Review cover South Park: Snow Day! (PlayStation 5)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): March 26, 2024
  • Publisher: THQ Nordic
  • Developer: Question
  • Genres: Action-Adventure
  • Also For: Computer, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
South Park is back in the gaming sphere with the followup to Obsidian’s hit duo of RPGs, South Park: Snow Day!


Snow days are supposed to be fun; any child who grew up in an area of the world that gets regular snowstorms can attest to this. There’s few greater rushes than to wake up to the morning sun reflected off of a fresh coating of snow blanketed across the yard, drifts as high as the eye can see, and rushing to turn on the news and see if you’ll get to read those magical words “Snow day. Schools are closed.” It’s a sign that your day is going to be filled with fun in the snow, free from the stresses of school… with nothing but games and play to occupy your day. It’s a magical, childhood feeling that’s distinctly absent from South Park: Snow Day!, the latest game adaptation of the South Park franchise. Taking place after the events of the last two games, South Park: The Stick of Truth and South Park: The Fractured But Whole, Snow Day! marks a distinct turning point for these games, leaving the hands of Obsidian Entertainment, and thus leaving the RPG genre to become a hack and slash online extravaganza. Change isn’t always a bad thing, but in this case? I ended up finding the game as disappointing as learning school wouldn’t be closed after all, all those years ago.

Goin' on Down to South Park

The story for Snow Day! sees us witnessing the town of South Park experiencing a snow storm of apocalyptic proportions, threatening to bury the city overnight; through the lens of Cartman, however, we experience that childlike glee of not caring about the actual implications of the weather, but just hoping for one of those magical snow days to get school canceled. When morning breaks and the entire town is buried under a comical amount of snow, it becomes clear that Cartman’s wish has come true. Leaving all of the kids in town free of any scholastic responsibilities, and able to return to the latest chapter of their fantasy-turned superhero-turned back to fantasy LARP games throughout town. You, as the player, once again take up the mantle of The New Kid, the silent protagonist of the previous two games in the series, working to help Wizard Cartman and his army of fellow humans take on the elf king Kyle in a small variety of skirmishes that consist, mostly, of just mashing the attack button until you win. Joining you are three fellow new kids in town, who help you on your way. This slimmed down story marks the end of the large, open world epic that was the last two games; instead becoming a linear romp, that is significantly less engaging, captivating, and just overall less fun to go through. On the bright side, the base campaign only has five missions to take part in, which each take roughly an hour a piece, leaving you with only five hours of gameplay to slog through - no wonder this game was only $30.


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One of the most jarring changes to Snow Day! was definitely the change in graphics. Where the previous South Park games went with a 2.5D design to make it feel like you were playing an episode of the show, the latest game returns the franchise to 3D for the first time since 2000’s South Park Rally kart racing game, though most are likely more familiar with the 1998 first person shooter game, South Park, which first saw the property brought to life in 3D on the Nintendo 64. By all accounts, it’s a nostalgic return to form; both bringing South Park back from the art style it’s known, and dare I say beloved, for, but also for managing to look just as bad as that N64 game did. Okay, maybe that’s a bit too mean, but it’s my genuine opinion. Yes, the game looks significantly more polished now than anything in 1998 would have, but there’s a reason future gaming endeavors for the property strayed from this; the art style just doesn’t look good in 3D. It’s a lesson I thought we would’ve learned 24 years ago, but, well… here we are now. What’s even worse is that this change doesn’t even push any limits with its graphical needs; sure, it looks right at home on something like the Switch, but on the PS5, where I experienced this game? It’s as unattractive and plain looking as some of the worst games the platform has to offer. To be fair to the game, it does start in the classic South Park artstyle for our opening cutscene... only to shift to 3D the second gameplay starts, and mark the immediate disappointment I'd continue to feel throughout the game.


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Beyond my personal distaste for the art style’s looks in 3D, another major change that came from this is the lack of South Park’s map, which series creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone famously had to fully draft for the first time for 2014’s Stick of Truth, in order to give that game the ability to be an exploration-based RPG, which also had the added benefit of helping to fully immerse the player in town. Now? The mountains of snow and 3D environment killed any sense of continuity I had with Snow Day’s “map," instead handing us the occasional monumental location from the show, but intersplicing the between sections with generic, snow covered battlefields that all tend to somehow look the same. At worst, it’s completely robbing the game of any charm that you’d normally expect from a South Park game. And at its best? It still just doesn’t look that good.

