I'm aware of kingtuts excellent sonic continuum project and also wiired24s spooky dimensions home brew game he's near completion of. Is there anything else coming in the future for the xbox one home brew community?
If your working on anything or aware of something that's in progress please let us all know.
I'd love to help promote and grow the community and make sure Xbox one home brew stays alive and kicking and the only way that can happen is for us all to share ideas so let us all know what's on your mind even if it's just an idea you never know someone with the know how may see it agree and make it happen.
If your working on anything or aware of something that's in progress please let us all know.
I'd love to help promote and grow the community and make sure Xbox one home brew stays alive and kicking and the only way that can happen is for us all to share ideas so let us all know what's on your mind even if it's just an idea you never know someone with the know how may see it agree and make it happen.