Search results

  1. Uiaad

    You can now play doom on Twitter

    It's been played on a pregnancy test and with a toaster, cars and even potatoes, you can now play Doom on Twitter! By issuing a string of commands and replying to the bot will reply with a movie of the actions you input and then wait for your next string of commands. If you love doom and are...
  2. Uiaad

    Crackhead Marketplace

    We all know the internet is a strange place ... but places like Facebook market place, eBay and craigslist can be even stranger! so post the strangest you can find right here! Yes I messaged them and yes they claimed it was a Fax machine
  3. Uiaad

    Computer issue

    OK so i have a problem with my Amiga 1200. It's started to attract anime, which is strange because the most anime thing on there is Akira which is shit (movie is good tho) I've tried moving it away and throwing it away but i keeps coming back, im afraid its gonna start attracting more and...
  4. Uiaad

    change my mind

  5. Uiaad

    The rest of 2020 has been put on hold due to the CoronaVirus

    Hello fellow humans, You will of course be aware of the coronavirus, it has been decided by the powers that be that rest of 2020 will be put on hold until the outbreak has been contained. From today 29/2/2020, you will notice that day and night continue as normal but the seasons will be on...
  6. Uiaad

    GBAtemp Text Adventure

    So I mentioned the other day on my profile status, that I was thinking about making a GBAtemp text adventure as a few of my projects have come to a close or have been put on the back burner at least for a little while. After all GBAtemp really does go a long way to keeping me sane, I thought I...
  7. Uiaad

    [Speculation] The war on Denuvo may be over

    DRM has always been a divisive subject, from the early days of code tables and systems like LensLock to modern system like SecurOM and games that require an always on connection they generally have always managed to punish the paying customer rather than people pirating the software. In 2014 saw...
  8. Uiaad

    Help my guinea pig is melting !

    Should i put him in the fridge to see if he will reset ?
  9. Uiaad

    I bought a new 3ds off ebay ...

    I've bought a new 3DS XL from ebay and i've had it charging for the last 24 hours and it still wont turn on Do you think i need to get another charger ?
  10. Uiaad

    HALP !!!111oneoneone

    Is this fixable ?:sad:
  11. Uiaad

    Settle a discussion for us

    So me and my wife have been having a bit of a battle tonight over who is the better robot so we have decided to let the internet decide ! The choices are : Johnny 5 ( Short Circuit ) Or Wall-E you decide the victor in this battle haha
  12. Uiaad

    Fluff text in games - Can there be too much ?

    So when you are playing games (especially RPGs) do you spend a lot of time trying to learn about the world your playing in or do you rather go though the game learning stuff about the world as you go along ? Do you think that you can have too much fluff/flavor text in a game ? I'm talking about...
  13. Uiaad

    Tutorial Windows 10 HEVC codec for Free!

    ~~NOTICE~~ THIS NO LONGER WORKS. JUST GO AND USE VLC ~~NOTICE~~ So If you have Installed / Upgraded to Windows 10 lately you may have noticed something missing if you use the HEVC codec. That is Micro$oft now charges you $0.99 (£0.75) to download it and use it. Now you could just go and...
  14. Uiaad

    Any Arduino / Micro controller wizards around - I need a little help

    So I'm building a YouTube subscriber display using an ESP8266/wemos mini D1. The code for the WiFi/Youtube API is function just fine and is outputting to the Serial Monitor just fine. I just cannot for the life of me get the Max7219 8 digit seven segment display to work at all. I've spent a most...
  15. Uiaad

    !!epacse t'nac dna retupmoc ym edisni deppart m'I pleh

    .em pleh esaelp tuo teg t'nac i dna retupmoc ym edisni deppart m'i suoires si siht syuG deracs yrev yrev os m'I .tniop eno ta nahC4 no fo pu dedne yllatnedicca I
  16. Uiaad

    A theoretical question.

    A woman is found dead next to a man passed out with a bruise on his head. The woman has been stabbed and the man has her blood all over his hands. Later in hospital the man wakes up but has lost 2 years worth of his memories. The woman turns out to be his wife and he is devastated to have lost...
  17. Uiaad

    Support for Playstation 2 ends in Japan after 18 years

    After 18 years, Sony has pulled the plug on support and repairs to the aging Playstation 2. Sony has said this is only down to no longer having the parts to continuing to service units, leaving PS2 owners now to try third parties or do it themselves. The Playstation 2 was released in Japan on...
  18. Uiaad

    IGN Takes down plagiarised Dead Cells review [Update] author has been fired

    IGN has taken down a review of the game Dead Cells, after it was found the video was almost word for word when compared to a video by Boomstickgamer, uploaded to YouTube over a week earlier. Boomstickgamer uploaded a video comparing the two videos and contacted IGN for an explanation. IGN...
  19. Uiaad

    Sinclair Vega + Finally shipping?

    Retro Computers Limited announced today that they will begin shipping the ill fated Vega + Console. The Sinclair Vega + has a long history of missed shipping dates, in fighting from shareholders, and complete lack of communication from the company RCL. The indiegogo campaign launched back in...
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  • BakerMan
    I rather enjoy a life of taking it easy. I haven't reached that life yet though.
  • Xdqwerty
    what are you looking at?
  • K3Nv2
    BakerMan @ BakerMan: what the fuck is that dawg 💀😭 +2