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Students Asked To Leave Multicultural Room For 'Police Lives Matter' Sticker


Dec 6, 2008
United States
It would be baseless if you didn't present yourself that way. It's also starting to sound like someone's getting a little butthurt over a friendly forum discussion. If you don't have anything to add to the discussion, maybe you should check out another thread?

"Black on black crime". Or, you know, just crime. Kinda messed up to take regular crime and randomly attach racist overtones to it, isn't it? BLM started as a response to police brutality against the black community. Why should it concentrate on anything else? Though I guess while we're at it we should protest against the John Hopkins hospital because they don't treat adults, right? Don't be a hypocrite. We've got enough of those on this forum. All lives matter? Then why don't the lives of the MCC kids matter when white kids come a knockin'? Oh, because it doesn't sit your views. Maybe you should sit down. You clearly don't know what you're talking about. Try again.

LMFAO! And you want to talk about being butthurt? Omfg. Can't even make this shit up. Not to mention, you're CLEARLY out of the loop with BLM's own mission statements and reasons for existing. Might want to take a refresher course on that. Go back under your bridge. Hypocritical, ignorant, troll.
Last edited by D34DL1N3R,


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Says the "moderator" who low-key called me a fascist just a couple responses ago? Get over yourself and this stupid hill you're dying on.
I didn’t call you any such names. I barely know who you are, to be honest.
The point wasn't to whether you prohibit such symbolism and propaganda, or whether you were offended by any of this, what I said, otherwise, or not. It was the fact that you attempted to invalidate the offense that someone else took because you think the offense was unwarranted. In no part of your response did you address the reason why I quoted your words in particular; instead, you ignore the response in favor of packing circular arguments and tongue in cheek pot shots because you've run out of valid argument against the fact that, you evidently only think it's ok to be offended by the things you think is ok to be offended by.

That's hypocrisy. You can deny it all you want, you can misdirect it all you want with made up arguments and rogue implications, but at the end of the day, you invalidate these people because they haven't experienced the same atrocities you may have, therefore their experience is worthless.

So, after reading this "flimsy argument" closely, please enlighten the rest of the forum with how you're not a hypocrite because you're allowed to view communist symbols as offensive (regardless of whether you're offended by then or not), but POC aren't allowed to see Blue Lives Matter paraphernalia as offensive.

You know, my original argument with you in particular.
Oh, people can get offended by anything, you’re picking up the wrong side of the stick here. What I’m pointing out, in case it’s not obvious, is that there are no protections, legal or otherwise, against being offended - getting your jimmies rustled is your problem. There’s also the matter of judging what is and is not reasonable. I might find hamsters offensive, but that is not an average or normal stance to what the legal system calls “a reasonable person”. Being offended by the statement “police lives matter” is not reasonable, in any shape or form. An average, reasonable person is not offended by it. I also don’t think you quite understand what the word “hypocrisy” means. I would be hypocritical if I said that one group is entitled to feel offended whereas the other is not. They’re both entitled to feel offended by anything they fancy, and I am entitled to not care about that whatsoever - other people’s neuroticism is not my problem and I shouldn’t be burdened by it. I am interested in actions only, not by how people “feel”, your feelings are unimportant. All I see here is one person sitting peacefully with their laptop, which they own, getting accosted by strangers because they’re “offended” by a sticker on said laptop. That’s too bad, they’re still the aggressors here. As a quick side note, I literally just quoted myself stating that I don’t find communist symbolism offensive. If I’m not mistaken, that’s the very first reply I’ve posted in the thread you’re referencing. I don’t know why you’re doubling down here, I’m rather difficult to offend. I definitely don’t *respect* communists, but I will defend their right to display their symbols all the same, they have the same civil rights as I do. Defending the rights of one group and not the other would be quite hypocritical. :lol:
Last edited by Foxi4,
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Dec 6, 2008
United States
In Tinker vs. Des Moines the U.S. Supreme Court categorically stated that, I quote:

If a student wants to display a sticker on their laptop, they are permitted to do so in a public school setting. Students are not allowed to disrupt proceedings, a sticker can hardly be considered a disruption. There is some disagreement and different rules in regards to permissible settings, or what constitutes a disruption, which is district-dependent, and you are correct in saying that schools cannot apply their rules in a discriminatory manner, but we’d have to delve into the nitty gritty of this particular school’s regulations to have this discussion. Broadly speaking, students do not waive their rights at the door.

