Kid Icarus; Thisss gameee!

One of the best handheld games I've ever played. Good work Sakurai and the English VA was too awesome.

Now onto multiplayer mode.


not to sound like a sony fanboy, but when i saw the first commercial for it, i thought "damn, that game would be amazing on the vita."

i would be thinking that even if i had a 3DS.
regardless, the game looks awesome. i'll have to get it when i get the 3DS lite.
[quote name='Shabutie78' timestamp='1333386978'] not to sound like a sony fanboy, but when i saw the first commercial for it, i thought "damn, that game would be amazing on the vita." i would be thinking that even if i had a 3DS.regardless, the game looks awesome. i'll have to get it when i get the 3DS lite. [/quote]
I don't think there will be a 3DS Lite until battery technology advances. Otherwise, what else are they gonna improve upon? They are not going to add in a 2nd analog because it would fragment 3DS owners.
[quote name='yuyuyup' timestamp='1333389390']I don't think there will be a 3DS Lite until battery technology advances. Otherwise, what else are they gonna improve upon? They are not going to add in a 2nd analog because it would fragment 3DS owners. [/quote]
the console itself is very bulky and clunky looking.
a 3DS lite will/could trim down the system so it doesn't look like something from the '80s. also, improve the 3D performance and size of the LCD screens.
and a second analog is possible. just how you can play a game that uses two analog pads using the stylus if you don't have the analog attachment, it wouldn't impact owners of fat 3DSs at all.

it doesn't matter exactly what it is they improve, it's just that common sense says they are going to have a 3DS lite eventually. and that's what i'm waiting for, because though i'd like to be able to play 3DS games, the current 3DS definitely isn't worth my money.
[quote name='Shabutie78' timestamp='1333390524']snip[/quote]

The 3DS isn't bulky at all it's the same size as a DS lite and if you care about battery life just get a better battery for it or an attachment. Seriously 4 to even 7hrs is more than enough.
Have you seen handhelds from the 80's-90's, the 3DS is a good looking system and looks way better than a DS lite for example.

And about Kid Icarus being on the 3DS. It's the perfect platform for it.

It's nearly impossible to play the flying sections without 3D at higher difficulty levels, witout it
you can't judge the distances between projectiles and obstacles properly.
The game can't be played with two analoges either because it wouldn't be as fast or precise as with the stylus/thumbstylus, the game is really that hard, anything between intensity level 7-9 is crazy.

And what do you expect when it comes to screen size, it's a portable system!
The screen delivers more than enough for you to see what's happening, I mean you hold it like 1.5 feet away from your face when playing, are you blind?

And Heartgold, I agree with you, the game is absolutely stunning!
I've played it for about 18hrs, I'm only on chapter 15 and I haven't even touched multiplayer yet.
Actually I don't advance till I've beat a level with the intensity set at 7. (sometimes 6)

Have you tried to play chapters with dialog and effects turned off?
It's an amazing experience after you've played it the normal way.
I wonder how many hours of music this game actually contains, ~3hrs?
[quote name='Eerpow' timestamp='1333393499']snip[/quote]
no offense, but you're sort of just seeming fangirlish, the way you blindly defend every single thing i said about the 3DS.
the 3DS is very bulky, especially given the size of the buttons and screens. and the '80s look i was talking about refers to the trim and lack of streamline aesthetic of the system. compare it to (dare i say) a ps vita? or even a DSi XL. it just isn't classy, it looks like an old clunky toy.
for instance, take the original DS. and compare that to a DSi XL. notice the difference? you see how clunky the original DS is compared to it? and i'm not just talking about the system itself, i know it's a clunky system and there really isn't a fair comparison, but the 3DS looks clunky nonetheless.
i understand you and many others love your 3DS system, but to say the 3DS looks as good/modern as a DSi XL or PSV is just blind obsession (or fanboyism).

i never said anything about the battery not being good enough, so calm down. all i said was that they could improve the battery in a hardware revision. i've spend lots of time playing the 3DS, but i don't own my own so i have really nothing to say about the battery.
and yeah, i'm sure kid icarus is good on 3DS. but i can imagine it being a great game on PSV. imaginary example of an instance:
kid icarus came out on both PSV and 3DS. PSV version has far superior HD graphics, front and rear touch controls, along with everything else the 3DS has. perhaps you could use the rear touchpad to aim if you choose to, and if not then the right analog stick does perfectly fine. what you just said is that 3rd person shooters won't work on the PSV because they're not as fast or precise as another system's method of aiming, and that makes no sense. the vita has touch controls. and there's a such thing as sensitivity options.
sure, it would be good and cool on the 3DS, but all i'm saying is the game would be awesome on the vita.
and about 3D being required for some parts of the game. no. just no. there has never been a game in the history of the universe that required 3D visuals in order to complete and segment, no matter how difficult. 3D is just a gimmick. (i like the 3D, but it's a gimmick, don't think i'm trollin)

about the screens, it has smaller screens than my DSi XL, and that's extremely disappointing and sad. especially the bottom screen, ew. and for your information, yes i'm a little blind. but that has nothing to do with it.

