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  1. Metalik

    Hacking Can I install DS White List to 10.3 on New 3DS?

    Hi, I was wondering, can I install DS White List now, since we can install CIA's on 10.3 on New 3DS? I don't care about 3DS piracy, I just want my old flashcard to be working on my New 3DS.
  2. Metalik

    Homebrew Edit Streepass games unlockables through fallhax?

    Hello, I was wondering, is it possible to unlock all of hats and etc. through homebrew by editing configs on fallhax?
  3. Metalik

    Hacking LEGO Harry Potter

    I have got 2 white screens.Any patch?
  4. Metalik

    Hardware DVD Drive Replace

    Hello.I am will buying new wii (Black With newest dvd chipset).It will be my second wii.First one is bricked (IOS60 Brick).Repair in Russia costs like,new black wii in Germany ( old wii is chipped with WiiKey.Can I place my old chipped dvd drive to new wii?And play on new console,as...
  5. Metalik

    Help me with picture

    Can you help me what is in selected part of picture.I only know what is from game but I don`t know from what game is it. Thanks.
  6. Metalik

    ROM Hack Cyrilic Keyboard in Platinum

    How to put Cyrillic keyboard into Pokemon Platinum?
  7. Metalik

    Hacking AKAIO on TTDS Project...

    I yesterday tried to make AKAIO for TTDS,but is only what i seen is menu what have microsd card acekard and gba cart.I don`t change hex values and etc,but it works! And what I am try to say,can it be ported on TTDS if we make adaptation for that flash card?
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