end of earth?

i saw on the news that the earth could be destroyed on the 21 of dec 2012
from solar flares.
i am told the sun goes threw a cycle of flares and the worst most powerful oned aer going to happen on this date
spooky huh?


[quote name='omgpwn666' post='2354412' date='Oct 27 2009, 06:13 PM']but he says he does not know when the 3rd anti Christ is coming.[/quote]
Oh. You didn't mention that.
Yeah,but your supposed to get that... lol Because then he just would have said the name of the 3rd anti Christ,but sorry for being unclear.
[quote name='omgpwn666' post='2354422' date='Oct 27 2009, 06:21 PM']Yeah,but your supposed to get that... lol Because then he just would have said the name of the 3rd anti Christ,but sorry for being unclear.[/quote]

Although there is no name mentioned there is a hint, it's a person who dies and comes back to life, this would translate to any scenario in modern medicine even a heart attack could fall into this because you can suddenly die then be revived with a defibrillator.
Baah. Humans are going to cause the end of the world or rather the end of the human race.

As Kalisiin said some religous idiot is going to spread his ideaology. Another will disagree and freaking 'cause a war. We contributed to global warming, the US blew up Japan with an atomic bomb, who's to say we won't do worse.

If you are offended by religous "stuff" stay away from the spoiler
I don't really get Christianity or the majority of other religons. What the hell do they mean by "Jesus" clears "us" of our sins. That's stupid. So anything we do that's bad, immoral is rectified by Jesus. Whatever. Y'know how they consider "Jesus" the son of god or god, how can he be a "god" if he died. If "God" is supposed to be almighty why did he die....like a regular human. Did he possess any supernatural powers when he was on Earth? The crazy thing is whenever (in religons) they can't explain a contradiction in their religon they claim man-kind wasn't "meant to know that". :wacko:
[quote name='GamerzInc' post='2354269' date='Oct 27 2009, 11:50 AM']xD alot of the people on the internet are angry at religion for some reason or another. that, or they come off as scared or rejected by it. the world will end when it ends. i dont plan to end with it though.[/quote]

Because religion sucks ass.

For one, it is so obviously made up. For two, it's a giant rule book...you do this and this, and believe this and this or you go to Hell!!

For three, a lot of us have been beaten up pretty badly, emotionally, spiritually, financially...and in many other ways...by "Christians" who try to force their beleifs and way of life off onto others who do not share them....and who thus believe they have the right...and the obligation...to carry out vengeance in the name of God. Just for starters look at the way gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people are often discriminated against in the workplace. You think that does not leave an emotional/spiritual scar on that person?

Screw religion. It sucks!! They SAY love everyone unconditionally...BUT THEY DO NOT PRACTICE WHAT THEY PREACH. Until they practice what they preach, as far as I am concerned the religious people can STFU.
[quote name='Revolutionize' post='2354781' date='Oct 27 2009, 03:55 PM']Baah. Humans are going to cause the end of the world or rather the end of the human race.

As Kalisiin said some religous idiot is going to spread his ideaology. Another will disagree and freaking 'cause a war. We contributed to global warming, the US blew up Japan with an atomic bomb, who's to say we won't do worse.

If you are offended by religous "stuff" stay away from the spoiler
I don't really get Christianity or the majority of other religons. What the hell do they mean by "Jesus" clears "us" of our sins. That's stupid. So anything we do that's bad, immoral is rectified by Jesus. Whatever. Y'know how they consider "Jesus" the son of god or god, how can he be a "god" if he died. If "God" is supposed to be almighty why did he die....like a regular human. Did he possess any supernatural powers when he was on Earth? The crazy thing is whenever (in religons) they can't explain a contradiction in their religon they claim man-kind wasn't "meant to know that". :wacko:

Ok first off wars are generally caused by disagreements, and there has never been a war over nothing. And as they say, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." I say why not spread your ideaology, you can't force anyone to believe what you believe (unless you brainwash them). Anyone who tries to force someone to convert to christianity, they are seriously misguided (that goes for other religions too.)

Anyways avoid the spoiler if you have an epilleptic seizure everytime you see religious talk. :)
Religion and ancient science are not EXACT, both say they have proof, but the "proof" is mearly speculation based upon millions upon millions of hours of study of data, and interpretation of old books and legend. If you believe in either one, I will sadly inform you, that you have faith (which sadly people also have phobia of.) People who say that ancient science is "logical" they are also sadly misguided. Ancient science is based off of theories that will not be proven until we learn to go back in time (for real, not some of that soil and rock division nonsense that is also based upon theories.) Religion to me (non-Chatholic Christianity) seems so much more "logical" than a bunch of conjectures thrown out there to "try" to explain whats already been said and done, without documentation (dates that no written history can be found).