Friendly Faces Everywhere, Humble Folks Without Temptation

Gameplay is the area where Snow Day! stands out the most, in my opinion - in the worst way possible. Gone are the days of RPG exploration and turn-based combat in this latest addition to the franchise. We’re treated, instead, to linear levels with hyper-simplistic goals, and the most basic form of hack and slash combat possible. Despite the return of the fantasy-inspired game that the kids play, your traditional class structure is entirely absent, opting instead to give every character access to the six weapons available in the game; three melee choices, and three ranged choices. Even then, though, I found myself defaulting to the melee options even when I actively tried to use the bow or magic staff; combat moves so quickly that the aiming and recharge on ranged weapons just waste time; it’s much easier to just rush into the hordes of enemies and mash the melee button until they stop getting back up. There’s a semi-interesting card mechanic that was added this go round, to buff your weapons and give you new abilities, but even those aren’t enough to get away from the slog that is the core of the combat mechanic; hacking and slashing your way to victory. Sure, Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole had their combat issues, but neither have the chief problem that I’d ascribe to Snow Day!: It’s. Just. Boring. It’s a mindless slog that takes no effort, no thought, and just feels lazy above all else.


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Multiplayer is the name of the game, when it comes to Snow Day!, which can be accomplished either online via matchmaking, in a private group with friends, or on your own with bot-controlled New Kids who pop into your game whenever combat begins, and leave you to your own devices outside of combat. No matter how you choose to receive your help, you’ll always be playing in a group of fellow New Kids, leaving the South Park characters you know and love not to be your allies in battle this go round, but relegated to support characters met throughout missions, and cutscenes. This compounds with the lack of a recognizable map and the lack of the trademark papercraft artstyle to just really make Snow Day! stand out amidst the catalog of South Park games, and feel as though the property was an afterthought.


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If it isn’t clear, I don’t like this game. At all. I’m not even the biggest South Park fan in the world, but even I know the entire reason the franchise won any popularity in the gaming world was the clever writing, charm of premise, and overall love and care that the series put into making that transition from show to game finally worth something. All are aspects that distinctly don’t exist in South Park: Snow Day! The only positive thing I can really say is that the game got me interested in South Park again for the first time in a long time; though through no merits of its own, primarily in that it got me rewatching episodes and finally making the time to play The Fractured But Whole, in an effort to remind myself how much fun this franchise is supposed to be. Some of you may think that I’m spending too much time comparing Snow Day! to the previous two games in the series, which is normally a fair criticism; on the whole, I try to review what a game does offer, not what I wish it did. In this case, though, I think it’s a fair thing to be hung up about; South Park, as a franchise, is one that comes with its audience pre-installed. I can’t think of many people who would even let this game blip onto their radar if they weren’t at least fans of the show. So when two nearly perfect South Park games already exist, and they’re followed up with this lazy piece of gaming? How the fuck could I not spend my time comparing them. And more importantly? How the fuck could I ever recommend something like this.


What We Liked ...
  • Return to the timeline of Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Change to objectively worse 3D graphics
  • Boring and mindless gameplay
  • Lack of distinct South Park charm
Look, I didn't have the WORST time playing this game; as mindless as the combat is, it's easy enough to push through. But it's easily the worst of the saga, which is saying something after Stick of Truth.
I'll never understand who thought it was a good idea to throw away the charm and distinct art style of the previous games and the show, and instead go with such a lazy interpretation of South Park in 3D.
Lasting Appeal
Five hours of rough campaign time plus a free horde mode DLC already puts this low. Toss in that it's just a boring game from the word go, and there's little reason to even show up once, let alone again and again.
out of 10


Abandoning all charm and fun that the franchise is known for, South Park: Snow Day! manages to deliver one of the most disappointing games I’ve played in a long time. If you’re a South Park fan, this will just make you yearn for the already existing better games. And if you’re not? All you have to look forward to is mediocre gameplay and unattractive graphics. Your time and money are better spent literally anywhere else.
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Poor South Park, I thought it would be a good game but srsly no way to give this game a second chance. The first and the second game was fascinating(played them recently tho) and this one what the heck happened.
All they had to do was stick to the same art style and play upon that. I loved being able to explore the whole town like I was in an actual episode

Idk what they where thinking when they wanted to abandon that idea
"through the lens of Cartman"

