Wow, looks complicated. I'll dig into it once I get back from the cruise my wife and I are going on this next week!
Edit: Ok, so the 1st bit (purple you said) is the alpha bit, which always needs to be 1. then for the 5 binary bits for each color, is that the binary of the color in values between 0 and 31? Hmm, I've never seen the color values go between 0 and 31, most of the time you see it between 0 and 255. I'll have to try to find a color picker that only goes to 31.
Edit2: Ok, I think I'm on to something:
The number 99D1CA represents a sort of nice sea-green. Looking at the hex, you can see that the red channel, the first two digits, is at a bit more than half intensity (zero intensity being 00 and full intensity being FF, and half intensity being 7F). So the first five-bit part of your number for Nova needs to be somewhat higher than half of its possible value. The highest possible five-bit value is 11111, which equals 31 (which you can figure using BH), so your red value should be approximately 18. 18=10010, so there's your first five bits. The green channel has a value of D1, which is a little more than 75% of its maximum value. 75% of 31 is 24, so your green channel should be about 26. 26=11010, so there's your second group. The blue channel is CA, which is only a bit less than D1, roughly speaking. So the third group should be approximately 21 or 22. 21=10101.
So I found this. So here is what I did to convert a color into the 15 bit binary:
1) Find a color I like in Hex (will need the normal RGB values by converting the Hex or using a color chooser) In my case I went with CC0010 which is a nice reddish maroon. The values for that are R=204, G=0, B=16.
2) We need to convert these RGB values into a 0 to 31 scale. So:
204/255 = .8*31 = 24.8
3) This needs to be converted to binary now. I just used the Windows calculator and come up with 11000. So in this case the closest that you can come to CC (or 204) in binary is 11000. It isn't going to be exact, but it is the closest I think you could get.
4) So now we do that for both G and B. We then come upw ith the following binary values:
R = 11000
G = 00000
B = 00001
5) Then we know that the format of the binary for the colors in YSMenu are ABBBBBGGGGGRRRRR (where A is the alpha channel, needs to be 1). So we combine all those binary values in that order and end up with: 1000010000011000.
6) This needs to be converted to hex now, again using the windows calculator. You get 8418. So to get that maroon color, or as close to it as we can we would enter 0x8418.
I just tested it out and confirmed that using this mehtod does indeed work! It is a pain in the ass, but it works! LoL