Jesus Christ was the embodiment of God on Earth, he had what I call "powers bestowed by God" (others may call them "supernatural".) When he faced death, he asked God to save him from the problem at hand. God said no, you are there for a purpose, and that he would die for the sins of the human race. God could have very well saved his son from death, but he sent his son to die. (Jesus is also called the innocent lamb, the ultimate sacrifce, which previous to him people had to sacrifice lambs to be forgiven of thir sins).

I have to say right here and now I am not perfect I still do immoral and wrong things, but since I have Christ's spirit in my heart my slate is a clean one.
Anyone who is a christian and are a chronic sinner, and use the excuse "Jesus forgives me", they are a shame to the religion, and nothing ever justifies a sin.

end rant. :)
Oh no, the world's going to end again? :rolleyes: Oh well, by that time mankind should be extinct because of the swine flu.

[quote name='Kalisiin' post='2354867' date='Oct 27 2009, 11:42 PM']For three, a lot of us have been beaten up pretty badly, emotionally, spiritually, financially...and in many other ways...by "Christians" who try to force their beleifs and way of life off onto others who do not share them....and who thus believe they have the right...and the obligation...to carry out vengeance in the name of God. Just for starters look at the way gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people are often discriminated against in the workplace. You think that does not leave an emotional/spiritual scar on that person?[/quote]
I wanted to comment on that.

Before I say anything: I don't want to offend people in any way, I don't hate gay people, this is just how I look at things.

Have you ever discriminated against someone for what he did? I know I have. For example, I'm not nice to people if they're not nice to me or my friends. I don't want to hang out with people that I know have been stealing. Just to name something.

To some christians (some, not by a long shot all) being gay is considered a sin. For them, it's not morally wrong not to act nice to people that commit this sin.

I'm not saying this is good, but it's the way it is. The only way to solve this is to modernize the religion. Saying it's stupid won't solve a thing. These people believe in something that may be stupid to you and me, but is very important by them. By saying what they believe is stupid will just make them ignore you're well-founded arguments.
[quote name='Kalisiin' post='2354181' date='Oct 27 2009, 07:42 AM'][quote name='geminisama' post='2353560' date='Oct 27 2009, 12:36 AM']It's cute reading how much people still believe in fairy tales. :3[/quote]

Isn't it, though??

The whole REASON for religion is because...for some people, the absolute scariest words in the world are "I do not know."

So, they substitute faith for knowledge and scientific fact...and make up incredible explanations for things they otherwise cannot explain...and then expect everyone ELSE to accept their explanation on blind faith and they get pissed off if you actually ask the hard questions. And they, of course, have wonderful circular logic as to why they aren't required to show any PROOF for what they claim.

EXACTLY. My grandparents are Baptist Christian, so for most of my life, I went to church on Wednesday with them (mainly to get away from my stepdad), at first I just sat through their preaching and BS; but as I got older, I started asking them things. EVERY time I ever asked a serious question, they would give me some half assed answer such as, "Because it's part of Gods plan", or they merely pointed to an IRRELEVANT verse in the bible, as if it's gonna answer my questions. That's when I started to realize they were full of shit, and knew nothing more about reality than curious me did. If they didn't have their precious bible verses to hide behind, they would look even more ignorant, cause they surely can't questions without an answer you would find in a fairy tale.

And you're right, because they're scared of not knowing what happens, they try to force it on us, in every aspect of life. From mere preaching, to trying to make the government run based on THEIR rules. I've honestly started to think most religious people only stay religious, cause they're scared shitless of burning in Hell, because it's crammed into their head since they're children.
exactly what my mom always did, except she's a jehovah's witness... which is full of the most BS out of any religion out there.

If you're still a kid and your parent(s) become a Jehovah's Witness, kiss your childhood and your freedom goodbye
i dont caer the world ends in 2012 (which i doubt)
as long as im playing a ds when it does!!!
[quote name='Maikel Steneker' post='2354886' date='Oct 27 2009, 05:54 PM']Oh no, the world's going to end again? :rolleyes: Oh well, by that time mankind should be extinct because of the swine flu.