More detail can be found here, if you want a more nuanced answer:


I was already aware of Tinker vs Des Moines, but as you stated, "Broadly speaking,..". We'd have to know more about the schools regulations like you said. I generally agree with you, but there's more to it all than just Tinker vs Des Moines. Here's a bit more:

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Arecaidian Fox

Sep 5, 2013
Washington State
United States
I didn’t call you any such names.
Lastly, and probably most importantly, the text presented on the sticker is not offensive or insensitive in any context, unless you wish to mount an argument that police lives specifically don’t matter based on their chosen occupation, which would expose a degree of bigotry on your part, but you’re welcome to do that if you’d like.
Fine, it was "bigot" if you want to be specific, or at least the implication of such. Which, firstly, since I didn't say it before, screw you for that. Second, I really fail to see how my original message warranted such a reply, wherein you feigned your own brand of moral high ground crap. I believe I even said I was willing to give the sticker student here the benefit of the doubt? Granted, my opening was a bit harsh and if that is your issue, I'll even apologize if asked.
I barely know who you are, to be honest.
That much is obvious, nor do I really care. I'm sure we're both fine not knowing each other, if our interaction here is any indication.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
I was already aware of Tinker vs Des Moines, but as you stated, "Broadly speaking,..". We'd have to know more about the schools regulations like you said. I generally agree with you, but there's more to it all than just Tinker vs Des Moines. Here's a bit more:

Individual school districts have a high degree of authority in regards to regulations regarding decency, yes. We’re obviously talking about broad strokes here, the matter is more nuanced depending on the setting.
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As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
LMFAO! And you want to talk about being butthurt? Omfg. Can't even make this shit up. Not to mention, you're CLEARLY out of the loop with BLM's own mission statements and reasons for existing. Might want to take a refresher course on that. Go back under your bridge. Hypocritical, ignorant, troll.

*Enters a thread about racism, calls someone who stands for civil rights a troll.

Well now at least we know who's a racist around here. Now my baseless assumptions arent so baseless anymore, are they?

Oh, people can get offended by anything, you’re picking up the wrong side of the stick here. What I’m pointing out, in case it’s not obvious, is that there are no protections, legal or otherwise, against being offended - getting your jimmies rustled is your problem. There’s also the matter of judging what is and is not reasonable. I might find hamsters offensive, but that is not an average or normal stance to what the legal system calls “a reasonable person”. Being offended by the statement “police lives matter” is not reasonable, in any shape or form. An average, reasonable person is not offended by it. I also don’t think you quite understand what the word “hypocrisy” means. I would be hypocritical if I said that one group is entitled to feel offended whereas the other is not. They’re both entitled to feel offended by anything they fancy, and I am entitled to not care about that whatsoever - other people’s neuroticism is not my problem and I shouldn’t be burdened by it. I am interested in actions only, not by how people “feel”, your feelings are unimportant. All I see here is one person sitting peacefully with their laptop, which they own, getting accosted by strangers because they’re “offended” by a sticker on said laptop. That’s too bad, they’re still the aggressors here.

No one said there are protections against people being offended. Again, you're purporting arguments that don't exist in this thread to avoid what you can't argue against. Yet again, you're picking and choosing what people are allowed to be offended by. It doesn't matter that you dont feel its reasonable, or even that you claim its legally unreasonable. The fact that you think it needs to be legally reasonable to be offensive shows how detached you are. At one time, slavery was legally reasonale in the states. Based on your logic alone, should no one have found it offensive because it wasnt legally reasonable to be so? What about community guidelines against lighting fireworks in neighborhoods with PTSD residents? Do you that legally unreasonable as well? No, i call you a hypocrite because you defend the negative connotations associated with communist propaganda but dismiss the same connotations associated with police brutality based propaganda, more than likely because you haven't experienced it yourself. You argued so defiantly in the other thread against people who embraced the idea of communism, saying at least once that they would understand if they went through it themselves, but now your purporting they same stance they held against you.

That's hypocrisy.

If all you see is a person trying to study on their laptop, then you have no reasonable argument against someone who sees a hammer and sickle as a fashionable statement, or even a reasonable form of economic stability.
Last edited by SyphenFreht,
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto

Fine, it was "bigot" if you want to be specific, or at least the implication of such. Which, firstly, since I didn't say it before, screw you for that. Second, I really fail to see how my original message warranted such a reply, wherein you feigned your own brand of moral high ground crap. I believe I even said I was willing to give the sticker student here the benefit of the doubt? Granted, my opening was a bit harsh and if that is your issue, I'll even apologize if asked.

