i mean i know its not the same thing as outright pkhexing a pokemon, but it does come incredibly close.
Pls, don't joke....
i mean i know its not the same thing as outright pkhexing a pokemon, but it does come incredibly close.
tbh, it feels to me like using this program would automatically undermine anyones claim to legitimacy anyway.
i mean i know its not the same thing as outright pkhexing a pokemon, but it does come incredibly close.
as for what i ( am planning to) use this for, mostly chaining once its supported. mostly for shiny things with ok ivs, as its clearly preferable to kill a bad shiny and keep the chain going till the next one comes by.
By definition of the community subgroups I'm a part of, RNG is legitimate as long as a human is the one playing the game and controlling all the input. No bots are allowed for obtaining Pokemon.
That's a great use! We're always pushing for the next update, and can't wait to add more features for people to enjoy.
We're also still looking for screenshots and pictures of people using this plugin to feature!
Upload them on imgurNoob question - how do I upload pictures? I've got some sweet captures to show off!
Did you figured out something for the 1+ NPCs legendaries? >.<
Noob question - how do I upload pictures? I've got some sweet captures to show off!
We're still looking into that, but like I said, limited time and other responsibilities and life in general makes development slower.
But we are trying to figure other RNG factors, as well as ways to help with future research and development.
Awesome! When posting a comment, there is a button to upload a file - that should allow you to upload a picture. Also posting it to Imgur and posting the link as a comment here is another great way to do this!
Thank you!
This is only thanks to you!
Wow! That's awesome! Thank you so much! And I like how you were able to get hidden power fire on Lele!
Thank you so much!!!
View attachment 78498
Got it right with Lele. I don't know how, but the frame delay I found that works for this is 3, and the frame range should be 417 (or really at least 2, 417 is just the default when opening the program) at the beginning, rather than 1, apparently the wanted frame is off by one. Of course, you could keep 1, treat the delay as 2. Also I used a syncrhonizer, the delay would've been 4 or 5 without it, I think. It's in a Beast Ball too, somehow that worked better than a Moon Ball, Dusk Ball, and Lure, Tapus are bastards, their catch rate is really low.
You have see my image of fini??
I didn't see that! Wow great job!!!
That's really awesome, and Fini is such a cool Pokemon! Thank you!
View attachment 78498
Got it right with Lele. I don't know how, but the frame delay I found that works for this is 3, and the frame range should be 417 (or really at least 2, 417 is just the default when opening the program) at the beginning, rather than 1, apparently the wanted frame is off by one. Of course, you could keep 1, treat the delay as 2. Also I used a syncrhonizer, the delay would've been 4 or 5 without it, I think. It's in a Beast Ball too, somehow that worked better than a Moon Ball, Dusk Ball, and Lure, Tapus are bastards, their catch rate is really low.
Tell me what delay you used! I need a 6iv Fini. ;-;
Too much work. Ill just bug ya on Discord. XD Nah. I just want 6iv matching Tapus. Perfectionist abd collector side is coming out. .___.I can tell you it most likely won't be the same, sorry
But I can also tell you that you should be able to find your own soon and pretty easily too.
Just keep checking back to this thread, and stay on the lookout for new info.
Too much work. Ill just bug ya on Discord. XD Nah. I just want 6iv matching Tapus. Perfectionist abd collector side is coming out. .___.
I already can breed all the shinies with magnificent natures and stats like no tomorrow. Im a strange one... My Solgaleo was 31/31/31/31/31/30 off the bat and my Lunala was 31/30/31/31/31/31 off the bat as well before your tool. Now my Tapus shall be 6iv but Fini... Ehhhh. Guess I can breed some eggs...Haha sounds good. Don't worry, it'll happen soon.
In the meantime, why not rng some shiny eggs? Those are much easier, and a lot more customization can be done!