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  1. satorio

    Introducing NINJHAX - A Nintendo 3DS Homebrew Exploit!

    Maaaaaan, where am I going to get this game without paying a shipping above 30 dlls.?, the shops from here doesn't have that game either... I'm doomed :cry:
  2. satorio

    Tutorial [HOW-TO] Have a homemade Streetpass Relay

    Dang, i don't have money at the moment, i guess i have to wait to get a router then. Thanks for the help anyways!
  3. satorio

    Tutorial [HOW-TO] Have a homemade Streetpass Relay

    I read almost everything, and if i understand correctly... i need a wifi adapter or a wifi card? My computer only has a wired connection and i want to try this because where a i live, i get nothing on streepass. It would be kind if anyone can help me with this problem. Oh, and my OS is windows...
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