My top four most-played gaming systems currently (number four will SHOCK you)

So the used PS4 I recently bought was delivered today, and now the "it's not much but it's mine" starterpack is looking complete:


I own four games on disc so far, three on PSN (LocoRoco 1+2 Remaster, Patapon Remaster). Maybe five more disc games and three more PSN games I really feel the need to buy, though Spider-Man and RDR2 still on the way.


I was hoping the console would come with firmware 5.05 or lower so that it could be exploited, but no such luck. It came on 5.50, so I decided I may as well update for the few PSN games I wanted. Unfortunately, all the memes about PS4 install+update time are true, it was also pretty finnicky and quit out of some installs at about 80% a couple times. I appreciate Switch sticking to cartridges more now.


That's all for now, I'm sure I'll enjoy Bloodborne and I can't wait to pick up God of War (4) when it's a bit cheaper. Think I'll tough out the wait for Monster Hunter World on PC.
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Because switch carts don't install chunks of massive data on your system storage like playstation 4 disc does. Damn storage data. Don't ever download switch games from eshop unless you have a big enough sd card or it's not available at retail. Almost even pointless to get disc games since it just will install data to system anyway. :wtf:

I still don't have mario kart 8 deluxe :unsure:
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@Sonic Angel Knight I can understand the install or requiring the disc to be inserted, but both is a bit ridiculous. Instead I wish Sony had you simply verify you still own the game every couple weeks or so when you try to start it. A backup loader would be nice for this very reason. C'est la vie.
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I only have purchased digital games for my PS4 (other then SWBF2 which came with the console). The disc drive is loud in the Slim and I don't like having to fiddle through discs just to play a game.
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@cots Probably a good strategy. I own all my PC games digitally, so I prefer to have physical copies of console games. I just wish they wouldn't make it such a pain to own them in that format. It's likely intentional to slowly steer people toward digital.
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Very nice. I'm stuck on 3DS (SMT: DSJR) and trying to finish Lost Sphear (Switch).

Lady friend has PS4, but her roommates suck balls, so it's 'cube (MK: DD) to make them feel like "Ugh, omigawd, these graphics."
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Nice, man. The SNES is very near & dear to me. Big N's last great home console. (There have been good Nintendo consoles since, of course, but none have matched the impact of the SNES, in my eyes.)
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i guess a lot of what theyre selling now on retro consoles are fakes. I recently sold my NES for a lot of $ because of it (it cames with a lot of games) but the buyer was super weary about the games and such. then when he did buy i could tell he was being hush hush about the true value of my stuff (which i knew the value but couldnt realistically sell it all at such a high price) but youtube has some videos on fake snes carts are what not so be weary if you do ever buy retro
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@gameboy Yeah, I've gone with reproduction carts on purpose a few times just because originals for some specific games are priced ludicrously. I'm always sure to verify what I'm getting first, and usually originals are pretty obvious by the wear/discoloration on the label and cartridge.
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why do other people find the game disc installs to be long? Every disc i have inserted so far installs in a matter of seconds, then the biggest update i have download didnt last more than 15-20 minutes (arround 10gb of data through wifi) :unsure:
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@DeslotlCL Most installs went without a hitch, but the update process is definitely slow af on OG PS4's wifi card. Can't even connect to the 5GHz band, which makes it a fair bit worse than Switch's wifi card.

Bloodborne I had the most issues with. Must just be because it's an older game, but it simply would not install off disc without giving me a "the install is corrupt" message. I did get the dollar insurance or whatever, so I returned the disc for a different one that was super clean. Got a little further into the game before getting the same error message. Eventually decided to just buy it digital to avoid further problems, and that works ofc.
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both versions of bloodborne were used? it migh have been that, but i do indeed agree about the fat ps4 wifi card. I cant complain that much other than when people here start playing youtube videos i start to lag like hell on online matches, even receiving the 100% of wifi signal, but that only happens in that situation... when they are streaming stuff like netflix or whatever it never happens, or just rarely...

Getting back on topic, lovely setup. Glad to see you got a ps4, looks pretty nice near your switch and snes, doesnt it? Hopefully i can get a switch too later this year :ha:
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@DeslotlCL Yeah it was used, but I got a couple other games used too, and they installed fine the first time despite having rougher-looking discs than Bloodborne. It would make sense that the game I most wanted to play on PS4 would give me the most trouble, though. :D

PS4 does fill out what little empty space I still had on my desk nicely. The only complaint I have (other than the wifi card) is that you can only get PS3 games through PS Now, and I just want to buy RDR and Katamari specifically from the Store. I shouldn't have to dust off the hacked PS3 or emulate to get a non-streamed version of these games. Edit: although I suppose that's the consequence of going with a completely non-traditional architecture last gen.
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Enjoy the PS4! I'm considering getting one if Kingdom Hearts III doesn't come to the Switch! Also, Bloodborne is really fun! Going back and forth between areas was a little "eh" but besides that it's all good
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