Any grown guy interested in the Red Pill theory/philosophy?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
The "red/blue pill" crap is literal garbage that's just repackaged junk science, junk social science, sexism, self-hatred, and other shitty beliefs. Just be yourself, you don't need to follow some random movement started by insecure dudes on 4chan.
Yes, of course. You shouldn't join a movement. But some of what they say is also true.
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Edson Arantes do Nascimento
Aug 19, 2009
Look, I'll tell how women work:

If a woman like you, then she like you, if she don't, then she don't like you. Why make things complicated? (It works for men and every other definition, label or whatever too).

If you have trouble to get in a relationship, look to your underbelly, don't blame others, it's weak, dumb.

If you can't keep your relationship with a women, then fix your relationship (or fix yourself) instead of going to the internet to give advice about something your clearly did not have figured out.
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Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
- Guys can be alpha type (the genetically/socially superior), beta, gamma ... (the less attractive ones). The hard truth is that : 10% of men (alphas) have relationship with 80% of women

I always found this to be a really entertaining self-fulfilling prophecy since the hard truth is, if men actually believe and follow this trash they'll be part of the "90%" who never have a relationship with a woman...because they make themselves so repulsive.

Redpill is easily debunked by one very simple fact that is the root of all problems people who believe in it have. Women are just people. Yes, a shocking fact. Women are in fact, just people. Like you, like men, women have personalities and preferences with infinite combinations. Not every woman will be attracted to every man just like not every man is attracted to every woman.

Redpill only works for a small percentage of men. And why does it work? Because some men are attractive enough to get with women just looking for a one night encounter and their warped shitty personality isn't much of a factor. But none of them will ever have a real relationship because they fundamentally don't understand women.

Redpill is a very obvious attempt to exploit lonely, desperate men who want an "answer" for why they're lonely and desperate. There's a simpler answer, and it's generally your own fault and your own misunderstanding of women. Redpill is a product that was made to sell regardless of success. Because the success is 0, or more likely negative. If you have issues with women beforehand, following redpill will simply magnify that and ensure you never get a woman because following redpill requires seeing women as objects or problems to be solved, not as people.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2014
I always found this to be a really entertaining self-fulfilling prophecy since the hard truth is, if men actually believe and follow this trash they'll be part of the "90%" who never have a relationship with a woman...because they make themselves so repulsive.

Redpill is easily debunked by one very simple fact that is the root of all problems people who believe in it have. Women are just people. Yes, a shocking fact. Women are in fact, just people. Like you, like men, women have personalities and preferences with infinite combinations. Not every woman will be attracted to every man just like not every man is attracted to every woman.

Redpill only works for a small percentage of men. And why does it work? Because some men are attractive enough to get with women just looking for a one night encounter and their warped shitty personality isn't much of a factor. But none of them will ever have a real relationship because they fundamentally don't understand women.

Redpill is a very obvious attempt to exploit lonely, desperate men who want an "answer" for why they're lonely and desperate. There's a simpler answer, and it's generally your own fault and your own misunderstanding of women. Redpill is a product that was made to sell regardless of success. Because the success is 0, or more likely negative. If you have issues with women beforehand, following redpill will simply magnify that and ensure you never get a woman because following redpill requires seeing women as objects or problems to be solved, not as people.
Thank you for your input, from female perspective.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
If a woman like you, then she like you, if she don't, then she don't like you.
Understanding why a woman is going to like you and stay, is important. Because otherwise you might go through life being taken advantage of.

I always found this to be a really entertaining self-fulfilling prophecy since the hard truth is, if men actually believe and follow this trash they'll be part of the "90%" who never have a relationship with a woman...because they make themselves so repulsive.
It actually makes little difference. Except if you don't realize what is happening, you just go through life getting screwed over. If you do realize what is happening you end up alone.