Didn't know that until now, definitely going to pass this one up. Don't think I could handle an entire game with Eric, even as much as I liked the show he's just the one character I could always do with less of.
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I mean, I've even played worse; (see: Changed, yes, that one unfortunately, I refuse to go into detail here though) but as someone who actively dislikes the show for relying so much on political (particularly "owning the wokes" and shit) humor, as well as the fact that cartman's whole character is just "Racist sexist antisemetic quip! Laugh!" or "Fatphobic jab at him! Laugh!", it made me howl to see those graphics, holy motherfucking jesus harold christ suckerpunching santa claus, how the hell did they have a rougher transition into 3D than SONIC THE HEDGEHOG? The fact that the first time in YEARS south park has made me laugh was through THIS of all things is amusing in it of itself. How do you fuck up THIS badly? If it wasn't for the faces you could probably show some of those screenshots to me, tell me it was some teen's unity project to graduate university, and I'd believe you. Holy shit.
Oh, shit, forgot to say the one thing that made me write that whole comment;
If you want a game to play on an actual snow day that's any good, Club Penguin: Game Day! actually ain't half bad. Sure there's dozens of better games, but hell, CP:GD on Wii does a better translation into 3D than this! Not to mention actually engaging and fun minigames. Again, not the best, but it's at least *fun*
If only it were funny then anything else could have been excusable. Comedy must be really hard in video games, it's so rarely done. Outside of Japan anyway.
  • Haha
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I mean, I've even played worse; (see: Changed, yes, that one unfortunately, I refuse to go into detail here though) but as someone who actively dislikes the show for relying so much on political (particularly "owning the wokes" and shit) humor, as well as the fact that cartman's whole character is just "Racist sexist antisemetic quip! Laugh!" or "Fatphobic jab at him! Laugh!", it made me howl to see those graphics, holy motherfucking jesus harold christ suckerpunching santa claus, how the hell did they have a rougher transition into 3D than SONIC THE HEDGEHOG? The fact that the first time in YEARS south park has made me laugh was through THIS of all things is amusing in it of itself. How do you fuck up THIS badly? If it wasn't for the faces you could probably show some of those screenshots to me, tell me it was some teen's unity project to graduate university, and I'd believe you. Holy shit.
You dislike the show because it makes fun of woke people such as yourself.
You shouldn't review games, you're not a real gamer, you're a casual gamer.

I don't know about the other guy, but any day that a "real gamer" tells me I'm not part of their select group before unironically using the word "woke" is a good day for me.

Regarding the game, I would have expected South Park of all franchises to not try the shift to 3d. Especially in 2024. I thought as a society we had agreed that the 3d hype of the 2000s was an artistic misdirection.
1/10 is a little rough I agree it was kind of shit, the graphics weren't true to the show you could tell it was a quick beat em up type of style. But the voice acting was there, imagine if they hired an entire new cast. Imo they went with unreal engine to focus more on episodes over video games.

I got bored after 30 minutes of gameplay. But the graphics weren't entirely that bad it had good visuals, confusing invisible walls and what not. It feels more like what should've been a mobile game. I feel like we'll get a better successor to TFB later on down the road. It feels like this was produced during the hiatus of covid due to jokes about TP being used for money which in today's standards feel a little dated. A 5/10 would've been more suitable imo or if you can find it on sale for $10.
You shouldn't review games, you're not a real gamer, you're a casual gamer. You'll notice the only people complaining about the game are woke clowns & people that are not fans of the show. If you're not a fan of the show, why would you even buy the game? You're clearly not the target audience.

I almost didnt respond to this, because such a low effort troll could only be looking for someone to yell at them for free but... Fuck. You caught me. I'm just a casual gamer, as evidenced by my frustration at a lazy cash grab of a short, shallow experience taking up space in an otherwise incredible franchise. I clearly don't like South Park and just want this game to fail, as evidenced by my primary complaints being how much better, and more like the show, the previous games are. I don't know how someone didn't catch my agenda-fueled ruse until now, but bravo. You've ensured this woke clown won't be reviewing more games any time soon!
Before I saw any gameplay, just the announcement/non gameplay trailer of it I was hoping it would play like their Let's Go Tower Defense Play so badly (had a lot of fun playing that). Still may play this game reason being im a fan of SP
5 hours to beat a game? also can't forget the season pass for an extra 20 dollars which i think you get 1 more mode and costumes WOOT WOOT! still i'm kinda of a south park fan.... so i don 't know much about the newer stuff. but i have not played the game to judge once this goes on sale for like 5-10 dollars i'll give it a go.
I had a feeling that this one was not going to be a great game, after i saw the trailer.

