Shinigami357's Blog

Well, this is chapter 3. Yes, it's really, really long.
I'm supposed to post this every Sunday, but what the hell... Well, actually, I won't be posting chapter 2 here, due to unsavory content [i.e. violence directed toward the fairer sex]. I think that could get me warned or something. Anyway, here's the link to the current chapter: Survivor Ch...
I was planning on writing a serial for my blog, as a member of our Writer's Guild and as a personal challenge. Here's the first chapter. All other details [i.e. useless blather], etc etc et al are in my Tumblr, which I'll prob link in my sig or something. Other than that, the whole story is...
Damn, that title sounds... like... something. Anyway, yeah. I rarely dream anymore, or at least I rarely remember my dreams anymore. Before yesterday [Philippine time, folks] the last dream I remember was... well, truth be told, I'd forgotten it, too. This recent one ended up in a street...
Blah, blah, new blog. Anyway, yeah, just made a separate blog for all this writing stuff I like to do. My main blog's a bit all over the place, so I thought, having a blog for one purpose wouldn't be bad. Anyway, gone back a bit to my horror story that was quite recently in hiatus. It's almost...
Just to finish off that thought: "...I'd have smashed my PC into smithereens already." Here's a condensed version of the story: Our PC kind of sucks [a lot]. Now, around 11/2-2 weeks ago, it went on a spree of fuck-ups. First the sound disappeared. Then my videocard went into a repeating BSOD...
Hi again puny mortalsfellow tempers! I'm on an emotional roller-coaster these recent days. I'm more on the happy side though. Anyway, without further ado, here's a quick "blog-it-before-it's-gone" summary of my last couple weeks/months or so. - My mother went back to work. It's a long story...
Watched some movies recently. Might have less time for that what with EPL season just started [woot, GGMU Go Red Devils!!!]. Anyway... Disclaimer: I will be reviewing some Korean movies, and since I'm really, really, really bad with korean names [hey, I'm a Jap/Filipino shinigami, cut me a...
Whew. It's raining here like there's no tomorrow. Looks like the rest of the week will be dominated by this damn typhoon. Urgh. Anyway, here's what's been happening since my last blog. [1] I got 1 year older - Not much to say, except that it was pretty much a non-event. [2] Watched a few...
I'm bored, there's really nothing to do, and my head's going off-the-wall crazy, so... Anyone wanna help me figure out the answer to these queries??? [1] If we turned Rebecca Black into an Avox, would she sound better? [2] Would astronauts be out of a job once the last shuttle mission is...
I'm kind of bored, so I thought - why not do a regular blog to impress/annoy/everything else in between the Temp? And since no one stopped me [I'd like to see them try] here goes. Lately, I've been watching movies more recently on cable - don't ask me why, it just seemed like I suddenly had...
So, first off, let me just say... No, I am not posting this blog post because I'm in the midst of my "Can't watch HP7 part 2 depression"-itis. Just so we're all clear on that. Now, without further ado... I, Shinigami357, have just mastered one of humanity's greatest, century-long secrets. One...
So, everyone who isn't living under a rock should know that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 is out soon [tomorrow/in a few hours my time]. And, as usual, some people can't watch it [like me], so let's examine what other things you can do in around 2+ hours [though I heard the movie...
So, in a society of gamers, it's almost become a habit to look at people as "gamer or "non-gamer". Now, if we assume that everyone is either one or the other, where does that put God? Gamer? Non-gamer? Here are my thoughts... Gamer: God created everything in 7 days6 days and rested on the 7th...
Ugh... Sometimes I hate myself. Well, just so this doesn't go tl;dr, here's the short version... Out of curiosity, I read this story/book/novel/whatchamacallit called The Girl Next Door. And now I'm quite literally in pieces, mentally speaking. My mind just kind of turned itself off or...
Don't usually rant bout life here in teh Temp, but since I'm pissed, the storm's raging outside, my flu/cough is bugging me, and my head's all contorted and I can't write, i'll just go right along... Here's the deal. I do this sideline where I write, research, encode reports and stuff. You...
It's Friday, Friday... Gotta get down for 1k posts!!! Now it's 1000. Last time was 999, next is 1001 and 1002 comes after... Or something... :unsure:
As I expected, dad gave me a huge tour of every possible nook and cranny for a computer shop so he can print his document thing [we don't have a printer at home]. Well, like I told him, it took me all of 5 minutes to download the file and print it, which he had been failing at for weeks. I swear...
So, anything particularly epic happen over at E3?

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