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    Homebrew Homebrew Channel Middle Finger and Opens on hackmii installer like-screen?

    Weird. I found this from a thread back in 2009: But also:
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    Hacking High video delay in vWii mode

    Hi, i have a recently homebrewed wii u with a broken HDMI port / HDMI IC. To see an image on my hdtv i use a wii2hdmi (mcbazel) adapter. Everything seems to be fine (shoddy image quality aside, but, alas, i have no better fix considering my wallet and my soldering skills) until i use the vWii...
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    Misc Kirby's return to Dream Land SD card

    still nothing
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    Misc Kirby's return to Dream Land SD card

    d2x v11 beta 1
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    Misc Kirby's return to Dream Land SD card

    I tried, it still freezes after pressing on new save file
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    Misc Kirby's return to Dream Land SD card

    will this set ios 250 for every game? i'm sorry but i have no time to try right now
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    Misc Kirby's return to Dream Land SD card

    Settings on game selection screen, right? I never looked into how to launch games with a specific IOS.
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    Misc Kirby's return to Dream Land SD card

    Trying to play Kirby's return to Dream Land (PAL version on European Wii) via USB loader GX from an SD card. Is an HDD still necessary or can i launch with cIOS 57 / gameconfig.txt? Thanks.
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    Hardware WiiU freezes when connected with HDMI

    i hope my reply is still useful; everything works fine if i use the old Wii cable (AV cable)
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    Hardware WiiU freezes when connected with HDMI

    I still have no clue how a cable could break an HDMI port. Later on, i've used the same cable and monitor for my PC and nothing went wrong.
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    Hardware WiiU freezes when connected with HDMI

    I explained myself poorly. The "drawings" are what normally appears in the background of the WiiU menu (a drawing of the R button, the settings wrench, to name a couple of them). Artifacts do appear though when forcefully powering off the console. Half of the gamepad screen becomes black and the...
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    Hardware WiiU freezes when connected with HDMI

    To clarify: the console is unmodded. I'm afraid of modding it (can't do much with it anyway) because the NAND may be already corrupted or something. A few years ago, i tried to connect my WiiU to a DVI monitor using an HDMI to DVI cable. When first powered on, it asked me to detect the new...
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