Recent content by Ricouyalaire

  1. Ricouyalaire

    Team AtlasNX unveils PegaScape: a PegaSwitch launcher and DNS for 1.0.0-3.0.0 consoles

    hello there are some who are in 3.0.0 and who tested pegascape? Me it crashes (black screen press power code error 6122-0002 ...) when I click on the sticker caffeine and then on the badge "text" (I pack kosmos 12.2 on my sd) An idea?
  2. Ricouyalaire


    oky but what do you use cfw? the only one that worked was the illegal reinx of darth meteos you have to try with the versions lower than 3.x (the one where he had integrated the menu hack of sx os)
  3. Ricouyalaire


    Hi info I managed to run rommenu 2.2 with an old beta version of reinx (Darth Meteos' Super Special SD Stash v3.1). Since I switched to the latest version of reinx it does not work anymore. Indeed there was a license number that is displayed when I can run rommenu 2.2
  4. Ricouyalaire

    GBAtemp Exclusive GBAtemp SX PRO Give-away WINNERS ANNOUNCED

    super concour. I am a French tester and my switch is waiting to be tortured with impatience. Long live SX OS Pro and GBAtemp☺ thank you
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