Four more years, four more years!

(Please note that none of this is written in my capacity as a mod, this is all just personal opinion and what have you)

Well today is my four year anniversary at the 'temp! It's hard to believe I've been here four years to be honest! lol The time has flown past. I first came across the site when I was looking into options of what I could pick up for my DS. A quick Google search about the best flashcart first brought me to the site. At the time there was alot of hype for an upcoming Slot-1 cart called "R4", the only other options at the time were a Passcart/Slot-2 (or Flashme/Slot-2) combo or a cart like the DS-X.

After lurking and reading all the info coming out about the cart I was suitably impressed enough to put in an order when they came out. A week later my cart arrived from Sweden and I grabbed all the homebrew available and of course some roms. It breathed a new lease of life into my DS for which I was grateful. I joined up then but wasn't really an active member. Mostly using the site for homebrew/scene news and the odd bit of chat.

After a couple of weeks I decided that I was far too lazy to drag and drop everything to maintain saves etc. The only ROM managers available at the time were Offlinelist and Rominator. I didn't really consider Offlinelist a manager, more of a renaming utility so gave Rominator a try. I really liked Rominator, Hank is definitely a more talented guy than I am or probably will ever be, but it lacked some features that I really wanted and Hank had already said wouldn't be incorporated.

So I decided to pick up a copy of Delphi 7 and try to write my own manager. A couple of weeks later the original R4 Commander was born, and there was much rejoicing! Well, on my part anyway. lol I first posted it up on the official R4 forums, and after a little bit of testing and debugging posted it up on the 'temp along with a few other sites like Moddz, DS-Scene and some I can't mention. The response from them all was really good and I began meeting alot of great and very helpful people. Fifthelement from Moddz offered me webspace so I could host boxarts, screenshots and the like and users on the 'temp were great! The users on the 'temp offered me tips, advice and no end of help, including Hank himself.

That's really when I saw how great the community was on the 'temp. In a time where everyone was competitive, nobody really wanted to share ideas, it was cooler to harass and insult people than treat them like people the 'temp just wasn't like that. Everyone was welcoming, friendly, loved chatting about anything from what they had for tea that night to tech stuff that was and still is way over my head. The beauty was though that even when I was like "Durr, I don't really get what you mean" nobody got abusive, insulting or anything like that - they did their best to be patient and help.

After a while Moddz shut down and I lost my hosting space. I thought that was the end of R4 Commander but chuckstudios immediately offered me hosting space, hosting space that was costing him dosh but offered to me free of charge. I was grateful and within 24 hours R4 Commander was up and running again. I was still active on other sites but slowly and surely all my time started being spent on the 'temp and I made it the central hub of R4 Commander along with the other utilities I began to write.

I began using the other sections of the 'temp then and became a much more active member and realised just how many great people existed on the site! All the admins, supers and mods were friendly and would go out of their way to help. They weren't just some distant figure who was there to enforce the rules, they were (and still are!) there to make the community a fun, informative and just plain welcoming place to be. Stuff that really impressed were things like tempmas, the KYT sessions, the tempcasts and just how much everyone tried to get everyone else involved. Of course, there were twats back then who had nothing more to contribute to the community than being twats, in any on-line or even real life community they're there. They didn't usually last long on the 'temp tho, as most users just ignored them and they withered away. There were trolls obviously who stuck around, but if you were a cunt with no other purpose in life than sucking up oxygen, forum space and being a cunt then you were given the toe.

Slowly all the other forums I was using were either shut down or the community itself just went completely downhill and I eventually began spending all my time here. I loved the place. I could come here and chat about literally anything to an amazingly wide ride range of people. Not only that, community participation was actually encouraged here! A rare thing in this day and age. This in itself was enough to make me say "Yeah, this is definitely a great place to be". It's like a throwback to an era that I loved in a time when everywhere seemed to moving away from it. In all honesty it reminded of the old BBS's like Demons Forge and Flying Teapot. A place where you were encouraged to grab a beverage, pull up a seat and enjoy yourself along with everyone else. And that's exactly what I did, and lo and behold here I am still here! I've been here longer than any relationship I've ever had with a woman! lol

So that's the background for how I came to be here, and why I'm still here! Now what about my opinions? Ok, well here goes.

The admins/supers/mods - Over the years I've seen and heard loads of complaints about them, even more so since becoming one. lol In all honesty I've never had a problem with any of them - I've even been modded myself on several occasions. Which just goes to show how unbiased they are. The only mod I've ever seen behave out of order was JPH near the end. Apart from that I've not met a single admin/super/mod here that didn't deserve the title.

