus?

But you don't care do you? You don't even care about supporting it once it's outside the womb. It's just a convenience excuse to feel morally superior and call your opponents a bunch of baby killers without having to worry about passing any legislation to expand social services to take care of the children we already have in poverty and the foster care system.

A fetus is potential to develop into a human. What separates us from animals is our ability to use tools, language, think abstractly, and modify the world around us. A fetus has none of those abilities. Giving it more rights than the adult women that's carrying it is absolutely absurd.
Considering how much you don't seem to care for human life in general, you really have no idea, do you? If that's the case then why isn't murder for any age legal then? We can improve the foster system, people want to adopt and genuinely take care of kids, and give them a chance to grow up and life the life happy life they want to. Can't do that if they aren't given a chance in the first place because some dumb fuck decided it's okay to kill babies as long as their twisted agenda is satisfied. The idea that we want to give it more rights than the women is absurd. We want to give it rights in the first place, so it has a chance to live. You want to take away those rights, not us.
So the state can take your bodily autonomy rights as long as it saves a life? Great. The state can forcibly take your kidney then.
It seems the state has already forcibly taken your brain and cognitive thinking. It's not the same thing, no matter how hard you try to push it. There's a big difference between voluntarily organ donating and abortion, but keep trying.


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
Why when the simpler solution is to live in a state where abortions are may or may not be allowed than to move to another country?

For the same reason you think people who need to get life preserving surgeries should have to travel abroad. What's good for the goose is good for the gander?

Yes it is how that works. In the military, it's to kill terrorists. It may depend on the type of military in different nations, but it's different in war.

So that means, by your logic alone, they're not human. Got it. Never thought I'd see a Republican that hates the military.

It's one thing to support a person's rights, but if that means the murder of an innocent life, then yes, it's two different things.

Isn't that what you're doing by advocating forced births, especially on pain of death in certain states?

No it doesn't. And the 2ndA explicitly states for people to bear arms, aka guns and whatnot. Don't try to pull that bs with me.

The only BS is how you interpret the Constitution to fit your idealistic need for control of other people. If it's not about control, then at no point should you care.

Also, the 2A does not explicitly state the right to own guns, in any sense. That was a narrative pushed by gun manufacturers to sell guns, the way abortion statistics are manipulated to support religious oppression.

Not really, just unhinged people like you do. And that wasn't even a response to you so butt out asshole.

Of course you do, and I'm not the first person to point that out.

Last I checked this was a public forum. You don't like people responding to you? Don't post. Otherwise you're just crying.

Mmm, those Republican tears taste much better than liberal.

No I'm not, but I know it's hard for someone so unhinged and programmed with hardcore NPC ideals to understand so I can't blame you completely. Your example isn't inconvenient, it's just plain wrong and shallow. There is nothing that is violating a person's autonomy rights to save a life. Why do you think a baby is a god damn parasite if you don't like it? If that were the case, we were all parasites in one point in our lives that deserved to die. Do you think you or I or anyone still deserve to die today even though we've long gone outside our mother's womb? Why don't you look past yourself for once, actually go outside, and educate yourself before you make even more ridiculous and borderline to just plain evil and vile responses.

Just because something is a parasite doesn't mean it deserves to die, but why advocate the death of the host in favor of the parasite unless you had no empathy for the host? You pick and choose what lives are important under the guise of "all lives matter" and then don't understand why people call you hypocrites.

At the end of the day, you present yourself as a miserable Republican who gets mad when people call you out for being a bigot. Call everyone else an NPC or programmed all you want, you're the only one here at the moment that's ok with dehumanizing women because you only care about a baby when it's getting forced to be born. And before you argue that it's not your responsibility to care for someone else's child, you should realize that if you're not going to help the kid at hand, you have no business having an opinion on the matter in any regard. That's pretty entitled of you people to think you can put your mouth anywhere you want despite your fingers being in someone else's pocket.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
There's a big difference between voluntarily organ donating and abortion, but keep trying.
I agree. The analogy is involuntary organ donating.

Edit: A big thanks to @Issac for removing the anti-LGBTQ posts. I've been reporting these kinds of posts and bookmarking them to check later if anything is done about them, and it's often the case that nothing is done about them. Thanks again.


Visoly 512 Flash Advance Linker Xtreme Master!
Mar 17, 2003
The Internet
United States
SOverturning Roe doesn't mean it was unconstitutional. It means the current Supreme Court said it was unconstitutional, despite 50 years of precedent saying it was. It isn't a secret that there was a concerted political effort to get justices on the court who would repeal it, whether or not abortion bans were actually constitutional.

State anti-abortion laws are anti-bodily autonomy laws.
It can be argued that roe vs wade was unconstitutionally added to the constitution to begin with. But yes any SCOTUS ruling will depend on who's got the majority.