I'm not saying that all women will act a certain way, but women who are in relationships already are not available to you.
It's only single women that is being talked about and they do have similar traits to how they behave.
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Deleted member 194275

Edson Arantes do Nascimento
Aug 19, 2009
Understanding why a woman is going to like you and stay, is important. Because otherwise you might go through life being taken advantage of.
What you telling is that abusive relationships do exists, so, yes, I agree, they do. It's not like "I'm neo and I've eaten a red pill", it's just something kinda ill that happens. The victim may be either part, the abuser may be either part as well. It's not a women thing.

Gender inequality is diminishing, true, but we men are lights year away to be in disadvantage if we look society as a whole (western society mind you, I don't even need to bring Saudi Arabia or Iran up about this subject).


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2014
Not totally absurd, some friend who works as a dentist is paying $1500 alimony to his ex wife and is a strong advocate. He's always trying to warn be before marriage

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Yes, of course. You shouldn't join a movement. But some of what they say is also true.
The issue with that is what ends up being “true” is the result of their own self-fulfilling prophecies. Example, the “alpha males always get women.” This can be seen as “true” but ignores the reality that the person saying it has literally done nothing to better themselves an individual. So it’s only true because the “alpha” is just a guy with self-respect, above basic hygiene, and isn’t sitting on the internet blaming everyone else for their failures.
Not totally absurd, some friend who works as a dentist is paying $1500 alimony to his ex wife and is a strong advocate. He's always trying to warn be before marriage
That’s a pretty bad way to cope with a failed relationship. I hate to break this to you but not every relationship works out. But the idea that you need “warn” people before they get married is a massive red flag.
I'm not sure your moral defense of the modern use of "Red Pill" works when half of your examples are Nazi Germany's appropriation of a religious symbol, but go off champ.
He’s literally Fascist who tries to pretend he’s an intellectual.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
So it’s only true because the “alpha” is just a guy with self-respect, above basic hygiene, and isn’t sitting on the internet blaming everyone else for their failures.
I shower once a day & go salsa dancing twice a week, where I meet a lot of women. It doesn't make the red pill movement any less true for me.

I wouldn't join a movement over it, because I think that isn't healthy either. But it's not a self fulfilling prophecy.

I have self respect, otherwise I would use money to attract women.

That’s a pretty bad way to cope with a failed relationship. I hate to break this to you but not every relationship works out. But the idea that you need “warn” people before they get married is a massive red flag.
I think we should warn all men about relationships, women do it. I have heard women warn other women off men, if they don't meet "the standard". If I'd become a doctor, women would be recommending each other to date me.
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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
I shower once a day & go salsa dancing twice a week, where I meet a lot of women. It doesn't make the red pill movement any less true for me.
I understand that it can be true for you but it's still not based on anything other than the criticism brought up in this thread. The movement is based on a lot of junk with the only legitimacy being the self-fulling prophecies to back it up. Simply put, it's literally garbage to everyone else who looks behind the curtains. I used to be a woman and used to deal with "red-pilled" guys. All types were clearly guys with deep insecurities and an obvious need for therapy.
I think we should warn all men about relationships, women do it. I have heard women warn other women off men, if they don't meet "the standard". If I'd become a doctor, women would be recommending each other to date me.
I think you are missing the wider context that being his friend having a failed relationship and deciding that all relationships need to be warned beforehand. That's a coping mechanism and it's a really poor one.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
It's even funnier, because the people who use "Red Pilled" unironically would blow their gasket when they realize the creators of the movie are trans women who have openly proclaimed to having intentionally made it trans allegory. Realizing that you're idolizing the most mainstream LGBTQIA+ movie of all time is the real red pill.
Why would I care that The Matrix was created by trans women? Let alone blow a gasket?

You take the red pill if you want to see reality, blue pill if you want to go back into the matrix.

I think you are missing the wider context that being his friend having a failed relationship and deciding that all relationships need to be warned beforehand. That's a coping mechanism and it's a really poor one.
If I got run over while crossing the road, I would warn everyone of the dangers faced when crossing the road.

