
Testing.. 1..2..3.. Thing's on... right..? Yes it should be.. *cracks neck*. Right.. So. Temp. WHAT IS UP Yeah sorry that wasn't neccesary at all.. ._. asdf Yes aside from al the randomness, I'm not sure how to start this blog entry. First of all, I doubt ANYONE AT ALL will remember my...
So Tempy's what's up, Remember me? No? That's k I guess. For those who do remember me, they might have seen i've become less active. Yeah, shit happened. Lot's of it. For now it's good, but a lot happened the last year. I'm feeling like writing it down in the hope somebody would maybe use some...
Yet I didn't plan this to happen... I think I should fill you in guys. Hi, another blog from your very own Solar Cell. As you may have read in the title, I have this problem. Yes, I think I'm in love. Thinking back of my history of dating, it's most likely zero. So what's the situation, you...
Goedemiddagg/Goodafternoon! Yeah, I wanted to talk dutch. So here goes my blog! -I've finally been able to continue spriting for the RSE remake Pokemon Dark Ruby/Light Sapphire. Yeah, I was kinda busy and stuff in personal life to be done, but I went on editing. I'm responsible for Elite four...
So tempy tempers, Whats happening, feeling like writing a blog now. So anyways, its been 5 weeks since my holliday started, and i've done quite a lot of things... wait, not really. Been working on some spriting skills, wich will later reveal themselves in a suprise. In other news: I was...
Yes, finally reached the magic 500.. Now I can claim the title of Gbatemps official Solar Boy :D Posting this much means i like the forum, so Keep going gbatemp, lets see another 500 posts in the future.
Im feeling dizzy all day now, but its not a headache... I just had exams today, and im studying for the next one tomorrow, but since I woke up this morning, if feeling disoriented, weird, and now again, i feel weird and dizzy... Does anybody know what the F*** is going on? It's not funny, and...
So i was just relaxing on RS (i know dont troll :D) Some guy in teh clan challenges me for listening to this for the FULL PERIOD OF TIME. I know the guy IRL, if I win, I get 50 euro's. So, what do i listen too? The Nyan cat, wich is now a official Hype-ish thing So bear with me, The CHALLENGE...
So gbatemp'ers, another story from my life. This week is one of the most horrible of all. I hear you guys ask "why"? Testweeks. The freaking third this year. But hey, it's my exams, so I'm not suprised. The only thing is that it has been sunny outside the whole week, now its getting a bit less...
so after a few days, only a few days, a package fell on the doormat. As i went looking for post, to my suprise, I found a eveloppe from canada. Yeh! My supercard Gbatemp edition arrived. According to many people on topics, they have been saying that theirs was damaged (who orderd from my...

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  • Feeling at home here
    *checks join date* Yeh, this is pretty spot on.
  • Feeling at home here
    Yesterday and today whit the site down tome I was having abstinence. I miss you guys so much Thanks everyone for making this a comfy site
  • Feeling at home here
    Yesterday when temp was down for a few hours I kept inadvertently trying to access the site randomly If the site was gone I dunno what I would...
  • Feeling at home here
    God bless you! Stay as long as you like! :D
  • Ryu Ga Gotoku 1&2 HD Wii U Edition English Translation
    Darn was hoping there was a English translation, hopefully someone takes up the mantel for Wii u users to enjoy.

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    Veho @ Veho: 80s are the new 20s. +1