That much is obvious, nor do I really care. I'm sure we're both fine not knowing each other, if our interaction here is any indication.
I didn’t call you a bigot. What I said was that thinking anyone’s life is less valuable based on their choice of occupation is bigoted. If you hold such sentiments, that’s bigoted, bigoted meaning:
Bigoted, adjective
Obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.
I didn’t make an estimation on whether you hold such sentiments or not - only you can do that, I’m not inside your head. I also don’t need an apology, we’re exchanging ideas, which can get heated at times. This is a known quantity for all participants. Anyone afraid of getting burned shouldn’t be in the kitchen. Fortunately, I’m quite flameproof.


Dec 6, 2008
United States
*Enters a thread about racism, calls someone who stands for civil rights a troll.

Well now at least we know who's a racist around here. Now my baseless assumptions arent so baseless anymore, are they?

Your comments are *snip* I have to question if you're even serious or just being *snip*. I'm a racist because I called you a troll? You've GOT to be kidding me here. Seriously?

P.S. Baseless assumptions are still baseless.

Edit: Yup. laughing is all you have, when you have nothing better to say. You're a hypocrite and a liar. You stand for civil rights, but apparently only when those rights fit your own political narrative.
Last edited by Foxi4,
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As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
Your comments are just *snip* I have to question if you're even serious or just being a *snip* I'm a racist because I called you a troll? You've GOT to be kidding me here. Seriously?

P.S. Baseless assumptions are still baseless.
Says the guy who continues to add nothing to the current discussion except personal attacks because, I assume, they've run out of relevant things to say?

If you're not intelligent enough to keep the conversation going, just say so. It's ok. Unlike what you present yourself to be, the rest of us seem to be somewhat inclusive of most types of people. Maybe you'd feel more comfortable in a KKK thread, surrounded by your own echo chamber?
Last edited by Foxi4,


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
LMFAO! And you want to talk about being butthurt? Omfg. Can't even make this shit up. Not to mention, you're CLEARLY out of the loop with BLM's own mission statements and reasons for existing. Might want to take a refresher course on that. Go back under your bridge. Hypocritical, ignorant, troll.

*Enters a thread about racism, calls someone who stands for civil rights a troll.

Well now at least we know who's a racist around here. Now my baseless assumptions arent so baseless anymore, are they?

No one said there are protections against people being offended. Again, you're purporting arguments that don't exist in this thread to avoid what you can't argue against. Yet again, you're picking and choosing what people are allowed to be offended by. It doesn't matter that you dont feel its reasonable, or even that you claim its legally unreasonable. The fact that you think it needs to be legally reasonable to be offensive shows how detached you are. At one time, slavery was legally reasonale in the states. Based on your logic alone, should no one have found it offensive because it wasnt legally reasonable to be so? What about community guidelines against lighting fireworks in neighborhoods with PTSD residents? Do you that legally unreasonable as well? No, i call you a hypocrite because you defend the negative connotations associated with communist propaganda but dismiss the same connotations associated with police brutality based propaganda, more than likely because you haven't experienced it yourself. You argued so defiantly in the other thread against people who embraced the idea of communism, saying at least once that they would understand if they went through it themselves, but now your purporting they same stance they held against you.

That's hypocrisy.

If all you see is a person trying to study on their laptop, then you have no reasonable argument against someone who sees a hammer and sickle as a fashionable statement, or even a reasonable form of economic stability.
I am not picking and choosing what people are allowed to be offended by, and my stance is not hypocritical. They can be offended all they want on their side of the table. They do not get to attack another person based on their own fickle mental state. Your attempts at dragging the conversation into the weeds by bringing up 800 things completely unrelated to the sticker such as PTSD, slavery, communism and other assorted nonsense has been noted, and ignored. Let me reiterate. It doesn’t matter what the sticker says - if you get your jimmies rustled and assault another person, be it with physical force or intimidation, you are the bad guy. It doesn’t matter how you “felt” at the time. Not being able to control your mental state is not an exonerating circumstance, anyone throwing a hissy fit over a sticker to the point that they accost strangers has deeply rooted psychological problems and may want to seek therapy.
Edit: Yup. laughing is all you have, when you have nothing better to say. You're a hypocrite and a liar. You stand for civil rights, but apparently only when those rights fit your own political narrative.
“Rights for me, but not for thee” is a common theme in the modern civil rights movement. It’s funny, just a few decades ago everybody fought to stop people from being segregated to the back of the bus, now the same people are fighting tooth and nail to bring segregation back from the grave and designate a safe spot at the back of the bus. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad - students don’t want to have their preconceived notions challenged, which is the purpose of college. What they want is to splinter into bubbles where they can reinforce their beliefs, and those bubbles are fiercely antagonistic to each other. Sad state of affairs, to be sure.