I understand that it can be true for you but it's still not based on anything other than the criticism brought up in this thread. The movement is based on a lot of junk with the only legitimacy being the self-fulling prophecies to back it up. Simply put, it's literally garbage to everyone else who looks behind the curtains. I used to be a woman and used to deal with "red-pilled" guys. All types were clearly guys with deep insecurities and an obvious need for therapy.
It's garbage to everyone who doesn't have the same shared life experience.

Like how white people don't see racism because they don't feel the effect of it.

If what you're saying is that women will either ignore insecure men or treat them badly, further traumatizing them, then yes I would agree with you. What advice do you think a therapist will give them? They can't change objective experiences, only tell you to reject reality.

The reasons given by every woman that won't date me, are things that I cannot change no matter what therapy I go through.

There are some real arse holes in the red pill movement, because statistically within every group there are going to be arse holes. That doesn't mean that everybody who has a similar shared experience is an arse hole.

And yes, I understand that women are allowed to make choices & I'm ok with that. I just wish to meet a single woman who isn't either a confirmed anti vaxxer who is fighting against bill gates, isn't so committed to the idea of a man who is out of her league that she won't consider anyone else, looking for someone to pay their mortgage after their divorce, or rule anyone out who doesn't already have children. I can't bring myself to do the whole foreign bride, I know someone who did and they left and refused to take their daughter once she had a passport.

Online is brutal as women only swipe right on the top 20%, so I generally avoid that (free ones are dog shit, paying for one is like paying to be rejected in your own home).

I wish there had been someone to explain what to look out for when I was younger.

Joining a movement is a waste of time, but not joining the movement and trying aimlessly to find someone isn't going to work any better. Women are too ruthless for that (at least here, in the age range that I could pull off)

The basis of this philosophy, which underpins almost all conversations in his community, is that females get away with things by virtue of being female.

Seems pretty true to me.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2018
221b Baker Street
United States
Why would I care that The Matrix was created by trans women? Let alone blow a gasket?

You take the red pill if you want to see reality, blue pill if you want to go back into the matrix.
Because most people who unironically think the Red Pill is real are hateful conservatives who think that all bigotry is just "seeing minorities for the way they really are", and that being racist, homophobic, and transphobic is just being Based and Redpilled. They're the same kind of people who say shit like "it's easier to come out as gay than conservative nowadays" and "women won't date me because I'm a conservative man".

These people think THEIR perception is reality, and use "I'm just red-pilled and seeing the truth" as the only defense. It's circular. I'm red-pilled because what I see is the truth, because I'm red-pilled. It's a feedback loop where you always come out feeling correct, so anyone with obviously and objectively reprehensible views latch onto the Red Pill philosophy as an easy way to defend themselves against the copious amounts of criticism they WILL be getting for being obnoxious and terrible people.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Why would I care that The Matrix was created by trans women? Let alone blow a gasket?

You take the red pill if you want to see reality, blue pill if you want to go back into the matrix.

If I got run over while crossing the road, I would warn everyone of the dangers faced when crossing the road.

It's garbage to everyone who doesn't have the same shared life experience.

Like how white people don't see racism because they don't feel the effect of it.

If what you're saying is that women will either ignore insecure men or treat them badly, further traumatizing them, then yes I would agree with you. What advice do you think a therapist will give them? They can't change objective experiences, only tell you to reject reality.

The reasons given by every woman that won't date me, are things that I cannot change no matter what therapy I go through.
Considering the rest of your post, those women are right. But it’s not their fault, it’s very apparent that you’ve decided that this is right for you and refuse to change. It’s not the therapist’s fault, it’s not women’s fault, it’s your fault. The red-pill movement is made up of guys who refuse to take responsibility and refuse to better themselves because they blame others for their own failures. This was a criticism already mentioned and you are giving a prime example of that criticism. Take some responsibility, learn to work with other people, learn to take criticism, and learn to listen others. Your relationships will go a long when once you drop the red-pill attitude.
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