Hi, I'm still relatively new to switch modding, starting back in early August and getting jumpstarted on downloading everything I need to know. I've tried following a youtube video about downloading firmware updates for the switch to 19.0.0, getting the recent sigpatches, and downloading the recent hekate patch along with the sys-patch that a person in a forum (there was a link that led to the sys patch link) strongly advised to do before restarting. I did all the installations in Hekate through USB Tools, and after refreshing hekate to load into Atmosphere CFW, I immediately get a yellow screen. I am a little lost in this process and I am asking anyone what the issue is with my switch. At this point, I don't know if I should reinstall the updates, go back a version, or do a fresh install - which I feel nervous about doing because I feel like I might lose important stuff and the other important things that helped jumpstart my switch being modded, such as patching out the serial number and IP from Nintendo servers, etc. b/c I may have forgotten how to do them.
Please don't be too harsh on me, again I'll reiterate, I'm still new to switch modding and may have forgotten a few things since I started out with my modded switch a few months ago. If there is something I should provide so that you can get a better insight into the problem or questions to ask about how the problem happened, please let me know! I feel lost and confused in this matter and hopefully I didn't mess anything up too badly. Thanks in advance!!
Edit: I tried reinstalling with atmosphere and stuff to the root of SD card, and somehow, my Atmosphere CFW just disappeared from Hekate. This is really frustrating and annoying.
Edit 2: Turns out Atmos. CFW is just emunand. Also, I was correct on my comment about waiting until atmosphere update to support the recent firmware update. Issue was resolved.
Please don't be too harsh on me, again I'll reiterate, I'm still new to switch modding and may have forgotten a few things since I started out with my modded switch a few months ago. If there is something I should provide so that you can get a better insight into the problem or questions to ask about how the problem happened, please let me know! I feel lost and confused in this matter and hopefully I didn't mess anything up too badly. Thanks in advance!!
Edit: I tried reinstalling with atmosphere and stuff to the root of SD card, and somehow, my Atmosphere CFW just disappeared from Hekate. This is really frustrating and annoying.
Edit 2: Turns out Atmos. CFW is just emunand. Also, I was correct on my comment about waiting until atmosphere update to support the recent firmware update. Issue was resolved.
Last edited by KlayTheCow,