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
I am not picking and choosing what people are allowed to be offended by, and my stance is not hypocritical. They can be offended all they want on their side of the table. They do not get to attack another person based on their fickle mental state. Your attempts at dragging the conversation into the weeds by bringing up 800 things completely unrelated to the sticker such as PTSD, slavery, communism and other assorted nonsense has been noted, and ignored. Let me reiterate. It doesn’t matter what the sticker says - if you get your jimmies rustled and assault another person, be it with physical force or intimidation, you are the bad guy. It doesn’t matter how you “felt” at the time. Not being able to control your mental state is not an exonerating circumstance, anyone throwing a hissy fit over a sticker to the point that they accost strangers has deeply rooted psychological problems and may want to seek therapy.

Except you're still misrepresenting what happened. You have two students, who took propaganda that they knew triggered people, to a place where those triggered people were allowed to be, a place created for them to learn in an environment free from discrimination, and got butthurt when these people got triggered.

I understand your point of your triggers being your problem, but when these people are handling their triggers in an environment where they're allowed to do so, and then have that environment interrupted by people who are only there to incite aggression... now you're just victimizing.

But call it what you wish. It doesn't concern you, it's not your problem, blah blah blah, but then here you are, arguing your opinion on it. You seem to have a habit of putting forth decent arguments, then backpedaling when you get backed into an intellectual corner, choosing to lean on "I don't care" defenses when your main argument fails.

At the end of the day, you're sticking up for people who blatantly find fun in antagonizing people. That speaks more for your character than your failed attempts at disproving your hypocrisy.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Except you're still misrepresenting what happened. You have two students, who took propaganda that they knew triggered people, to a place where those triggered people were allowed to be, a place created for them to learn in an environment free from discrimination, and got butthurt when these people got triggered.

I understand your point of your triggers being your problem, but when these people are handling their triggers in an environment where they're allowed to do so, and then have that environment interrupted by people who are only there to incite aggression... now you're just victimizing.

But call it what you wish. It doesn't concern you, it's not your problem, blah blah blah, but then here you are, arguing your opinion on it. You seem to have a habit of putting forth decent arguments, then backpedaling when you get backed into an intellectual corner, choosing to lean on "I don't care" defenses when your main argument fails.

At the end of the day, you're sticking up for people who blatantly find fun in antagonizing people. That speaks more for your character than your failed attempts at disproving your hypocrisy.
I haven’t back-pedalled once in this entire exchange, I never waived my right to have an opinion on the matter and I am unimpressed by your attempt at attacking my character. The environment they’re studying in is demonstrably not free from discrimination - the video clearly shows a person being discriminated against by fellow students. It was a pretty good ruse, too - the students lined up to prove the guy’s point.
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Dec 6, 2008
United States
Says the guy who continues to add nothing to the current discussion except personal attacks because, I assume, they've run out of relevant things to say?

If you're not intelligent enough to keep the conversation going, just say so. It's ok. Unlike what you present yourself to be, the rest of us seem to be somewhat inclusive of most types of people. Maybe you'd feel more comfortable in a KKK thread, surrounded by your own echo chamber?

You are absolutely clueless about me. I can't stand Trump, voted Biden, have gay & lesbian friends and immediate family, my best friend for many, many years is black, etc. Not that those things make me non-racist... but usually racist people don't vote Democrat and have close relationships with people from all walks of life, skin color, religion. political affiliation, whatever it may be. If I was racist, it's a FACT that I wouldn't EVER be BEST friends with a black man. The fact here is that you're just a trouble starting far left lib that want's to see hatred in everything that opposes your own opinion. And I will personally attack you when I see fit. It's kinda like stereotypes, ya know? People are only offended because there's truth to them. Seems you're offended that I don't bow down to your closet hatred and separation. You can claim to stand for all the civil rights you want, but let's face it, your entire train of thought says completely otherwise. You're a fake & the hypocrisy in your posts is mind boggling.


