Square Enix Rant

I wonder what really made FF series to be considered so "great".

I've beaten FF4, the so called few of the "best" in the series, only to find myself mildly intrigued at what was presented. I thought it was a decent game with a decent story, but I basically forced myself to play it more than being interested in the story. The climax was built solidly, but the ending just collapsed with a
Oh, every single character except tellah was alive after all. We'll just take care of the evil in our world on the moon and let my brother live because he was brainwashed, just like Kain was.
I've played 3, 4, 6, 10, and 12 in the main FF games. They're all solid games, but none of them give me the feeling to "Continue" playing. I just play them whenever I feel like it, but I feel pretty empty when playing it. I wasn't feeling anything when playing them.The last RPG that really made me want to get more out of was Persona 4 (In before Lolthat'sadatingsimnotavideogame). At least Persona 4 got it right. Decent story with characters that developed greatly instead of developed forcefully, great boss themes (and a bunch of catchy stuff), good length, excellently paced gameplay and the sort. I'd rather take Strange Journey over anotherresistancegroupagainsttheevilgovernmentwithateenageroranearly20yearoldpro

Crisis core was a pretty good looking game was some fabulous music. Too bad the story was just a trainwreck. Unlike other FF games, I actually liked the protagonist, Zach. I also liked Angiel. But GENESISGENESISGENESISGENESISGENESISGENESISGENESISGENESISGENESISGENESISGENESISGEN
CLONESCLONESCLONESCLONESCLONESCLONESCLONESCLONESCLONESCLONESCLONES and a bunch of other annoying characters. Sephiroth's scene before attacking Zach made no sense to me even though I understood it. The combat was pretty fun for a while, but it really is just mash X to win. Don't even get me started about how to level up....

Same thing applies for the KH series. Except that it's a lot harder for me to play than the FF games, because I just can't seem to stand anything they throw at me. The story seems very shallow, characters are meh, and the whole game feels very easy. I'm not very far into the KH games so It's unfair to fully judge it just yet. I've seen enough awkwardly homosexual cutscenes from SE games, kthx. I have a feeling that it's the same as the time I was playing FF4. Perhaps my opinion will change as I get farther into the story, but I'm not liking anything about it, besides the music...

Now, the recent hit, TWEWY, I gets a better reaction than the other two mentioned, I suppose. I'll give it some credit for being different than being the part of the horde of generic JRPG#12341234. Unfortunately, there was only about 2 decent characters in there. The gameplay wasn't as hard as people made it out to be, and I had no problem with the game's difficulty in normal and hard modes. Some people told me that Neku was different from other typical SE character, because he developed into something great, etc. In my reaction, no matter how he changed, he was still a generic teenage protagonist to my eyes. Come back to us when you grow up to be like Jecht or something Neku. Neku was just another clone character of a clone character. I didn't feel that this was a mind blowing game, nor even a great game. It was a "good" game, nothing more. Good story, 2 good characters out of the entire game, overrated music, and a different battle system. That's how it really is.

You may think I just hate SE in general or something. Even I wonder about it. The last game I truly thought was a joy to play was FFCC:RoF. I can't really seem to remember anything else. I'll still buy FF13. It'll be the last chance FF series gets, before being put in my "ignore" list of games.

So far in this gen, the only RPGs I want to play are Demon's Souls and Tales of Vesperia. Demon's souls has little to no story, but I love it's music, combat and the difficulty. ToV, is because I'm throughly enjoying Tales of the Abyss. (Funny how I have both DS and ToV right now.)

Well, I guess I'll just go back to Blazblue or Uncharted 2. I already know people will call me a tasteless fag or something. Well then, I'm off!


[quote name='Tropicana' post='2489632' date='Dec 28 2009, 01:35 AM']Try harder to derail my thread, Guild, just like I derailed yours.[/quote]

[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='2489591' date='Dec 28 2009, 01:16 AM']Cool story bro.[/quote]


You're just bad at this, aren't you?

