Hacking WiiCoverHunter: automaticaly download wii covers with a PC


Nov 21, 2010
<!--sizeo:200--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b>Wii Cover Hunter ver 2.6</b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

<img src="http://img857.imageshack.us/img857/2184/26info.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />
<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><b>SCREEN-SHOTS:</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
<img src="http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/3493/23main.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />
<img src="http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/6283/23prefs.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />
<img src="http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/6553/23db.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><b>PURPOSE:</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
This little program download the covers of your wii files and save them in your HDD/SD.
It first scans your FAT/NTFS/WBS partition looking for .wbfs wii files (but it can also retrieve the files list from a .csv file) and then it will download the covers of the files found.
The main difference respect other similar tools, is that you can select a preference order for the language of the covers (max three languages): for example, first it searches the english (or whatelse you entered as first language) cover of each file, then, if it is not available, it searches the second language cover and finaly, if not available, the third language cover. In this way you are rather sure at least a cover of one of the three language will be found and downloaded.
This is very usefull for not english users, because other languages databases of wii covers are not so complete as english ones.
A drop-down list where check/uncheck the files found, a search box to enter a single title, a filter for the types of the covers to be dowloaded and a report window of the covers not found are all available.
The language of the program is fully customizable, by translating the language file WiiCoverHunterLng.txt

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><b>SPECS:</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
- searching of .wbfs files on FAT e NTFS partition (natively) and on WBFS partition (with the wbfs_file.exe by oggzee)
- searching of the files list from the .csv file, if found
- you can enter the ID or the title (also partialy) to search of the wii files of which you want to dowload the cover
- single or multiple file selection by a listbox
- you can select an order for preffered languages (max three) of the cover to be downloaded
- filter for the cover types to be downloaded (2D/3D/Disc/DiscCutom/Full/FullHQ)
- you can download all the covers, overwriting the existing ones
- you can download only the missing covers
- you can download only the file titles.txt
- you can delete the covers without the corresponding .wbfs file, to clean your unit
- compatible with all known covers dbase (wiitdb.com wiiboxart.com, boxart.rowdyruff.net, etc.), with or without language localization,
because the URLs used to download the covers are completly customizable
- compatible with the titles.txt titles database
- compatible with all usb loaders, because the covers subfolders can be completly customizable

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><b>OPERATING SYSTEM:</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> Windows XP, Vista or Seven, with VisualBasic runtime libraries installed.

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><b>LICENCE:</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> freeware

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><b>WARNING:</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> I'm just a beginner with coding, so this tool is released as it is. I take no responsabilities about damages caused by it.

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><b>NOTE for Vista and Win7 users:</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
To avoid problems for the access to wbfs partitions on Vista and Win7, follow these steps (thanks to nickmot for this procedure)
- run WCH as administrator with the option of context menu
- once the WBFS partition is selected, a requester will pop-up warning the drive isn't formatted, press CANCEL
- confirm with OK
- now the WBFS partition is selected, and the program can be normaly used

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><b>HISTORY:</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
Ver 2.6 HackWii.it special edition (21/01/2011)
- entirely rewritten the code to recognize the wbfs partitions
- added the capability to access to wbfs partition with the executable wwt.exe (http://wit.wiimm.de/)
To do it, download optional archive "bin.zip" and extract it to the installation folder of WCH.
Warning: with wwt.exe the files list will be retrieved by scanning all wbfs partitions (it's not possible to scan only one)
- fixed some GUI messages

Ver 2.5 beta version pubblished on HackWii.it (01/01/2011)
- improved support for .csv files

Ver 2.4 (17/11/2010)
- added updating of the titles/file list at the end of titles.txt download
- improved the procedure to redirect the output of wbfs_file.exe, adding a delay before the scanning of the temp file
- fixed some gui messages

Ver 2.3 (02/11/2010)
- fixed a bug which didn't allow the check/uncheck buttons to be displayed on the title/file list window
- fixed a bug which didn't allow the title/file list window to be displayed over report window
- added support for .csv file database: now the file list can be retrieved from .csv file, if existing one in the selected folder.
Parsing of .csv file, if existing, is preffered to the scanning of selected folder for .wbfs search.

Ver 2.2 HackWii.it special edition (01/10/2010)
- added the capability to delete the covers without the corresponding .wbfs file, to clean unit
- improved download procedure of file titles.txt
- changed the executable used to access to wbfs partition: no WiiCoverHunter usesd the last version of wbfs_file.exe by oggzee
- fixed some gui messages

Ver 2.15 (26/09/2010)
- fixed a bug which, in case the cover subfolder is the same as main folder, crated a wrong destination path
- fixed a bug which, once changed the .wbfs path with one with no valid files, kept in the listbox the files of the previous valid path
- fixed the translation of button "Donwload titles.txtx" en added its tooltiptext

Ver 2.1 HackWii.it special edition (11/09/2010)
- added the alphabetical sorting of files / titles in the list box
- fixed a bug which, once deselected all titles, showed the last selected title in the text box
- fixed a bug which, in case of no titles.txt file present, didn't allow to input the file's ID to be searched
- fixed a bug which, in "hackwii special version", did'nt allow to show the Hackwii.it logo when download of titles.txt file was completed