[quote name='Kalisiin' post='2354867' date='Oct 27 2009, 11:42 PM']For three, a lot of us have been beaten up pretty badly, emotionally, spiritually, financially...and in many other ways...by "Christians" who try to force their beleifs and way of life off onto others who do not share them....and who thus believe they have the right...and the obligation...to carry out vengeance in the name of God. Just for starters look at the way gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people are often discriminated against in the workplace. You think that does not leave an emotional/spiritual scar on that person?[/quote]
I wanted to comment on that.

Before I say anything: I don't want to offend people in any way, I don't hate gay people, this is just how I look at things.

Have you ever discriminated against someone for what he did? I know I have. For example, I'm not nice to people if they're not nice to me or my friends. I don't want to hang out with people that I know have been stealing. Just to name something.

To some christians (some, not by a long shot all) being gay is considered a sin. For them, it's not morally wrong not to act nice to people that commit this sin.

I'm not saying this is good, but it's the way it is. The only way to solve this is to modernize the religion. Saying it's stupid won't solve a thing. These people believe in something that may be stupid to you and me, but is very important by them. By saying what they believe is stupid will just make them ignore you're well-founded arguments.
They are supposed to love ALL PEOPLE...UNCONDITIONALLY. Their goddam Bible says so. and theat doesn't mean they get to pick and choose exceptions!!

Until those fuckers learn to practice what they preach...and not be mean to other people....they can fuck off and STFU. I hate them.
[quote name='geminisama' post='2355096' date='Oct 27 2009, 07:56 PM'][quote name='Kalisiin' post='2354181' date='Oct 27 2009, 07:42 AM'][quote name='geminisama' post='2353560' date='Oct 27 2009, 12:36 AM']It's cute reading how much people still believe in fairy tales. :3[/quote]

Isn't it, though??

The whole REASON for religion is because...for some people, the absolute scariest words in the world are "I do not know."

So, they substitute faith for knowledge and scientific fact...and make up incredible explanations for things they otherwise cannot explain...and then expect everyone ELSE to accept their explanation on blind faith and they get pissed off if you actually ask the hard questions. And they, of course, have wonderful circular logic as to why they aren't required to show any PROOF for what they claim.

EXACTLY. My grandparents are Baptist Christian, so for most of my life, I went to church on Wednesday with them (mainly to get away from my stepdad), at first I just sat through their preaching and BS; but as I got older, I started asking them things. EVERY time I ever asked a serious question, they would give me some half assed answer such as, "Because it's part of Gods plan", or they merely pointed to an IRRELEVANT verse in the bible, as if it's gonna answer my questions. That's when I started to realize they were full of shit, and knew nothing more about reality than curious me did. If they didn't have their precious bible verses to hide behind, they would look even more ignorant, cause they surely can't questions without an answer you would find in a fairy tale.

And you're right, because they're scared of not knowing what happens, they try to force it on us, in every aspect of life. From mere preaching, to trying to make the government run based on THEIR rules. I've honestly started to think most religious people only stay religious, cause they're scared shitless of burning in Hell, because it's crammed into their head since they're children.

Well, you're halfway right.
They stay "religious" for two reasons. You nailed one.

The other is because they feel it makes them BETTER than everyone else...and thus places them in a position to JUDGE other people, and to look down on others, and to treat others poorly.

They never EVER heed those parts of the bible that are inconvenient to them...that call for THEM to change, or for THEM to not judge, to be humble, etc.

They all think they are God's greatest work.

They can all go fuck off as far as I'm concerned...mankind would be far better off without religion...if I could, I'd get into a position of power..AND THEN BAN ALL RELIGION.
[quote name='PharaohsVizier' post='2355505' date='Oct 28 2009, 01:12 AM']Bottom line for my opinion: God may not be real, I don't believe in him. But religion is an important aspect of life and society, and you are missing out if you are dismissing it too quickly because you take the ever popular stance of "religion is stupid".[/quote]

But I don't take that view.

I take the view that religion causes people to do stupid things...to say and do hurtful, mean, rotten things to other people, merely because they (the target) does not share the belief, lifestyle, morals, etc...of the offending party.

I take the view that if they want to be religious...and interpret their stupid Bible LITERALLY...then let them apply ALL PARTS of it...and most especially...APPLY IT TO THEMSELVES!!!

Until they do that...they can STFU and go away. Keep those assholes out of our government and public policy and etc.

I hate them. Those bastards kept me unemployed for two years and nearly saw me starve as a result....THAT'S FUCKING MURDER!! Those bastards tried to murder me...by economic deprivation. Of course I hate them. You would, too.
[quote name='Kalisiin' post='2356156' date='Oct 28 2009, 11:06 PM'][quote name='Maikel Steneker' post='2354886' date='Oct 27 2009, 05:54 PM']Oh no, the world's going to end again? :rolleyes: Oh well, by that time mankind should be extinct because of the swine flu.