Anyway, on the note that it invented "turn based strategy", it at least brought it to America. Well, IDK if Dragon Warrior was released in America. Too stupid and too lazy to do the research.
[quote name='Tropicana' post='2489578' date='Dec 27 2009, 11:12 PM']I wonder what really made FF series to be considered so "great". I've played 3, 4, 6, 10, and 12 in the main FF games.[/quote]

So you have'nt played 7,8 or 9! The 3 most enjoyable games in the series! (not just my opinion but many others on the internetz and critics/game reviewers!!!)

Also out of the ones you've played 6 was the only one id consider to be great! 3 and 4 were ok and the ds remakes slightly improved on them but not amazing tho!

And 10 and 12 on the PS2 sucked tbh! 10's story was boring as shit, nobody cared about blitzball, too much dialogue and not enough action, plus you had no world map and basically travelled from A to Z with no exploration at all till right before you fight the final boss! 12 completely ripped off Star Wars for most of its storyline and design and the reinvented battle system sucked thats why Square our going bck to semi turn based for 13!!

The pinnacle of the FF series is 5,6,7,8, and 9 imo!
[quote name='silleeel' post='2489898' date='Dec 28 2009, 02:53 AM']So you have'nt played 7,8 or 9! The 3 most enjoyable games in the series! (not just my opinion but many others on the internetz and critics/game reviewers!!!)[/quote]

From what I remembered, around the times of his aforementioned played games, the internet wasn't really, you know, in existence like it is today. Sure, they had the remakes, but they didn't have the impact then (because they were remakes). 7, 8, and 9 were around during the time of internets.

Also, a good portion of FF fans on the internet are fanboys who will claim FFVII is the best game ever made, period.


Square took different approach in 10 and 12.
But 10 had a unique storyline plus the cut scene in both games was mind blowing.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='2489901' date='Dec 28 2009, 01:56 AM'][quote name='silleeel' post='2489898' date='Dec 28 2009, 02:53 AM']So you have'nt played 7,8 or 9! The 3 most enjoyable games in the series! (not just my opinion but many others on the internetz and critics/game reviewers!!!)[/quote]

From what I remembered, around the times of his aforementioned played games, the internet wasn't really, you know, in existence like it is today. Sure, they had the remakes, but they didn't have the impact then (because they were remakes). 7, 8, and 9 were around during the time of internets.

Also, a good portion of FF fans on the internet are fanboys who will claim FFVII is the best game ever made, period.


Yeah i know the earlier series on the nintendo like 1,2,3.4 etc were not around when the internet was about! But they've been remade/rereleased so many times now (E.g, FF Origins (PSX), FF1&2 (GBA/PSP), FF3/4 (NDS) FF6 (GBA/PSX) etc, etc) that you can easily find reviews and opinions on the earlier titles in the series and compare them to the newer iterations to decide which ones are the cream of the crop (might be a bit unfair as the graphical limitations of the earlier series are guna make the look of the games obviously not as good as the later versions but gameplay/story wise you can)! And with emulation anybody could easily find the original versions and play them for free!

Also im sure if you found out what the reviews and general opinion of the earlier series was back in 1987 they would have no doubt been considered great!!! But here in 2009 the present day when were looking at that series as a whole the likes of 7,8,9 are considered the best in the series by many and why most people today consider the final fantasy series to be "great!" which is the whole point of OP's rant he does'nt know why the FF series is considered great! Which is fine its his opinion, but im just saying he should try the ones in the series that largely contributed to the word of mouth of FF being "great!"