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
I haven’t back-pedalled once in this entire exchange, I never waived my right to have an opinion on the matter and I am unimpressed by your attempt at attacking my character. The environment they’re studying in is demonstrably not free from discrimination - the video clearly shows a person being discriminated against by fellow students. It was a pretty good ruse, too - the students lined up to prove the guy’s point.

I never attacked your character. I defined it based on how you argue and what ideologies you stand behind. If you don't want to be misrepresented, don't represent yourself that way. You know, like the two white students did. Going to a place where, yet again, they knew they'd cause trouble. Well damn. Might as well take down the whole MCC then, because racists can't stop being racist then, right? What was, the point again? That poor little white students can't go around antagonizing POC without retaliation? Well, in that case, you'd be right. For once in this thread at least. Now if only other POC could just get used to the fact that white people are allowed to do whatever they want, however they want, then no one would ever be racist again. If only we'd thought about this sooner
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
You are absolutely clueless about me. I can't stand Trump, voted Biden, have gay & lesbian friends and immediate family, my best friend for many, many years is black, etc. Not that those things make me non-racist... but usually racist people don't vote Democrat and have close relationships with people from all walks of life, skin color, religion. political affiliation, whatever it may be. If I was racist, it's a FACT that I wouldn't EVER be BEST friends with a black man. The fact here is that you're just a trouble starting far left lib that want's to see hatred in everything that opposes your own opinion. And I will personally attack you when I see fit. It's kinda like stereotypes, ya know? People are only offended because there's truth to them. Seems you're offended that I don't bow down to your closet hatred and separation. You can claim to stand for all the civil rights you want, but let's face it, your entire train of thought says completely otherwise. You're a fake & the hypocrisy in your posts is mind boggling.
I don’t think that playing Civil Rights Bingo to show other people where exactly everybody sits on the Pyramid of Victimhood is particularly productive. A bigger, broader point to make is what the civil rights movement actually was. Civil rights leaders didn’t fight for “safe spaces” for people to segregate in - they fought to *desegregate*, and they’ve succeeded. We don’t need “safe spaces”, every “space” is supposed to be “safe”, that was the whole damn point of the struggle. If they’re not “safe enough” then maybe, just maybe, what people are looking for is to be sheltered, and that’s not the function of college, or any public “space”. If people want to be sheltered, they should consider turning Amish or something - here in the real world they’re going to encounter things they don’t necessarily like or agree with, and it is encumbent on grown adults to be able to deal with that accordingly without waterworks.
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Dec 24, 2008
United Kingdom
anyone throwing a hissy fit over a sticker to the point that they accost strangers has deeply rooted psychological problems
I'm not condoning the behaviour at all (in fact my immediate reaction was probably similar to yours), but it seems to me you've inadvertently hit the nail on the head regarding the deeply rooted visceral response to perceived racial injustice. I'm not white or black, but I can attest to feeling the weight of generations of racism somehow being embedded in my bones. I wouldn't ever react how they did in this video, or think it was acceptable to do so, but I can sympathise to some extent.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
I never attacked your character. I defined it based on how you argue and what ideologies you stand behind. If you don't want to be misrepresented, don't represent yourself that way. You know, like the two white students did. Going to a place where, yet again, they knew they'd cause trouble. Well damn. Might as well take down the whole MCC then, because racists can't stop being racist then, right? What was, the point again? That poor little white students can't go around antagonizing POC without retaliation? Well, in that case, you'd be right. For once in this thread at least. Now if only other POC could just get used to the fact that white people are allowed to do whatever they want, however they want, then no one would ever be racist again. If only we'd thought about this sooner
1) How do you know they were racist?
2) Police Lives Matter includes the lives of black police officers. Are they racist too?
3) People are allowed to do whatever they want, wherever they want, regardless of their skin colour, as long as it is legal. That was the whole point of the civil rights movement - desegregating and not discriminating based on skin colour. You mention the guy’s skin colour a lot - would you be equally upset if he was black? Is it the sticker, or his skin, that you have a problem with in this setting?
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As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
You are absolutely clueless about me. I can't stand Trump, voted Biden, have gay & lesbian friends and immediate family, my best friend for many, many years is black, etc. Not that those things make me non-racist... but usually racist people don't vote Democrat and have close relationships with people from all walks of life, skin color, religion. political affiliation, whatever it may be. If I was racist, it's a FACT that I wouldn't EVER be BEST friends with a black man. The fact here is that you're just a trouble starting far left lib that want's to see hatred in everything that opposes your own opinion. And I will personally attack you when I see fit. It's kinda like stereotypes, ya know? People are only offended because there's truth to them. Seems you're offended that I don't bow down to your closet hatred and separation. You can claim to stand for all the civil rights you want, but let's face it, your entire train of thought says completely otherwise. You're a fake & the hypocrisy in your posts is mind boggling.