I loved the previous 2 games, but i'm going to skip this one.

Is it better or worse than South Park 64 lol
It's been ages since I played 64, but a big part of me wants to say worse because at least 64 didn't quite know what they were doing to make a South Park game. Here they got it right twice, then said fuck it
It's been ages since I played 64, but a big part of me wants to say worse because at least 64 didn't quite know what they were doing to make a South Park game. Here they got it right twice, then said fuck it
Honestly after this review you should get an editorial going for South Park 64.
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You shouldn't review games, you're not a real gamer, you're a casual gamer. You'll notice the only people complaining about the game are woke clowns & people that are not fans of the show. If you're not a fan of the show, why would you even buy the game? You're clearly not the target audience.
I really enjoy the show and did the Fractured Butt Whole and Stick of Truth games, but Snow Day still deserves this kind of review (even if 1/10 may seem a little harsh). But you're right on the point that people disliking the specific thing they review should be taken with a pinch of salt, I mean... I wouldn't let a vegan trying to convince me a Black Angus steak tastes bad. 🤣

And on the "real gamer" topic, it's more about what kind of gamer you are than if you're a "real" one. People enjoy video games for various reasons, even among my friends who are playing video games for a few decades there are different ways of consuming this entertainment form. So don't be too harsh on people just because they don't share your exact views.
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On one hand, 1/10 is very harsh. On the other, from the moment this game was announced I didn’t see anything appealing about it. It doesn’t cross past what I would consider to be a mobile game that I’d expect to be downloadable for free, or sold for a pittance. South Park 64 comparisons are unavoidable since the general premise is so similar, and that isn’t much to write about either. It’s just “another one of those”. The only redeeming quality that comes to mind is how cheap it is, so I suppose it could be a laugh for fans of the series, but outside of that it doesn’t seem like a very attractive product.
And on the "real gamer" topic, it's more about what kind of gamer you are than if you're a "real" one. People enjoy video games for various reasons, even among my friends who are playing video games for a few decades there are different ways of consuming this entertainment form. So don't be too harsh on people just because they don't share your exact views.
Yeah and someone's approach to gaming can also change as years go by.
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More boring that Golden Axe? Wow this sequel is bad.
The weirdest thing is that they had a recipe for success and decided to just throw it out the window for no reason. Say what you will about South Park as an IP, you may like it or hate it, but Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole, are, in my opinion, legitimately good video games and excellent adaptations of the series. All they had to do to succeed was make more of the same. It truly boggles the mind.
You shouldn't review games, you're not a real gamer, you're a casual gamer. You'll notice the only people complaining about the game are woke clowns & people that are not fans of the show. If you're not a fan of the show, why would you even buy the game? You're clearly not the target audience.
Are you the Sadam Hussein character from the SP movie??
"through the lens of Cartman"

Didn't know that until now, definitely going to pass this one up. Don't think I could handle an entire game with Eric, even as much as I liked the show he's just the one character I could always do with less of.
That's the point of Eric Cartman, he's supposed to be unlikeable and overall a disgusting person that you don't want to see much of, but some of the funniest moments of the show happen because of his personality. That's the point of South Park, it doesn't always have to be this pretty lovable thing full of rainbows where nasty things rarely happen, it's not the Simpsons.
The SP covid episode with Cartman faking going to on line classes is one of the funniest SP scenes made... Right after that I made a 6 ft. stick with a flag on the end of it and I used it top keep people at a covid-safe distance. Brilliant!
I just got this from Gamefly the other day. The game is honestly kinda decent but I do have the humor of a middle schooler

That being said, the missions feel kinda long too long at times just for the sake of padding..bnt that could also just be the super slow walk speed or my impatience as well.
  • Haha
Reactions: Lewd
You shouldn't review games, you're not a real gamer, you're a casual gamer. You'll notice the only people complaining about the game are woke clowns & people that are not fans of the show. If you're not a fan of the show, why would you even buy the game? You're clearly not the target audience.
Get a lot of this dude who crawled straight out of 2016, lol
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Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): March 26, 2024
  • Publisher: THQ Nordic
  • Developer: Question
  • Genres: Action-Adventure
  • Also For: Computer, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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