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Students Asked To Leave Multicultural Room For 'Police Lives Matter' Sticker


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
Replace the word white with black and Europe with Africa if it sounds racist at that point, it is. A great test is to change the color and if all of a sudden it becomes racist to you... You may want to do some hard thinking.

When it's put that simply, organically, you're correct. However, I've yet to see in America where whites were actively regarded as less than human for centuries on end in a country that was built upon the backs of and yet systematically disregarded against for an even longer amount of time.

When I start seeing "No Whites Allowed" signs and riots against whites trying to attend school, I'll take your point to heart.

That's completely wrong, how you did the mental gymnastics to come up with that load of crap I will never know. Also hate to break it to you... White people are in the minority on this planet as well as most races lol (Asians are the vast majority) so maybe do a bit more thinking.

"Mental gymnastics". From someone who proved themselves quite the mental gymnast themselves when quoting my comment above.

I'm glad you've realized that, globally, white people are the minority. Tell me how that's relevant to a situation regarding a predominantly white school in a predominantly white country that's known for having predominantly white people owning slaves and generally treating POC as less than human.

Go on. I'll wait.


GBAtemp's Pannda
GBAtemp Patron
Sep 14, 2009
United States
So you built a straw man and fought it.... congrats you won! Not sure where you found a victim I blamed or who I was blaming for anything but phantoms they be like that.
I don't know why your fighting with me... im on your side ... White have statically abused and taken advantage of for Hundreds of years.. its not like 99% of American wealth and political power have been exclusively white for the Entire time.... its not like American has been Historically known to have a War with itself for Basic Human Rights... that would be crazy

Psionic Roshambo

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2011
United States
When it's put that simply, organically, you're correct. However, I've yet to see in America where whites were actively regarded as less than human for centuries on end in a country that was built upon the backs of and yet systematically disregarded against for an even longer amount of time.

When I start seeing "No Whites Allowed" signs and riots against whites trying to attend school, I'll take your point to heart.

"Mental gymnastics". From someone who proved themselves quite the mental gymnast themselves when quoting my comment above.

I'm glad you've realized that, globally, white people are the minority. Tell me how that's relevant to a situation regarding a predominantly white school in a predominantly white country that's known for having predominantly white people owning slaves and generally treating POC as less than human.

Go on. I'll wait.
You wont have to wait long, a lot of people fought and died to free those slaves a tiny while ago, maybe it was last week.... I haven't been keeping up on the news lately. Seriously even my own race was enslaved at one time and slaughtered by huge numbers, but hey the past is the past. You can learn from it yes, but living in it no. People should value each other, no matter the race the religion or any other factors. When you start lumping people into groups of any kind, demanding justice because they are group X. That's the kind of logic that lead to Hitler gaining power... He blamed the Jews for everything wrong in Germany. What a time to be white and Jewish lol I think they even skinned some of them for lampshades.... But hey your favorite victim race/religion surely was treated worse right? Now please just be kind to each other... No one should be made into furniture. lol


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
It has to do with ethics a lot, and It's alway better to be the bigger person, you shouldn't be an asshole to a person just because some other people did to you when you was young. that's prejudice, and I think that was the base of antiracism don't justge people because their race, or their culture.

You wouldn't be wrong, except you're saying this in regard to people that had their space invaded by people who were trying to get a rise out of what was supposed to be considered a safe space for people of color. You're victimizing the aggressor by projecting the actual victims as being overly aggressive instead of just being defensive, when the white students should have never used that situation to incite aggression in the first place.

hmm let's see, ok, let's say "In this establishment, just white people are permited, if you are not a white man you can't enter here, the workers are instructed to serve coffee only to white people" now change it for black and now all It's ok, right?, there's nothing bad, because latins, black people or women can't be the bad people ever, they are always good people, right?... All kind of discrimination should be a big no to normal people and as grown ups and decent people, we all should be able to talk each other, or simply ignore, tolerate. Try to be better person is what people should learn, not find ways to justify unrespectful attitudes. I'm latino by the way, and no, I'm not from méxico but I don't care that much.

Except, that's not what happened. White students entered a multi cultural class/study room with the intention of inciting offense. Then when confronted with the idea of it multi cultural, they retorted with white culture, which seems to be an argument that's only used in relation to anybody learning anything that isn't white. I can't agree with whites not having culture or there not being white culture in general, but I know a big part of American white culture is the ~250 years of active slavery and POC discrimination, which I've found most white people like to gloss in an effort to stay culturally relevant. That being said, most black culture has evolved from Americanized slavery, as most slaves cannot trace their ancestry past slavery, while most whites can completely trace their ancestral history, of which culture embraces wholeheartedly.