Ver 2.0 HackWii.it special edition (01/09/2010)
- changed the GUI, now is based on tabs
- added a checkbox to enable/disable the coerency control between the fourth letter of game ID and the slected languages (tab Preferences)
- added a checkbox to filer also disc custom covers
- rewritten the code for covers download, increasing performances
- rewritten the code for the management of the language translation
- added the capability to enter indipendent subfolders also for disc custom and full HQ covers (tab Preferences)
- added the capability to customize the URLs called to download the covers, in order to make Wii Cover Hunter
compatible with all known covers dbase (wiitdb.com wiiboxart.com, boxart.rowdyruff.net, etc.), with or without language localization (tab DB covers)
- added the Info tab with logo and info about the program
- fixed the show of GUI messages during download
- made aborting of download more reactive
- fixed a bug which didn't allow covers download when the fourth letter of game ID was different from P, E, J, K or W

Ver 1.8 - 1.9
- beta versions not released

Ver 1.7 HackWii.it special edition (05/08/2010)
- fixed a bug which, starting form version 1.5, didn't allow to Wii Cover Hunter to scan WBFS partition for file listing
- added, during download, a coerency control between the fouth letter of game ID and the slected languages, to speed up download, filtering not needed one
- added the of the subfolders where the covers will be saved, by selecting the USBloader or custumizing them
Click on label "Covers folder" to enter in the covers subfolders option window
- addedd the capability to resume a previous aborted download
- chenged Wii Cover Hunter's window property, now the window is no longer resizable.
- fixed some gui messages

Ver 1.5 HackWii.it special edition (27/07/2010)
- added support to file titles.txt, as titles database
- added the capability to search one or more wii files by entering the ID or the title (also partialy) or by selecting them from a list
Click on label "Path .wbfs" to toggle the imput mode.
- rewritten the code of searching files / titles
- added a listbox for files / titles selection
- added two button to select / deselect all files / titles
- file titles.txt can be downloaded, following the order of the languages
- changed the graphics of progressbar
- changed the graphics of pointer on some objects
- added hackwii.it logo, with a link to WiiCoverHunter discussion

Ver 1.1 - 1.4
- beta versions not released

Ver 1.0 (17/07/2010)
- multilanguage version, with support for an external translation text file
- fixed a bug in the priority order of cover "full" download, in the first language
- fixed some gui messages

Ver 0.9 (15/07/2010)
- added the possibility to enter the ID of a single wii file of which you want to download its cover. Click on the textbox "Path .wbfs" to toggle the input mode.
- fixed some tooltiptexts

Ver 0.8 (14/07/2010)
- removed the reference to "comctl32.ocx", which aborted the program windows7 (now, should work)
- added a textbox with the report of unavailable covers, which can be showed at the end of download
- covers sub folders, if missing, will be created only if their correspondent checkboxes are selected

Ver 0.7 (12/07/2010)
- fixed a bug which stopped download of covers "disc" and "full" in the third language
- improved searching engine for covers "disc" and "full", with language priority
disc language1 fullHQ language1
--disc custom language1 --full language1
--disc language2 --fullHQ language2
--disc custom language2 --full language2
--disc language3 --fullHQ language3
--disc custom language3 --full custom language3
- improved errors handling
- improved download procedure and its performance, with direct dll calls
(for example the download of 39 games covers with WiiGameManager will take about 5:06, with WiiCoverHunter, and two languages selected, just 1:55!)

Ver 0.6 (10/07/2010)
- first stable version

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><b>DOWNLOAD (windows version)</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
<a href="http://ul.to/4aq1pb" target="_blank">WiiCoverHunter26</a>
<i>optional (see history):</i><a href="http://ul.to/6tbfx0" target="_blank">bin.zip</a>

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><b>INSTALLATION:</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
Download the archive.
Extract it in a folder, and create a shortcut to WiiCoverHunter.exe on the desktop.
Rename the proper language file as "WiiCoverHunterLng.txt" or, if missing, translate an existing one.
To avoid failures, the installation folder name or its path must not contain blank spaces.
Note: this program needs mscmdctl.ocx to work. So, if not already present, you need to install it on your system, as follows:
- Download the file from the net
- Copy it inside C:\Windows\System32 (for XP) or in the right folder, according to your windows operating system.
- In the command prompt (Start -> cmd) enter <i>regsvr32 \windows\system32\mscmdctl.ocx</i>
- A message will inform you the dll has been successfuly registered


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
nice thanks
gamecube cover support would be nice


Nov 21, 2010
I have no knowledge about gamecube covers: is there a site like wiitdb where retrieve the titles list and the covers?
Are the gamecube titles indexed with a code, like wii ones?


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2004
I do hope someone integrates Gamecube cover downloading for use with My Wode. There seems tobe too many Wii cover downloaders now but hopefully someone adds Gamecube support. Thanks for this anyways.


Nov 21, 2010
I checked. Both wiitdb and wiboxart databases contain GameCube covers. Also titles.txt contains the ID list of GameCube games (the IDs starting with G).
So Wii Cover Hunter is already able to download Game Cube covers. Click on "path .wbfs" to enter in the title ID list, look for the titles of your games and if their ID start with a "G" check them and start download.

I can add a checkbox to restrict the list to filter only GameCube games and, if someone tell me the extension of GameCube files game, I can also modify WCH to recognize such files and to automaticaly download their covers. There is not much work to do, but I need this informations.

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