Tomvita's tools

Why you can't change the value of some candidates


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
United States
All game memory of interest are those that the game code writes to.

You achieve your hacking objective when you are able to write to the memory after it was written by the game code and before the game code read it back.

All game memory of interest can be written to, the reason some candidates appears like it cannot be change is because the game process won the contest. Meaning the game code write to it after you hack it and the game code therefore managed to read back what it wrote.

CheatVM writes to game memory at a fixed frequency.

Edizon SE writes to game memory once only.

This contest can be won by either side or CheatVM may always win ( In the case of the period between CheatVM writes being always smaller than the time windows between game code write and game code read).

Overall win will depend the target. Some target only need to be successful once. This is the easy case. Some target will need to be successful much more than once and you success rate is going to drop. Some target will need you to be successful all the time (for example don't die),

If a candidate appears like it can't be change what can you do?

1. Look for another candidate.
2. Try freezing the game process then change it. ( when you only need to be successful once, it's 50-50, you either freeze if before game code write or after game code write )
3. Make a cheat code and see if that achieve your objective. ( cheatVM writes more often than edizon se )
4. Give up. ( Some situation the tools are simply not up to the task. I can't tell you when to give up, you have to decide yourself )

Why a candidate tracks a game value and appears to be changed by edizon se but don't affect any game function:

Game code writes to memory, game code reads memory, you hack memory after the read so it has no effect because game code never read this copy back. Game code don't write to this memory until the value has an update so it appears you have successfully altered the memory but you have failed to made an impact as you failed to change what the game code read back.
Last edited by TomSwitch,
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