The 'temp has gone downhill - I hear this alot these days, and well, I have to admit I partially agree with this. Although I think that description in itself is flawed. It's not the 'temp that's gone downhill it's the quality of the community spirit of the users. Sorry to say this guys but the 'temp can only give you as much as you're willing to put in. If you're not willing to get involved in the community, to help the community spirit and the like then that's how it is. It becomes a place where people just come for info, patches and to whine that the latest game isn't working their cart. So if you think the 'temp has gone downhill then instead of whining about get off your arses and start cheerleadering! There are lots of community activities to get involved in, and if there isn't one that suits then start one up! All I can really say is get involved, you won't regret it. Think of it like this, if your room is a mess the best thing to do is tidy it up. :)

All the best users are gone - Yes, there are alot of great members who have left. Real life should always come before internet life. You know what though, for every great member that has left a new great member has joined. I'm not gonna list names and what not because I don't believe in that kind of stuff, but take a look around. We have plenty of new and amazing members If the great members who left weren't being replaced by other new great members then the site would just be full of patch kiddies, but it really isn't. You just need to read throough the USN and GOTC sections to see it.

The Edge of the Forum has gone shit - Yep, no arguments from me on that one. It used to be a place full of random humour, madness and just plain fun. Don't get too nostalgiac though, there was still alot of rubbish in there. It's just the ration of quality to shite was alot better. These days the ratio has reversed but in all honesty I see it getting better and better. I have to wade through alot less shit flung at the walls by monkeys than I used to, so that in itself is a good sign. And I'll say it again, the community can only be as good as it's members. If you feel a particular part is going downhill or needs improvement then get off your arse and help achieve that.

Accusations of trolling - There are way too many accusations of trolling going on these days. I understand that there will always be the odd hiccup due to language and culture barriers and that some people will mistake sarcasm for trolling, but honestly now people need to stop accusing others of being trolls simply because they disagree with them. Trolling isn't disagreeing with someone, that's called disagreeing with someones opinion. It makes for healthy debate and lively discussion, and it's one of the things that makes the 'temp such a great place to be. The wide range of people, cultures, ideas and opinions!

There's more censorship on the 'temp now - Yep, there's more censorship here now. It's not because it was suddenly chosen to enforce more censorship though. It's just that more and more cunts are posting stuff that needs to be censored now. The same things are edited out, censored and trashed that always were. Instead of complaining at mods for censorship complain at the people posting the stuff that needs to be censored! If you post racist, homophobic or pornographic material it's gonna get trashed. If you insult someone for no other reason than to insult them it's gonna get trashed. That's the way it is and always has been. You don't want your stuff trashed, then treat everyone with respect, simple as. The same philosophy applies here as it does in real life, treat people as you expect to be treated. If you behave like a twat you'll get treated like a twat. In all honesty I think GBAtemp is one of the least oppressive open forums I've ever used in my life.

My favourite troll has been banned - Boo-hoo.

I'll end this here but may add to it as other things come to mind. I wasn't planning on writing an anniversary type thread but suddenly felt the need to! lol Here's a guide to GBAtemp behaviour I wrote a couple of years ago, and personally I think it's still as humurous and fitting today as it was back then.

So in final comment I just want to say to all the people I've known that have left I hope I see you guys become regulars again at some point and I hope life is treating you well and you're successful at whatever endeavour you're attempting! And to all the people I've known for both a long and short time here, thanks for all the help, laughs, good times and support you've given me over the years - it's always been very much appreciated. :grog: Here's to knowing you for many many more years to come.

For all those on the temp I don't know or don't speak to, thanks for contributing to the community I love so much. :)


I don´t mean to be ¨No, you!¨ish, but you did bring me up pretty directly in the first post of your wouldn´t me being there be on-topic?

Also the only nonsense post I made there (along with a serious one) was deleted.

I understand that you don´t like me, but you can just ignore me, you know.
[quote name='Rydian' post='3366433' date='Jan 2 2011, 01:14 PM'][quote name='Crass' post='3366408' date='Jan 2 2011, 03:04 PM']Ego much?[/quote]If you know somebody that embodies multiple aspects he was complaining about while still being enough of a contributor to put his complaints to shame, go on and name them.

I just felt this was the perfect example.