[quote name='Kalisiin' post='2354867' date='Oct 27 2009, 11:42 PM']For three, a lot of us have been beaten up pretty badly, emotionally, spiritually, financially...and in many other ways...by "Christians" who try to force their beleifs and way of life off onto others who do not share them....and who thus believe they have the right...and the obligation...to carry out vengeance in the name of God. Just for starters look at the way gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people are often discriminated against in the workplace. You think that does not leave an emotional/spiritual scar on that person?[/quote]
I wanted to comment on that.

Before I say anything: I don't want to offend people in any way, I don't hate gay people, this is just how I look at things.

Have you ever discriminated against someone for what he did? I know I have. For example, I'm not nice to people if they're not nice to me or my friends. I don't want to hang out with people that I know have been stealing. Just to name something.

To some christians (some, not by a long shot all) being gay is considered a sin. For them, it's not morally wrong not to act nice to people that commit this sin.

I'm not saying this is good, but it's the way it is. The only way to solve this is to modernize the religion. Saying it's stupid won't solve a thing. These people believe in something that may be stupid to you and me, but is very important by them. By saying what they believe is stupid will just make them ignore you're well-founded arguments.
They are supposed to love ALL PEOPLE...UNCONDITIONALLY. Their goddam Bible says so. and theat doesn't mean they get to pick and choose exceptions!!

Until those fuckers learn to practice what they preach...and not be mean to other people....they can fuck off and STFU. I hate them.
Overgeneralization... Overgeneralization...

You're sounding like a child.


Also, a lot of your anger seems to be directed at the Christians, when this "rule" applies to many religions, including Islam. Their Qu'ran says so too, but you're too scared to bash them because they "might react violently", no? Again, more evidence for your overgeneralization tendency. Or should I say, the limit of your mental capacity (See? I can overgeneralize too!). I know many Christians, Muslims, Buddhists etc that truly "love people unconditionally" as you say. They do not discriminate against others and are truly kind to others. But then again, I assume you've never met someone like that? That's just unfortunate. Sad even.

Also, I know atheists that "love unconditionally" because it is in accordance with their morals or principles. They are not bound by the "Rules of Religion", but they are by their moral principles.

Fact is, we don't have to live under the teachings of the Bible or Qu'ran to live as good people. The non-religious may also live as good people. This is governed by choice. Clearly though, you believe that non-believers are entitled to be bad people because they need not practice what they preach, given they have nothing to preach about. Wrong and fallacious. As I said before, good deeds can also be governed by principle and morals. Things you probably lack, given your post.

Sorry if I sounded a little rude or condescending. I'm always rudely taken aback by people who display a lower level of intelligence than they are actually capable of. Of course, if your level of intellect is a reflection of your post, I take my words back.
[quote name='PharaohsVizier' post='2355505' date='Oct 28 2009, 06:12 AM'][...] God may not be real, I don't believe in him. But religion is an important aspect of life and society, and you are missing out if you are dismissing it too quickly because you take the ever popular stance of "religion is stupid".[/quote]

This is way too clever and democratic to me. Religions sucks, really. There is no difference between xemu, rael, ieovah or allah's respective fan clubs.
Oh, and all my anger and despite goes toward religions and their cohort of parasites, not toward faith wich is a private feeling no one should judge.
Having to cope every day with approx. 4 billions lunatics is quite a challenge, but I guess it would be much harder in religious based nations like U.S.A or Iran.
[quote name='ZAFDeltaForce' post='2356217' date='Oct 28 2009, 11:48 AM'][quote name='Kalisiin' post='2356156' date='Oct 28 2009, 11:06 PM'][quote name='Maikel Steneker' post='2354886' date='Oct 27 2009, 05:54 PM']Oh no, the world's going to end again? :rolleyes: Oh well, by that time mankind should be extinct because of the swine flu.

[quote name='Kalisiin' post='2354867' date='Oct 27 2009, 11:42 PM']For three, a lot of us have been beaten up pretty badly, emotionally, spiritually, financially...and in many other ways...by "Christians" who try to force their beleifs and way of life off onto others who do not share them....and who thus believe they have the right...and the obligation...to carry out vengeance in the name of God. Just for starters look at the way gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people are often discriminated against in the workplace. You think that does not leave an emotional/spiritual scar on that person?[/quote]
I wanted to comment on that.

