Recent content by RPG_FAN128

  1. RPG_FAN128

    Gaming Pokemon Bank "Move Failed" Mystery. What would possibly cause this?

    Have you been able to successfully move pokemon since in the last 2+ months? Or have repeated attempts still failed?
  2. RPG_FAN128

    Editorial A look at how a single generation of gaming can change perspective and expectations

    I would love to expound on the line "Video games age quickly." Essentially, I would argue that only if a video game is aiming for "realistic" graphics it does tend to age poorly. Whereas if a studio chooses an artistic style and goes with that -- they age very gracefully and even several...
  3. RPG_FAN128

    Nintendo wins court case against man who sold TX devices and pirated copies of Switch games

    Freaking finally. Looks like 2020 is going to be a great year! ^_^
  4. RPG_FAN128

    Nintendo confirms online play with friends for Super Mario Maker 2

    Unlikely. Something that requires an implementation is not something that can be thrown in at the last minute.
  5. RPG_FAN128

    Google Stadia release, pricing and games announced

    Now SpaceX needs to get their rear in gear and complete their starlink satellite constellation offering high-speed internet globally.
  6. RPG_FAN128

    US anti-lootbox bill formally introduced, begins to gain political traction

    If worldwide governments are willing to stand up and say this business practice is wrong, it definitely proves what kind of "human beings" who thought up said business practice are like.
  7. RPG_FAN128

    Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes will no longer be a Switch exclusive, headed to PC and PS4

    I played the original Wii game once. Still have it actually.
  8. RPG_FAN128

    Xbox's Phil Spencer discusses toxicity in gaming and how to combat it

    This is actually pretty interesting. We live in a world with both extremes. (1) Everything offends everybody. Innocent comments can be taken out of context and twisted into hate propaganda. Even respectful standards are viewed with disdain to those who do not have similar standards. And...
  9. RPG_FAN128

    PlayStation to adapt their IPs into film and TV through newly formed PlayStation Productions studio

    Sweet! This might actually bring about some good productions to be honest. I mean, think for a moment, a lot of "games" these days (like the Tales series) are already movies -- they aren't even games anymore. So take an interactive movie that is 90% all cinematics and make an amazing epic...
  10. RPG_FAN128

    Nintendo to pull their mobile titles from Belgium due to micro-transaction laws

    I've never been a fan of micro transactions. Let me buy the entire game, and then let me access everything. DLC is *kind of* different but considering I have basically never bought any DLC it is not really in the same category for my universe.
  11. RPG_FAN128

    Microsoft and Sony will be partnering up in order to advance cloud-based services

    YES. Ladies and gentlemen, the whole world doesn't have super fast internet. Lol
  12. RPG_FAN128

    Super Mario Maker 2 Direct - Roundup

    For sure. It is more a matter of playing one thing at a time. The second I start in on Switch there is a good dozen games I know I want to play. And coupled with SMM2 I'm afraid that everything else (even retro games that I like to sprinkle in occasionally) will be completely neglected for a...
  13. RPG_FAN128

    Super Mario Maker 2 Direct - Roundup

    Wow. First of all -- can't wait until June. Last year I went out to buy a switch to guarantee I would have one with the Tegra hardware vulnerability. But this has sat untouched and unopened for nearly a year now. Super Mario Maker 2 will finally be the game to pull me away from 3DS/PS4 to...
  14. RPG_FAN128

    Ubisoft delays Skull and Bones again, won't be appearing at E3 2019

    Oh man. It is too bad that there isn't millions of other released and soon-to-be-released games to play instead while we wait, huh?
  15. RPG_FAN128

    The Tales of franchise has surpassed 20 million sales

    Oh man I need to try to pick up Tales of Zestiria again. At the beginning of April I played it for about 7 hours and the grand total of time I was actually PLAYING was about 20 minutes. It is so hard to get into a "movie" that calls itself a "game" when it is pretty much not a game. In fact I...
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