just calm down, the game will never be on vita, i was just saying it would be awesome if it were to come out on the vita. the game looks pretty cool.
They design the aesthetics of early models with the intention of future improvements, but even so I think all the DS systems look great, even the original. I don't think they will make a 3DS with larger screen because of battery limitations.

The impact 3D depth perception has on gameplay is subtle but legitimate. I would guess that games down the road will have a more impactful 3D experience.
[quote name='yuyuyup' timestamp='1333399653'] They design the aesthetics of early models with the intention of future improvements[/quote]
that's exactly what i was saying, but i figured it would make the fanboys rage if i dared to say that nintendo intentionally uglified the 3DS.
the DS to DSi XL difference in aesthetics is like night and day.
PSP to PSP3000 isn't so obvious - they look very similar.
3DS to the last 3DS hardware revision i'm sure will be a major difference considering how ugly the 3DS is.
and vita to slim vita, i'm not exactly sure. the first vita that's out now is extremely sexy, not just for a launch hardware but for a general tech device of the current age. in a way, i can see vitas getting uglier down the line. much like the PS3 > PS3 slim change.
but the fact remains; 3DS isn't worth my money, personally.
Yes it does have great gameplay but no I disagree on the voices its horrible and I wish there was a mute button so you don't have to hear them.
Claim: 3DS is bulky
Fact: 3DS is same size as DS Lite.
Fact: DS Lite is not bulky.
Therefore, 3DS cannot be bulky.

Claim dismissed.
[quote name='DiscostewSM' timestamp='1333416144'] Claim: 3DS is bulkyFact: 3DS is same size as DS Lite.Fact: DS Lite is not bulky.Therefore, 3DS cannot be bulky. Claim dismissed. [/quote]
perhaps bulky wasn't the right word. clunky fits much better.
the original DS was bulky. and the 3DS is nowhere near that size. so yeah, you're right. it isn't bulky. it's clunky.
[quote name='Shabutie78' timestamp='1333401507'] [quote name='yuyuyup' timestamp='1333399653'] They design the aesthetics of early models with the intention of future improvements[/quote]that's exactly what i was saying, but i figured it would make the fanboys rage if i dared to say that nintendo intentionally uglified the 3DS.the DS to DSi XL difference in aesthetics is like night and day.PSP to PSP3000 isn't so obvious - they look very similar.3DS to the last 3DS hardware revision i'm sure will be a major difference considering how ugly the 3DS is.and vita to slim vita, i'm not exactly sure. the first vita that's out now is extremely sexy, not just for a launch hardware but for a general tech device of the current age. in a way, i can see vitas getting uglier down the line. much like the PS3 > PS3 slim change.but the fact remains; 3DS isn't worth my money, personally. [/quote]
In my honest opinion, I think the aesthetics of the Vita are a huge step backwards. The original PSP was SOO good looking, the Vita shape reminds me of a leapfrog
[quote name='Shabutie78' timestamp='1333396955'] [quote name='Eerpow' timestamp='1333393499']snip[/quote]*snip*[/quote]

Well all I can say is that your part of a minority if you think it's clunky looking.

And still, I stand by my argument, the screens can't be bigger unless they make an XL model, which yet again only a minority would buy and even less would take it with them on the go because of the size.

I think many of us who have actually played the game would agree with me that the 3D is helpful for this title. It isn't required but it makes the flying parts less frustrating, meaning that you won't die because of accidentally flying in to things. Yes, that has actually been a problem with similar games like sin and punishment.

Kid Icarus isn't your normal TPS game, it's a very hectic game.
But thinking about it, maybe such controls would be possible with the rear touch panel. I'm not sure how comfortable it would be though, you would have to reach out your middle finger for it.

Finally, yes the 3D is a gimmick, but I don't see how that's a bad thing, it's a feature that actually can be useful depending on the developer. Think about how much nicer they can make the environments for 2D platformers.
With 3D seeing what's actually a platform/enemy/bullet won't be as hard, since you would know which layer is which.
That something that developers have not been able to take advantage of in the past.

