Recent content by Nikki_swap

  1. Nikki_swap

    Homebrew ISO site is down and doesn't look to be coming back

    Goodnight sweet prince, I swear I had all staff positions on that site over the years
  2. Nikki_swap

    Gaming Pokemon Sword & Shield Trading Thread

    Looking for a foreigner 6 IV ditto, a jolly grookey and a mimikyu
  3. Nikki_swap

    Gaming Pokemon Sword & Shield Trading Thread

    Let me make an egg later today
  4. Nikki_swap

    Gaming Pokemon Sword & Shield Trading Thread

    Currently looking for a ditto and a grookey,
  5. Nikki_swap

    Gaming Pokemon Sword & Shield Trading Thread

    Do you have all starter's with their hidden abilities?
  6. Nikki_swap

    Gaming Pokemon Sword & Shield Trading Thread

    Looking for starters with their hidden abilities and a ditto, anyone that can help me?
  7. Nikki_swap

    Long time no see gbatemp

    Long time no see gbatemp
  8. Nikki_swap

    Damn intrusive ads, make it impossible to browse in mobile

    Damn intrusive ads, make it impossible to browse in mobile
  9. Nikki_swap

    Comment by 'Nikki_swap' in 'I feel so completely broken, this is quite lengthy so beware...'

    3 things helped me quite a lot, one of them was listening to calming music, i just looked up for those 3 hour long relaxing video game music, another one was take hot baths with bath bombs and lavender smelling candles, sounds silly but it works quite a lot, third one was exercising just taking...
  10. Nikki_swap

    Comment by 'Nikki_swap' in 'I feel so completely broken, this is quite lengthy so beware...'

    you are gonna do fine dood, im pretty sure you can. i just overcame my anxiety disorder, not similar but it was a very hard experience, if i could you can too.
  11. Nikki_swap

    Save editor for splatoon 2? thats DeSu gusting

    Save editor for splatoon 2? thats DeSu gusting
  12. Nikki_swap

    Homebrew [DS(i)/3DS] TWiLight Menu++ - GUI for DS(i) games, and DS(i) Menu replacement

    Silly question, I installed both of the Cia files that come with the package, but none of them show up in my main menu (n3ds) has this happened to anyone else?
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