And as for the many FFVII fanboys comment i much prefer VIII myself! :lol:

@ tommyt

By unique do you mean crap? :P
[quote name='silleeel' post='2490019' date='Dec 28 2009, 04:52 AM']Yeah i know the earlier series on the nintendo like 1,2,3.4 etc were not around when the internet was about! But they've been remade/rereleased so many times now (E.g, FF Origins (PSX), FF1&2 (GBA/PSP), FF3/4 (NDS) FF6 (GBA/PSX) etc, etc) that you can easily find reviews and opinions on the earlier titles in the series and compare them to the newer iterations to decide which ones are the cream of the crop (might be a bit unfair as the graphical limitations of the earlier series are obviously not as good as the later versions but gameplay/story wise you can)! And with emulation anybody could easily find the original versions and play them for free![/quote]

I said specifically that the remakes won't have the same impact as the older games. By the time FFIV was on the GBA, the game was already 14 years old. A remake of a game based on 14 year old mechanics isn't gonna fair as well as it did 14 years ago, especially with RPGs (who show their age a lot sooner and a much more obviously). If you released the first Final Fantasy today, it would gather absolutely horrible reviews. Back in 1987, it was revolutionary, it was huge. It established RPGs to be what they are today.

Also, video game reviewers don't review emulated games unless they're officially supported, such as PSOne Classics and the Virtual Console. Even then, the games gather lower scores because they are rather old by today's standards.

Also im sure if you found out what the reviews and general opinion of the earlier series was back in 1987 they would have no doubt been considered great!!! But here in 2009 the present day when were looking at that series as a whole the likes of 7,8,9 are considered the best in the series by many and why most people today consider the final fantasy series to be "great!" which is the whole point of OP's rant he does'nt know why the FF series is considered great! Which is fine its his opinion, but im just saying he should try the ones in the series that largely contributed to the word of mouth of FF being "great!"

[quote name='"Wikipedia"']Major reviewers have called Final Fantasy IV one of the greatest video games of all time, noting that it pioneered many now common console role-playing game features, including "the whole concept of dramatic storytelling in an RPG."[61][62] Reviewers have praised the game for its graphics, gameplay and score.[45][61] Reviewers have noted that Final Fantasy IV was one of the first role-playing games to feature a complex, involving plot.[5][40] Nintendo Power proclaimed it set a "new standard of excellence" for role-playing games.[63] It would later place ninth and twenty-eighth in the "100 Greatest Nintendo Games" lists of issues 100 and 200, respectively.[64][65] In addition, the magazine GamePro rated it a perfect 5 out of 5 score in its March 1992 issue.[66] In 2005 IGN ranked it as twenty-sixth on its list of greatest games of all time; it is the highest rated Final Fantasy title on the list, but in 2007, the game was ranked #55, behind Final Fantasy VI and Final Fantasy Tactics.[67][68] Famitsu released a reader poll in 2006 ranking it as the sixth best game ever made.[69] However, the game's original release was heavily criticized for the poor quality of its English-language translation.[/quote]
That was really hard to read... >_>. I got through it.

So far... I have only played FF 3 and 4. I still haven't beaten FF 3... and FF 4, I haven't beaten either. They were good games... My friend always talks about FF 4 like he is some genius about it. Sometimes, I feel like I wanna slap his face and be like STFU. I introduced the Final Fantasy Series to him... Yet he acts as if he knows more than me which is a complete lie.

Oh and question... What's SE? KH was... Umm... Bleh. I liked everything except the Disney Characters. Come on, be more original Square Enix. Make your own characters.

TWEWY was okay. Ending was wtf. It made no sense.
[quote name='Splych' post='2490047' date='Dec 28 2009, 11:05 AM']Bleh. I liked everything except the Disney Characters. Come on, be more original Square Enix. Make your own characters.[/quote]
I thought KH was a combined work of Disney and SE? :unsure:
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='2489896' date='Dec 28 2009, 01:53 AM']Anyway, on the note that it invented "turn based strategy", it at least brought it to America. Well, IDK if Dragon Warrior was released in America. Too stupid and too lazy to do the research.[/quote]

Came out a year before Final Fantasy in America.