“The Constitution makes no express reference to a right to obtain an abortion…,” the June 24 ruling said. “We thus return the power to weigh those arguments to the people and their elected representatives.”

The best way to change laws is vote or get involved and become a politician. Or be a lobbyist if you have lots of cash to sway things in the direction you want.

I say let's have a special election where only the biological women vote on abortion and let the pieces fall where they may.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
It can be argued that roe vs wade was unconstitutionally added to the constitution to begin with. But yes any SCOTUS ruling will depend on who's got the majority.

“The Constitution makes no express reference to a right to obtain an abortion…,” the June 24 ruling said. “We thus return the power to weigh those arguments to the people and their elected representatives.”

The best way to change laws is vote or get involved and become a politician. Or be a lobbyist if you have lots of cash to sway things in the direction you want.

I say let's have a special election where only the biological women vote on abortion and let the pieces fall where they may.
Regardless of whether or not abortion bans are unconstitutional (they are), any law that infringes on a person's bodily autonomy rights is unjust and immoral.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2018
United States
I don't disagree with most of that. Where are you going with this besides dodging the question at hand?

I don't disagree with people taking vaccines, if that's what they want to do that's their choice.

"I cite the CDC when I think it supports my point, but I reject it as a bunch of lies when it doesn't." Lol.

Looking at the page you cited, it seems they are only claiming it's "safer and more dependable" in the sense that deliberately exposing yourself to Covid is unsafe, which I haven't suggested anyone do, so it's a moot point.

If by "dependable" they mean "more likely to give you a certain level of immunity", then their own study contradicts this and CDC is being disingenuous which is not my fault.


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
If people want to get pregnant that's their choice. But choices have consequences. If you want to live and function in a society you should abide by the law of the land. If you don't wish to comply you shouldn't leave your house.

Except abortions aren't a public health issue.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
United States
For the same reason you think people who need to get life preserving surgeries should have to travel abroad. What's good for the goose is good for the gander?

So that means, by your logic alone, they're not human. Got it. Never thought I'd see a Republican that hates the military.

Isn't that what you're doing by advocating forced births, especially on pain of death in certain states?

The only BS is how you interpret the Constitution to fit your idealistic need for control of other people. If it's not about control, then at no point should you care.

Also, the 2A does not explicitly state the right to own guns, in any sense. That was a narrative pushed by gun manufacturers to sell guns, the way abortion statistics are manipulated to support religious oppression.

Of course you do, and I'm not the first person to point that out.

Last I checked this was a public forum. You don't like people responding to you? Don't post. Otherwise you're just crying.

Mmm, those Republican tears taste much better than liberal.

Just because something is a parasite doesn't mean it deserves to die, but why advocate the death of the host in favor of the parasite unless you had no empathy for the host? You pick and choose what lives are important under the guise of "all lives matter" and then don't understand why people call you hypocrites.

At the end of the day, you present yourself as a miserable Republican who gets mad when people call you out for being a bigot. Call everyone else an NPC or programmed all you want, you're the only one here at the moment that's ok with dehumanizing women because you only care about a baby when it's getting forced to be born. And before you argue that it's not your responsibility to care for someone else's child, you should realize that if you're not going to help the kid at hand, you have no business having an opinion on the matter in any regard. That's pretty entitled of you people to think you can put your mouth anywhere you want despite your fingers being in someone else's pocket.
I'm not gonna even read this nonsense anymore because it's already gone on for far too long, I'd have a more intelligent debate against a wall made out of manure. You have no ounce of respect or humanity in you for this to continue. I'm tired, have a headache, nothing will get solved, neither of us will budge on our positions ever regardless of how long this debate goes on, and it'll just be another 500 pages of arguing so good day or night sir and Roe v. Wade is still kill like it or not.
I agree. The analogy is involuntary organ donating.

Edit: A big thanks to @Issac for removing the anti-LGBTQ posts. I've been reporting these kinds of posts and bookmarking them to check later if anything is done about them, and it's often the case that nothing is done about them. Thanks again.
And you're an evil moron, good night.
Last edited by BitMasterPlus,


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
I'm not gonna even read this nonsense anymore because it's already gone on for far too long, I'd have a more intelligent debate against a wall made out of manure. I'm tired, have a headache, nothing will get solved, neither of us will budge on our positions ever regardless of how long this debate goes on, and it'll just be another 500 pages of arguing so good day or night sir and Roe v. Wade is still kill like it or not.

Look at you, crying again. What a whiner.

Biden's already set to filibuster the codifying of Roe v Wade. Even if that's all he did during his presidency, that's still gonna be way more than Trump ever did.

Good night, sweet dreams, don't let the thoughts of people having rights keep you up too late. I'm sure you'll have more vitriol to spread tomorrow.
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