Recent content by rafael-b

  1. R

    Hacking POLL: How many people have GW working on n3ds

    I had a shiny black N3DS on 9.2.0-20U, but I haven't been around this forum since I played with my DS Lite over 5 years ago, so I didn't even think about flash cards when I bought it, just wanted to play my new Pokemon. But as I do with every new device I get, I set it all up before using, and...
  2. R

    Hacking Ds TWO Plus Release Date Hint?

    Maybe they chose the exact same date to mark the "new milestone"... Well, lets have some hope in here. Edit: it's the exact same message... let's not have any hope
  3. R

    Hacking Ds TWO Plus Release Date Hint?

    DSTWO new generation milestone in May 18 on sale! by Google Translate... Seems accurate, I hope so !!
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