Upwards of 7k posts in under a year. Constant foul language and berating of members who disagree with you. Pretty well full of spam. GJ though. >.>
[quote name='GreatCrippler' post='3366693' date='Jan 2 2011, 06:58 PM'][quote name='Rydian' post='3366433' date='Jan 2 2011, 01:14 PM'][quote name='Crass' post='3366408' date='Jan 2 2011, 03:04 PM']Ego much?[/quote]If you know somebody that embodies multiple aspects he was complaining about while still being enough of a contributor to put his complaints to shame, go on and name them.

I just felt this was the perfect example.

Upwards of 7k posts in under a year. Constant foul language and berating of members who disagree with you. Pretty well full of spam. GJ though. >.>
Oh, god, this thread is going to be locked soon. So full of hate.

Anyway, I can understand people being assholes to me, at least it is within some sort of reason, but Rydian? He´s easily one of the biggest contributors to this community, and is an all-around asset here.
And to four more great...... *reads thread* And this thread is on the edge of becoming a "screw you, up your too" thread. It's a shame. Very well written, trolly dave. I haven't been on the temp long enough to truly comment on the supposed decline of the community, although I can say, that in my honest opinion, the community is still good and has the potential to become even better. Once the spammers stop spamming, and the trollers stop trolling, will this forum finally become a paradise. But alas, it is only a dream.
[quote name='monkat' post='3366682' date='Jan 2 2011, 02:53 PM']I don´t mean to be ¨No, you!¨ish, but you did bring me up pretty directly in the first post of your wouldn´t me being there be on-topic?

Also the only nonsense post I made there (along with a serious one) was deleted.

I understand that you don´t like me, but you can just ignore me, you know.[/quote]

Hoo boy. I haven't checked my topic all day. You do have my apology there. :) It's not that I don't like you. Trust me, I'm pretty indifferent towards most users here. I don't "favor" or "dislike" any one person. It's just that what I think that you do, no matter how much you enjoy doing it, is just plain, flat out wrong. This is technically a video gaming forum, you know? 'Tis not wrong, just disgusting. Other members here are speaking out against your behaviors too.

While you may think me prejudiced, unfair, etc., I really am not. If you PM me, and just talk to me a lot, you'll realize I'm a mellow guy. Yeah yeah, we all have our own little creeper fetishes, but I'm just asking you to tone down a bit. The whole "sexy monkey king" garbage just irks me like crazy. It eventually leads to a topic hijack either by you or someone else. You can accomplish the same things with a less wordy post. I think it's the way you get your point across that just makes me want to snap at something hahaha. Your "I disapprove" is some long winded mumbo jumbo.

While I'm here, I wasn't "attacking" only you. I was referring to a lot of other spammers as well, mainly the Overlord Nadrians and the shlongs (too bad I can't bitch at him because his avatar makes me lol too much -.-). If I came off badly, and if you personally think that I was only referring to you, again, you have my apologies. Take care, and please tone down just a little bit more. :)
[quote name='monkat' post='3366682' date='Jan 2 2011, 10:53 PM']don´t...wouldn´t...don´t[/quote]
Please use apostrophes. An acute accent is not an apostrophe.

Anyway, I suppose this place is naturally a place for all sorts of different characters. It's just that those that may have a more controversial character or lifestyle should learn to tone it down so as not to irk the rest of the community.
[quote name='geoflcl' post='3366639' date='Jan 2 2011, 11:31 PM']Regarding the sudden pervasive mindset that GBAtemp has 'gone downhill', I feel that GBAtemp is still far better a forum than any other I've come across thus far. Where this 2sudden surge of sedition is coming from, I haven't the slightest clue. Are such negligible factors such as sexual orientation and jocular antics like showing one's bare chest really legitimate causes for discontent? Even amidst all the positive aspects of the forum such as helpful tutorials, stimulating debate, and in-depth reviews, graciously provided by the fantastic members of our community, these trifling instances are still enough to brazen GBAtemp with the label of 'lost cause'? Yes, our fair community is by no means a divine one, but such is the consequence of a forum, where anyone is free to join and post. There will always be the ungrateful members, and the provincial novices, and a few members that you just won't like. Even THOSE would hardly qualify as legitimate reasons for expressing discontent with the forums. If one's distress stems strictly from those, or also sexual fetishes, or the occasional nipple, or heaven forbid someone posts something silly in the Edge of the Forum, then I'm afraid GBAtemp also suffers from a lack of tolerance as well, and those respective members are only inhibiting their own enjoyment of the wonderful community known as GBAtemp. :([/quote]