I agree, discrimination should be a thing of the past, but when confronted by people who use it as a platform to incite aggression, how can you expect every POC to be the bigger person? Instead of telling POC to basically, "just walk away", why not go after the people who purposely disrespect the progress POC have made?


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
You wont have to wait long, a lot of people fought and died to free those slaves a tiny while ago, maybe it was last week.... I haven't been keeping up on the news lately. Seriously even my own race was enslaved at one time and slaughtered by huge numbers, but hey the past is the past. You can learn from it yes, but living in it no. People should value each other, no matter the race the religion or any other factors. When you start lumping people into groups of any kind, demanding justice because they are group X. That's the kind of logic that lead to Hitler gaining power... He blamed the Jews for everything wrong in Germany. What a time to be white and Jewish lol I think they even skinned some of them for lampshades.... But hey your favorite victim race/religion surely was treated worse right? Now please just be kind to each other... No one should be made into furniture. lol

Who's living in the past? The students of color who have one classroom out of a whole campus to be free from racial scrutiny, or the white kids who used an offensive banner from some time ago to incite an aggressive response that's rooted in hundreds of years of racial discrimination?

Good point though. Maybe if we converted the racists, there wouldn't be much racism. I think converting openly racist groups like the KKK and the Proud Boys instead of a small group of multi ethnic students minding their business would be a better place to start? Or is that too regressive for you?

Psionic Roshambo

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2011
United States
Who's living in the past? The students of color who have one classroom out of a whole campus to be free from racial scrutiny, or the white kids who used an offensive banner from some time ago to incite an aggressive response that's rooted in hundreds of years of racial discrimination?

Good point though. Maybe if we converted the racists, there wouldn't be much racism. I think converting openly racist groups like the KKK and the Proud Boys instead of a small group of multi ethnic students minding their business would be a better place to start? Or is that too regressive for you?

I am pretty sure the only people who like the KKK or the Proud Boys or The Black Panthers or Nazis any of the "We only like one color" type of group are pretty vile. Trying to lump me into them so I can fit in your straw man argument won't really work. I don't like any kind of gangs, I don't support them. I really wish people would treat everyone with respect.
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As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
I am pretty sure the only people who like the KKK or the Proud Boys or The Black Panthers or Nazis any of the "We only like one color" type of group are pretty vile. Trying to lump me into them so I can fit in your straw man argument won't really work. I don't like any kind of gangs, I don't support them. I really wish people would treat everyone with respect.

I wasn't trying to lump you in with any of the above organizations, and I apologize if my response made it appear that way.

No, my comparison was in response to the overly apparent theme that, while I'm not implying you or anyone particular is toting the mentality, any time POC run into a problem like this, it's always on them to be the bigger person and incite change through compassion, instead of correcting the offenders at the core through education. Reform shouldn't always have to come at the hands of response.

Psionic Roshambo

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2011
United States
I wasn't trying to lump you in with any of the above organizations, and I apologize if my response made it appear that way.

No, my comparison was in response to the overly apparent theme that, while I'm not implying you or anyone particular is toting the mentality, any time POC run into a problem like this, it's always on them to be the bigger person and incite change through compassion, instead of correcting the offenders at the core through education. Reform shouldn't always have to come at the hands of response.
Oh I am sure the person who initiated this whole ordeal was a complete and insensitive ass, and they should be the ones to change. We just have to be ever vigilant that in destroying our enemies that we don't become them ourselves. There will always be assholes in this world... Sadly a lot of them will never see how bad off they are, nothing we say or do will change them.

Some people (no race or color or religion involved) are just born messed up and making others suffer or feel bad is how they feel better. Me I like seeing everyone happy as possible, even if it costs me being happy. If I could make the world a better place, even if it cost me my life, I would gladly give it.

Racists of any kind are the worst of the worst, I grew up in one of the worst racist towns in America. I think they had a cross burning on someone's lawn in 2018... I thankfully don't live there anymore but I got beat up a lot as a kid for making friends with a black family that lived near me. Racists are a hateful people... I took my beatings with pride, knowing that I was stronger than they where. I didn't need a group and my ideals couldn't be beat out of me. In the end I am sure they are just as vile now as they where then lol over 30 years ago since I lived there (almost out of highschool) I have seen the worst, I have seen the best, I really wished people would be better and make better choices and help each other, color be damned lol


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Wear a Nazi armband to a Synagogue and tell us how your opinion here pans out. This kid showed up to a space with something, if not currently offensive, at least insensitive. And while I'm willing to give a benefit of the doubt, I also can't be mad at the other kids in that room who were upset.