...and Wizardry had been around for a long time already.
eh i think a lot of the ff games should have been played in their time, these days a story of 4 strangers getting together and saving the world from some bad dude who wants to conquer it or destroy it isnt exactly mindblowing/awe inspiring anymore. and the latest ff games havent been all that great in terms of story.

though the battle systems have been getting interesting. i'd like to see square develop the dress spheres in x-2 into a system that isnt based a game purely made for fanservice.
[quote name='Rockstar' post='2490114' date='Dec 27 2009, 08:34 PM']damn i hate it when people say a game sucks just because its not their type[/quote]
Man, this guy must clearly dislike JRPGs, despite that he mentioned that he enjoyed playing Persona 4, FFCC:RoF and Tales of the abyss. He also mentions that he totally wants to play Demon's Souls and Tales of Vesperia, which both are JRPGs.

I should write some comment to make myself look witty.
[quote name='Tropicana' post='2490360' date='Dec 28 2009, 06:15 AM'][quote name='Rockstar' post='2490114' date='Dec 27 2009, 08:34 PM']damn i hate it when people say a game sucks just because its not their type[/quote]
Man, this guy must clearly dislike JRPGs, despite that he mentioned that he enjoyed playing Persona 4, FFCC:RoF and Tales of the abyss. He also mentions that he totally wants to play Demon's Souls and Tales of Vesperia, which both are JRPGs.

I should write some comment to make myself look witty.

I bet op is a douche that buys those same goddamn sports games year after year
[quote name='Law' post='2490375' date='Dec 28 2009, 01:20 AM'][quote name='Tropicana' post='2490360' date='Dec 28 2009, 06:15 AM'][quote name='Rockstar' post='2490114' date='Dec 27 2009, 08:34 PM']damn i hate it when people say a game sucks just because its not their type[/quote]
Man, this guy must clearly dislike JRPGs, despite that he mentioned that he enjoyed playing Persona 4, FFCC:RoF and Tales of the abyss. He also mentions that he totally wants to play Demon's Souls and Tales of Vesperia, which both are JRPGs.

I should write some comment to make myself look witty.

I bet op is a douche that buys those same goddamn sports games year after year

OP probably plays nothing but Halo and Madden.
Have played most of the ff games inside the main series (not CC etc) and can say that 9 and 5 were my favourites, the story and ability system in 9 was a lot different to the later games and I loved the job system that was in 5 as it gives you a lot more control over building up the characters.
I'm not sure where you got the idea that FFIV is the best in the series but that's not an opinion I've heard before. From what I understand Crisis Core won't have made much sense without playing VII first, regardless of how much you've read about the universe FFVII had a very detailed plot so your experience of that game would've been tainted by your lack of knowledge of the small finer points.

The mixed opinions of VIII were due to many people expecting VII all over again. VIII runs more like a movie, focused around the lives of the characters rather than the greater world plot, and the cast is smaller so each character is better developed. Which is why if you don't like the lead character or the setting then you won't like the game. But it is still 10 years old, the FMV's were jaw-dropping at the time so it might lose something being played now.

I'll agree with your opinion on FFX though. Any time you started getting immersed in the plot Tidus would start narrating and rip you right back out. The temple-trek plot was too repetitive and didn't get good until the last few hours, Seymour never actually did anything and was the most pathetic villian I've ever been put up against, and I only remember 2 pieces of music from the entire game. That's just not right, the music for this series is usually brilliant. To be honest I wonder if Id've liked it more without voice actors, I might not've hated Yuna so much if she didn't sound so spaced-out all the time.

The whole point of KH is that it's just plain fun. There is a story there, but it's nothing mindblowing and you really have to play Chain of Memories to get anything out of the plotline. I avoided the series for years thinking the Disney characters would piss me off but really it was the Final Fantasy ones that didn't work in the first KH, even the developers admitted they'd chucked them in at the last minute. Put it this way; if you're starting the KH series to play it just for the plot you're doing something wrong.
ff6 ftw!
everyones entitled to their own opinions, personally ff are some of the greatest games i've ever played.
Playing crisis core without playing the original VII, and read spoilers on the internet!? serieous WTF.

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