Very well said geo! Personally I don't think the 'temp itself has gone downhill, it's the community spirit that's going downhill. I think that's more of a reflection of the way society is going though. The world itself is becoming a place where people are becoming self-entitled and expect things to be done for them and given to them. The patch-kiddies are a good example of this. Most of those kids disappear as soon as the patch is relezsed and working though, but the impact they have sticks around for alot longer I think. I agree that the 'temp is nowhere near a lost cause, it just needs a minority of people to realise that it's not a website, it's a full blown community made up of all kinds of people from all over the world. I still see tonnes of great people here, new and old alike, putting in alot of effort to make it a fun, intelligent and interesting place to be. It's just that minority who would rather talk about how rubbish it is than put any effort in if you get me. I probably could have worded it better, I didn't mean to come off as saying everyone was like this, it really is just a minority. I mean, if they were to take a look around the site they'd see that we have everything from general game discussions all the way over to the other end of the spectrum which is real life news and debates on those subjects. It's just a matter of actually joining in! The 'temp will give you back what you put in on the majority of occasions. There are of course those that prefer to just insult, attack and harass people. In a community this size it's inevitable unfortunately. :( But for those willing to wade through the coal there are alot of diamonds to be found. As to the spammers and the trolls, report them where you see them. We're doing our best to clamp down on it but there's only a handful of us patrolling something which basically has the population of a small town! We try our best but we do need help on occasion. :)

[quote name='Ryukouki' post='3366673' date='Jan 2 2011, 11:47 PM']It's not just the pictures that have me extremely irked. It's the fact that these idiots try and hijack a topic with their bullshit. My angry QQ ragequit topic now got fucking burned I'm not going to go pointing fingers at anyone, but I'm sure the spammers know who they are. Why keep the people who do really ridiculous things like body adverts, +1s, o.o faces, etc? Seriously, in the last like 10 days, I've seen GBAtemp go half to hell. I still have a lot of questions that I want answered, but I can't even get that justification. I'm sure the staff knows what I'm raging about too... Can it at least be PM'ed? As far as I know, it's a private message for a reason. ;) Bottom line: we're a gamer's forum. Let's try and get some decorum back in here.[/quote]

Like I say, report the posts when they bother you and we'll respond as soon as we can. We do clamp down on +1, o.O and emoticon posts as best as we can but there's alot of threads here and only a handful of us. You're always more than welcome to PM me with any problems you've got. I can't guarantee that I can always help or that I'll respond with Superman style speed but my inbox is always open for those with problems.
[quote name='ProtoKun7' post='3367735' date='Jan 3 2011, 07:25 AM'][quote name='monkat' post='3366682' date='Jan 2 2011, 10:53 PM']don´t...wouldn´t...don´t[/quote]
Please use apostrophes. An acute accent is not an apostrophe.

Hehe, yeah, was having a bit of an issue with keyboard layouts...

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    The save file will be created and started normally on the Switch's OFW with a legit game. Then that save file will be transfered to the emulator and continue the gameplay there. Then send it back to the console.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I feel like I need to touch @Sicklyboy rack to make it work at this point
    The save file(s) would never be created first in an emulator
    Do you think continuing the story on the emulator would flag the save file as illegal? (Again no cheats, etc will take place, only normal story of the game progress)
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    But still using the save on a emulator, then back to switch is shady
    Yea, that's the only thing I want to clarify actually. If someone has tried it with no problems.
    If using the save on the emulator flags the save file. :/
    Again, "using" I mean normal gameplay not modify it with other means like pokehex, etc
    @BigOnYa, Can you help me clarify this thing somehow? Do you know someone that may know or have tried it?
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Just play it on the emulation at home and portable use the normal save, I wouldn't risk anything if online is important to you
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    My psychiatrist tried to help me once said it was mine 9 months later
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Just ask in the forums if anybody has done it, I don't know of anybody who has, or would risk it.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Baby daddy issues lol
    this is what I did here. I hope I get some responces
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Daddy was a little cray cray
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Go cray cray on it like a coloring book
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Got so mad my Bluetooth made me break a tooth
  • DinohScene @ DinohScene:
    that's why you should get titanium implants
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I'm actually waiting on insurance to accept those ffs almost been waiting 2 weeks
  • DinohScene @ DinohScene:
    steal them off off a corpse
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Mmm live persons more fun psi you're like 50 you should have a few :tpi:
  • DinohScene @ DinohScene:
    sold them all for meth\
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Meth implants the officer will never know sneaky flordians
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: Meth implants the officer will never know sneaky flordians