Recent content by kmpt

  1. kmpt

    Should I buy PS Vita if I've got PSP Street?

    Hello, Should I buy PS Vita if I've got PSP Street? I like to play RPG, platformers, turn-based, action games. I won't play any games released on PC and PSP. I don't know if there's enough games on Vita for me? What else can be played comfortably on Vita - PSX, PS2, PS3 games? Please share your...
  2. kmpt

    What's better for GBA emulation? PSP or RG350P

    Thanks for all replies guys! - Ez-Flash Omega/Everdrive: I was thinking about it but I'd rather pay 30$ more and get new handheld with wider variety of games to play. - PS Vita: I don't know why but it's pretty expensive in my country (far more than 3DS/PSP/Anbernic). - Steamdeck: way beyond my...
  3. kmpt

    What's better for GBA emulation? PSP or RG350P

    I've got Nintendo DS Lite in my collection and I still play on it from time to time ;) 3DS is a good suggestion but you know... I never had Sony/Anbernic handheld before and I like to try something new ;) Unfortunately, I hate playing games on mobile phones... I don't know why, it's just...
  4. kmpt

    What's better for GBA emulation? PSP or RG350P

    Thanks guys! Can you answer one more question? Is Anbernic RG351P easy to use? I've read that before you start using the device you're supposed to upgrade "firmware" & change emulators for better experience and it looks kinda complicated :/ I've watched some videos and PSP looks much easier to...
  5. kmpt

    What's better for GBA emulation? PSP or RG350P

    Thanks for all replies so far! I've found that RG351P is being sold in my country for ~90$ :o Will it work better with GBA roms than PSP? Is it easy to put your own roms on the console? I didn't have any Anbernic's consoles before, I'm not certain if it's gonna serve me for few years? Should I...
  6. kmpt

    What's better for GBA emulation? PSP or RG350P

    Hello, I'd like to buy retro handheld for GBA emulation (I'll play other games as well). I want decent build quality, good ergonomics and easy to use software. I don't want to pay more than 100$. I'm considering PSP-3004 and Anbernic RG350P at the moment. I can get both for similar price in my...
  7. kmpt

    Hacking Which R4 Should I Buy?

    What flash card would you recommend for Nintendo Lite? I was thinking about R4i Gold 3DS Plus for DS games and EZ-Flash Omega for GBA games. Is it the best possible choice? Where should I buy it - aliexpres/ebay?
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