Blog entries by MelodieOctavia

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Personal Blogs
I bought a Wii U late in its lifetime thinking I still had a few years to go with it. Well, I had about 6 months. Yeah, imagine that. Needless to say I was more than pissed. I was FURIOUS. The Switch is coming and Nintendo soothes my fears of the Switch replacing the Wii U. "No, no. Hush, wee...
Today is the day. Finally got my hands on a PS4. I've been saving since the day it was announced. A dollar here, a tenner there, a pocketfull of change over here... I had since gotten the Best Buy credit card to help me out with my ebay business (Recently bought a bunch of BB exclusive Disney...
Well, I've been thinking about getting into some kind of ebay/ecommerce business. I have a few ideas rattling around in my head. One of them being to break open booster boxes, use the rares to at least get my money back, and then sell the common/uncommons/lands in bulk to get my profit. I'm...
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Personal Blogs
Dropped from the highest tower Tumbling clumsily, he descends Thoughs of a bleak future darken his vision Dejected and alone, he accepts his fate A golden sliver of brilliance Shook from his fog, his heart stirs An illumated landscape looms in the distance The beacon of a new day greets his...
So, let's just say that there's a female friend that I used to talk to. We had a lot in common. We both loved Doctor who, Video games, and cheesy cartoons like Adventure Time. We were friends, and we were fine with that. All the sudden she stops talking to me. Complete stonewall. Fuck. Well...
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Personal Blogs
My newest creation. I wanted to keep it simple this time.
So, lately, I have been trying to pull myself away from Gaming and my PC a little, so I'm looking at other hobbies. I think I may have found one. I have always been into crafts, even when I was a kid. That has since fallen to the wayside as an adult, so now I have decided to try my hand at...
So after playing Borderlands 2 for the last few days, I have to say that I'm kind of pissed off at it. No, IS an amazing game, just hear me out. Borderlands 2 has ruined the original Borderlands for me. Compared to the latest iteration, Borderlands looks like nothing but a...
The money it took to send an automated freakin vehicle to FREAKIN SPACE AND LAND IT ON A DUST BALL THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY cost us less than what the government spends in TWO DAYS in military funding in the middle east. Not to mention, the money isn't being sent to mars. The money is being spent...
Announcing that you're ignoring somebody is something I don't quite understand. It's been around since the AOL chat days, and I still don't get it. All I know is it's pants-on-head retarded. In fact 9/10 times when you announce you're ignoring somebody, you don't really ignore them, in fact, you...
Remember friends: Posting pictures of yourself licking/sucking/biting a 360 controller doesn't make you a gamer. It just makes you a girl that likes licking some of the dirtiest electronics on the planet. Seriously, can you imagine how many germs are on a used 360 controller? Even without...
Today I mourn the passing of a friend. It died doing what it did best. You were a little black and blue box of hope and happiness. You were a constant in my life, and now I find it hard to accept you are gone. You weren't the prettiest router, but that didn't matter to you. Where every...
Wanna know what's awesome? Medford, Oregon. Wanna know what's not awesome? Not having access to an actual PC. I decided to take my Android tablet on the trip with me, thinking it would be a decent replacement for a PC for the time being. Oh, so wrong I was. Tried watching the Nintendo 3DS...
I'm getting ready for my yearly trip to Oregon. I'm leaving early tonight and coming back Sunday night. I will be unreachable during this time unless I can get a stable 3G/4G connection where I'm going. That is all. Have a good weekend!
This post is intended to be satirical. If you take anything in this post as serious, you are a flipping moron. If I offended you, good. Because it most likely won't be the last time. After running across many, many, many usernames on forums, and other large communities, I thought I would...
So, I decided to take the wife out to do something special this year for our 5th Anniversary, so I took her out to eat at some place nice, and after that, we went to King Putt (Indoor Mini-Golf). But near the end of the night, as we were heading out, I saw THIS: It's a lame game by itself...
I'm usually not one for doom and gloom posts, but I need to purge these words from me unless I want them to eat me alive. 2 and a half years ago is when I invited my mother into my home. 2 and a half years she has been unhappy. I took her in because she had no place else to go, and she has...
I must write these things lest I forget them while I'm sober. 1. While I'm drunk, I am much better at estimating the values of items found on Storage wars. 2. Your standards for conversational acquaintances are lowered dramatically. In fact, you may feel like you could talk about your favorite...
I swear I just want to leave this country behind. Old farts in power that know nothing about the Internet are trying to regulate it. And they're stubborn, too. They will keep revising/renaming bills until we give up. I ignorantly thought that SOPA/PIPA was the end, and I was wrong. Looks like...
Just because you liked something in passing, read MAYBE one comic book all the way through, played maybe five minutes of video games in your entire life or can quote something from Star Wars (most of the time wrongly), does not make you a geek or a nerd. Just because it's something trendy to...
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    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: I played the intro to far cry 5, that is like some crazy Jim Jones cult shit. Still its petty...