I'm only countering your arguments because none of them were valid reasons for having KI on the PSV other than better graphics and you having bad eye sight.

You're the one who's "fangirlish" here, I'm not the one bashing the other system in fact I think the PSV is a great system, but having KI on there wouldn't make much sense.
Everything you've come with except for battery life are just based on opinions.

[quote name='Just Another Gamer' timestamp='1333410799'] Yes it does have great gameplay but no I disagree on the voices its horrible and I wish there was a mute button so you don't have to hear them. [/quote]
You can mute them in the menu, just turn down the voice slider until a red cross appears.
[quote name='yuyuyup' timestamp='1333429143']In my honest opinion, I think the aesthetics of the Vita are a huge step backwards. The original PSP was SOO good looking, the Vita shape reminds me of a leapfrog[/quote]
that's the first time i've ever seen anyone compare the vita to a leapfrog. either you're trolling or you're just a die hard nintendo fanboy.

[quote name='Eerpow' timestamp='1333459201']--[/quote]
the screens can't be bigger? really? so you're saying there isn't a load of extra plastic around the screen and buttons? oh, okay. well, all sarcasm aside, i understand the bottom screen can't get that much bigger. but still, they could/should have done something to make them bigger. and if you're going to say "there's nothing they could've done!" then that's just your fanboyism taking control.
i am part of a minority within this community, because gbatemp is obviously full of nintendo fanboys. it's a nintendo-based forum. but in the rest of the world, not everyone thinks the 3DS is so great. literally everyone i know except the 8 year old kid whose 3DS i play think the 3DS is ugly, pointless, for kids, and a step backwards from DSi XL in terms of aesthetics.
so yeah, i am part of a minority. that minority being non-nintendo-fanboys.

see, when i first heard about the 3DS i was like "cool, new DS." i love my DSi XL. and i had a DS lite back in the day too. then i heard about the supposed "wii" graphics. and i knew that wii has the same graphics as gamecube. and gamecube is from over 10 years ago. so i thought, "really, nintendo?" then i heard about the ONE analog pad. as if they hadn't learned anything from the PSP. and then i saw /how the system looks./ i was like ":wtf: really?" you take my opinions as "bashing" the system simply because you are a fanboy. there's nothing wrong with being a fanboy in itself, but it is causing you to act all defensive and over exaggerate my opinions. i never once went on about how the vita is better, or how the 3DS sucks or anything.

the reason i say it isn't worth my money is first of all because of the outdated hardware. i mean, the system came out in 2011 and its gfx look just a little worse than gamecube, which was 10 years older. then there's the one slider pad, fishy 3D that no one is really solid about, the screens that are smaller than the previous DS system's. my money isn't your money, so you have no reason to defend any of what i just said. you chose to buy the system despite all of its flaws, and you're happy with it. i say that's good, at least you didn't feel cheated or ripped off. if i had bought it, i would have. that's why i'm waiting for a 3DS lite, of even the 3rd or 4th hardware revision.

i never said the 3D was a bad thing, you fanboy. i said i like it. but it's a gimmick, and is therefore not needed in any case at all other than for games that are based off 3D gimmickry.

none of my arguments were arguments as to why KI should be on the vita. none of them were arguments at all. they were opinions. and i gave reasons as to why the game would be good on the vita, and they were 100% valid. why would this game not be good on a superior system? the game looks awesome, and is potentially better on a better system. there's no getting around that as that goes for almost any game. i just thought that this game specifically looked like it would do great on the vita.

i'm really not a fanboy at all, i love all my systems equally (well, my vita is obviously my favorite since it's the newest and coolest one), though i honestly hate my 360.
i was never bashing the 3DS, just saying why i don't want to buy it.
and yeah, aside from the single analog pad, size of the screens, shitty graphics (for this generation), and outdated hardware, they're my opinions. is something wrong with that? i have a few bad things to say about the vita too, but i bet you won't get all defensive about that would you?
[quote name='Shabutie78' timestamp='1333461267'] *snip*[/quote]
The top screen can't be bigger due to speakers, slider, cameras, wifi antennae and the technology revolving the 3D.
You're also part of a minority not only in this community but in general just look at reviews and such, you'll see how people comment on how it's a good looking piece of hardware.

But fine, neither of us are fanboys and neither of us can't prove anything with opinions.

And no you're not supposed to read my post with an angry tone haha.
Come on it's just games.

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