I don't care about you. I care enough about how you present yourself in this thread to reply based on how you argue. "... usually racist people don't vote Democrat..." Usually, non racists don't have to defend their non racism. Chances are, if you have to say you're not racist by including your relationships with POC, you're probably a little racist, and only associate with POC because you're ashamed of your ridiculous, backward views. But please, try to convince me of your all inclusiveness with more examples of all the black people you roll with. Maybe pictures? Oh, get a picture of you fist bumping a black guy. That'll be dope, son.

Attack away then. When you start getting your comments erased because you'd rather focus on personally attacking someone over adding to the conversation, you have no to blame but yours-... No, in all likelihood you'll blame the fascist moderators who want to dismantle free speech. Your arguments would be cute if they weren't so predictable.

You're right. I have so much hatred. I shouldn't hate racists or people who mimic racist ideals, I should join hands with them and sing kumbaya.

I'm curious to know what my platform is, if I'm holding hatred and separation. Who am I trying to separate? Who am I trying to attack? Who am I standing up for? Please, tell me about myself. I'm genuinely curious.
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
I'm not condoning the behaviour at all (in fact my immediate reaction was probably similar to yours), but it seems to me you've inadvertently hit the nail on the head regarding the deeply rooted visceral response to perceived racial injustice. I'm not white or black, but I can attest to feeling the weight of generations of racism somehow being embedded in my bones. I wouldn't ever react how they did in this video, or think it was acceptable to do so, but I can sympathise to some extent.
That’s exactly the difference. You can feel a certain way about something, and you can even engage in a discussion about how you feel if your interlocutor welcomes such an exchange. You don’t get to attack them, a boundary you seem to grasp, and something that used to be the status quo before feelings took center stage. Empathy is good, blind rage is not. I can empathise with someone having a visceral reaction to stimuli, I can’t empathise with someone using aggression and intimidation in order to eject a person from an area they’re entitled to be in when they’re doing absolutely nothing that’s disruptive and simply mind their own business. Boundaries are important.
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As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
1) How do you know they were racist?
2) Police Lives Matter includes the lives of black police officers. Are they racist?
3) People are allowed to do whatever they want, wherever they want, regardless of their skin colour, as long as it is legal. That was the whole point of the civil rights movement - desegregating and not discriminating based on skin colour. You mention the guy’s skin colour a lot - would you be equally upset if he was black? Is it the sticker, or his skin, that you have a problem with in this setting?
1. I don't. I made assumptions and conjecture based on their actions. If they are proven not racist, I'll be the first in line to admit I was wrong and apologize.

How do you know they are not racist, and were not there to incite aggression?

2. Personally? I don't know. Nor have I made the statement that all cops are racist. Or that any of them are racist. My argument is that the POC in this situation are offended by the racist connotations that have been associated with the Blue Lives Matter banner.

Should the institution itself be proven to have either been built upon racist intent, or influenced by it in its current state, would you be willing to change your view?

3. You're absolutely right. And just as the white students were free to incite and engage, the students of color were free to harass (to fit both our sides of this perspective). At no point was anyone physically assaulted or threatened. We've already agreed (maybe not you in particular) in an earlier comment that things escalated.

You seem to misunderstand the point of the MCC. There's no segregation going on. It's free for white people to enter. It was designed to embrace all cultures, not specifically just white peoples'(highlighted by the "center" comments) . Maybe the one girl of color went a little overboard, but when triggered by agitators, well... at least it's legal, right?

I mention his skin color because it's relevant to the situation, and I don't know his name (also irrelevant. I don't know anyone else's names either, for the record). If the roles were reversed? It depends. If white people had been subjected to the same treatment POC have the past ~300 years, everything from discrimination, to systemic racism, to slavery, go on and so on, then yes, I'd be equally upset. My concern isn't skin deep, it's over the ethical treatment people have against each other based on deep rooted, abstract hatred.
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    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: Get a new door step that's a slope