Before I say anything: I don't want to offend people in any way, I don't hate gay people, this is just how I look at things.

Have you ever discriminated against someone for what he did? I know I have. For example, I'm not nice to people if they're not nice to me or my friends. I don't want to hang out with people that I know have been stealing. Just to name something.

To some christians (some, not by a long shot all) being gay is considered a sin. For them, it's not morally wrong not to act nice to people that commit this sin.

I'm not saying this is good, but it's the way it is. The only way to solve this is to modernize the religion. Saying it's stupid won't solve a thing. These people believe in something that may be stupid to you and me, but is very important by them. By saying what they believe is stupid will just make them ignore you're well-founded arguments.
They are supposed to love ALL PEOPLE...UNCONDITIONALLY. Their goddam Bible says so. and theat doesn't mean they get to pick and choose exceptions!!

Until those fuckers learn to practice what they preach...and not be mean to other people....they can fuck off and STFU. I hate them.
Overgeneralization... Overgeneralization...

You're sounding like a child.


Also, a lot of your anger seems to be directed at the Christians, when this "rule" applies to many religions, including Islam. Their Qu'ran says so too, but you're too scared to bash them because they "might react violently", no? Again, more evidence for your overgeneralization tendency. Or should I say, the limit of your mental capacity (See? I can overgeneralize too!). I know many Christians, Muslims, Buddhists etc that truly "love people unconditionally" as you say. They do not discriminate against others and are truly kind to others. But then again, I assume you've never met someone like that? That's just unfortunate. Sad even.

Also, I know atheists that "love unconditionally" because it is in accordance with their morals or principles. They are not bound by the "Rules of Religion", but they are by their moral principles.

Fact is, we don't have to live under the teachings of the Bible or Qu'ran to live as good people. The non-religious may also live as good people. This is governed by choice. Clearly though, you believe that non-believers are entitled to be bad people because they need not practice what they preach, given they have nothing to preach about. Wrong and fallacious. As I said before, good deeds can also be governed by principle and morals. Things you probably lack, given your post.

Sorry if I sounded a little rude or condescending. I'm always rudely taken aback by people who display a lower level of intelligence than they are actually capable of. Of course, if your level of intellect is a reflection of your post, I take my words back.

Actually...I never said, anywhere...that athiests had the right to be bad people. But for Christians to do that...IT IS ALSO HYPOCRITICAL!! And they are the worst offenders...at least here, in the U.S.A, where I live.

And, no, I am not scared to call out stupid Muslims, either. If they treat people like shit...then they are stupid, they are assholes, and I hope someone hurts them as bad as they have used their religion to hurt others!!


And, no...the VAST MAJORITY of so-called religious people...USE THEIR RELIGION IN ORDER TO HURT AND PERSECUTE OTHERS. That is my life experience.

Be kept unemployed for two years, nearly starve to death...and know it is all because of discrimination...justified by the Bible...and see if YOU don't hate the sons of bitches who almost saw you dead.

I hate them...every one of them. They tried to KILL me. By means of starvation and economic deprivation. As far as I am concerned...what they did was no different than if they'd put a gun to my head or a knife to my throat...the end result was still the same.

Discrimination is a tool of MURDER.
[quote name='lincruste' post='2356241' date='Oct 28 2009, 12:03 PM'][quote name='PharaohsVizier' post='2355505' date='Oct 28 2009, 06:12 AM'][...] God may not be real, I don't believe in him. But religion is an important aspect of life and society, and you are missing out if you are dismissing it too quickly because you take the ever popular stance of "religion is stupid".[/quote]

This is way too clever and democratic to me. Religions sucks, really. There is no difference between xemu, rael, ieovah or allah's respective fan clubs.
Oh, and all my anger and despite goes toward religions and their cohort of parasites, not toward faith wich is a private feeling no one should judge.
Having to cope every day with approx. 4 billions lunatics is quite a challenge, but I guess it would be much harder in religious based nations like U.S.A or Iran.
Quoted for truth!!

And my anger, too, goes towards religions...AND ESPECIALLY THEIR COHORT OF PARASITES!!
Opinions are like ass holes,everyone has one. See what im saying? No one can be right because we are just throwing opinions and ignorance! This so needs to be locked. :lol:
Here ya go:


Cool out on the Christian bashing though, k? That goes for any other religion/creed as well.
We have rules against that sort of thing on this forum.

Also, I think we may be getting a bit off-topic.

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