EDIT: Folks do need to chill out about symbols, you aren't wrong there. But there are some things that just are not acceptable.
In a free society where freedom of speech is respected the action you’ve just described should be permissible. Frowned upon, to be sure, but permissible. Freedom of speech exists to protect all speech, this includes a subset of speech you don’t like. The difference here is that your hypothetical synagogue (cutting right down to the chase with an absurd argument, I like it) is private property and a place of worship - the rabbi can eject anyone who doesn’t belong from said property as its sole administrator, particularly if the individual is interrupting the gathering’s right to religious worship, although admittedly, just “sitting there” isn’t much of an interruption. Back to the subject at hand, the students are not administrators of the college they go to and they do not get to decide who stays and who goes, nor do they decide what stickers are and are not permissible. If the college is public then you’re welcome to display any message you like that is permitted by law since you’re protected by the First in the same way you would be in any other public setting, if it is private then it’s the dean’s responsibility to set such boundaries. Lastly, and probably most importantly, the text presented on the sticker is not offensive or insensitive in any context, unless you wish to mount an argument that police lives specifically don’t matter based on their chosen occupation, which would expose a degree of bigotry on your part, but you’re welcome to do that if you’d like.


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States

This link explains the reasoning behind and point of the multicultural center, that being of providing a safe space for, paraphrased, students of color that have been underrepresented, to learn and grow in an environment free from racial inequality


This link purports that the students were asked to put away their offensive materials, then asked to leave, then demanded to leave, after multiple refusals, by the MCC organizers themselves, most likely in addition to the students


This link calls the students of color BLM members, because if anyone wants to whine about activism, it's the right wing conservatives in their attempt to continuously stay racially dominant

...Lastly, and probably most importantly, the text presented on the sticker is not offensive or insensitive in any context, unless you wish to mount an argument that police lives specifically don’t matter based on their chosen occupation, which would expose a degree of bigotry on your part, but you’re welcome to do that if you’d like.
You don't get to pick and choose what other people are allowed to find insensitive or offensive, any more than any is allowed to tell you that you have no business being offended by communist symbols and propaganda, to whatever degree you may find yourself offended by such ideologies, as per the Communist Symbols thread we were a part of last week. You can compare the severity of the two all you want, you have the freedom to do so, but to defiantly argue that all communist propaganda and symbols are bad because they're bad to you, just to turn around and invalidate someone else's offense because you don't agree with their idea of offense? That makes you a hypocrite. Comrade.
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Deleted member 546149

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2020

This link explains the reasoning behind and point of the multicultural center, that being of providing a safe space for, paraphrased, students of color that have been underrepresented, to learn and grow in an environment free from racial inequality


This link purports that the students were asked to put away their offensive materials, then asked to leave, then demanded to leave, after multiple refusals, by the MCC organizers themselves, most likely in addition to the students


This link calls the students of color BLM members, because if anyone wants to whine about activism, it's the right wing conservatives in their attempt to continuously stay racially dominant

You don't get to pick and choose what other people are allowed to find insensitive or offensive, any more than any is allowed to tell you that you have no business being offended by communist symbols and propaganda, to whatever degree you may find yourself offended by such ideologies, as per the Communist Symbols thread we were a part of last week. You can compare the severity of the two all you want, you have the freedom to do so, but to defiantly argue that all communist propaganda and symbols are bad because they're bad to you, just to turn around and invalidate someone else's offense because you don't agree with their idea of offense? That makes you a hypocrite. Comrade.
People who find everything offensive make this world a horrible place

Arecaidian Fox

Sep 5, 2013
Washington State
United States
In a free society where freedom of speech is respected the action you’ve just described should be permissible. Frowned upon, to be sure, but permissible. Freedom of speech exists to protect all speech, this includes a subset of speech you don’t like. The difference here is that your hypothetical synagogue (cutting right down to the chase with an absurd argument, I like it) is private property and a place of worship - the rabbi can eject anyone who doesn’t belong from said property as its sole administrator, particularly if the individual is interrupting the gathering’s right to religious worship, although admittedly, just “sitting there” isn’t much of an interruption. Back to the subject at hand, the students are not administrators of the college they go to and they do not get to decide who stays and who goes, nor do they decide what stickers are and are not permissible. If the college is public then you’re welcome to display any message you like that is permitted by law since you’re protected by the First in the same way you would be in any other public setting, if it is private then it’s the dean’s responsibility to set such boundaries. Lastly, and probably most importantly, the text presented on the sticker is not offensive or insensitive in any context, unless you wish to mount an argument that police lives specifically don’t matter based on their chosen occupation, which would expose a degree of bigotry on your part, but you’re welcome to do that if you’d like.
Wow, way to word salad your way up to some kind of bogus moral high ground. You have succeeded in sucking any sense of nuance from the subject, congratulations :yay: . I guess in that respect, "you win" since I have zero damned interest to responding more directly to your babble. Plus, @SyphenFreht already said it best.
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