Fool's Notes

I feel shit after repeating Far Cry 3 Third Supply Run for probably a hundred times already. bike kept flying and spinning and tumbling and falling off cliff.
just when i was about to watch anime today, my dad changed the channel into a christian channel and Spirit was showing. i ended up shutting down the computer and watching it. and idk why but i was crying while watching it. maybe out of nostalgia. it really gave me a blissful feeling while...
today played several games and only 2 fucking wins. out of ten. even in the last game i tried hard. to support my team....but no....they don't know what they're position supposed to be is as a team. why valve!!! why must you forsake me!!! i wish there was a newbie channel.
it was late to air this season but when i saw it i fell in love with it. 10 episodes down and i just love it more. episode 8(i think) ended in a way that felt "what? it's over already?" i watched the whole episode back and noticed a point where they could have ended the show properly, and...
i'll watch the rest alter after dinner tomorrow. i'm supposed to watch k-on s2 but my sister has homework and i prefer us watching together coz i don't want to rewatch something i recently watched. [/spoiler] pt 2. weeee!!! finished it all. there wasn't much surprises since i expected...
i am a very very lazy person. i want to exert minimal effort in the things i do. and since it's my bro's birthday, i prepared myself a schedule. pretty much everything's okay, save for one event. novena. when i heard about it, i immediately ask for details since i don't know much about this...
i was a bit bored and ventured within google and thought about google groups. so i see this!topic/atheism-vs-christianity/pIQul5WGVaE and replied. those two deleted messages at the bottom is probably my reply. i don't recall my whole post...
a while back there was this nerv phone antoligy wanted. and i thought why not try evangelion. i saw that the movies was a retelling of the series and i liked movies better i decided to watch this instead of the series. but it turned out disappointing. not saying it's not good, but my...
this blog is about me and my woes. my head's all messed up. first, i really am tired of everything. i don't have any real thing i like anymore, anything i put my attention to is just a distraction so that i have a reason to keep living. that or i just easily get bored. i don't like school...
they say that trials makes someone into a better man; that obstacles are just in your head; that nothing is impossible if you really try; but the main reason for those to happen is that one must have a determined heart. he must first believe that he can do it. as a child, you know you can...
don't know if the following are also popular where you guys live. f.l.a.m.e.s a popular game at school when i was a kid. we would pick up two names, preferably our crush's. we then cross out similar letters and count the remaining letters. then we count from f to s then back to f if it's...
so today i drank coffee to make myself a bit hyperactive so that i could easily talk to other people and finish some things i need to do. first time we met today, is when she cam and greeted me nicely, or how she usually does. greeted her back and i was a happy. but she was on the way to the...
it hurts goddamit. it hurts so much. what have i done to you? please stop this. please tell me what have i done or what i need to do? what i want to say. but it hurts so much. we do talk to each other, when we do, we talk like how we usually do. but the reason we talk is purely...
my life. whew, i never thought i would be this busy. it's because i'm a graduating student and i'm doing my thesis w/ my groupmates and my OJT(On-the-Job Training, i think it's similar to internship.). I am now a trainee @ a BPO company in their GTI department, it's still my first week. In the...
my face almost lost. i was about to cross the road when suddenly my left foot got caught by a piece of metal protruding from the ground. it was dark and there were grass around it so there was no way of noticing it unless it trips you. i was walking fast and the i didn't have time to support...
today, i got up at around 2pm. i was still a bit sleepy, checked around the house and noticed everyone's out. since it's still 2pm, and class won't start until 5pm, i went back to bed and just lay down. yeah lazy me. after a few minutes, i got up again, ate and turned the pc on. checked...
why am i afraid of other people? i know they won't bite, but i just don't know what to do when they talk to me. it's like i've put up a wall and i don't wanna be attached to them and i want them to ignore me. earlier today in class...i just sat in the back like i wasn't there. later, someone...
well, my kittens are now lively and keeps running around, going into places and likes to scratch and bite my hand. anyway, on to the main topic... several nights ago, when i arrived home very late and checked on my pets, in their sleeping area, i saw bat wings. with no body. and just...
ok first, Mirai Nikki. I never expected this to be this bloody at the start. but it's nice, only yuno looks mature, I like the cuter yuno in the manga. Hunter X Hunter. I don't 100% recall the old anime, but to me, nothing changed much and seems a bit plain. but it's still two episodes, i'd...
RFO Ph gave me hope again... just by logging in 1 hour each thursday for 3 thursdays, premium service or not, we get some very good rewards. and in the upcoming LU! Live this october 15, just by going to the event area, and presenting a print-out of the facebook post that we did answer the quiz...

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