Am i doing something wrong ,i'm sure i set up the sd card correctly but accessing the "" site gives me an "unsupported frimware version" error , any solution ? should i just update to 5.5 ? help!
thanks for the reply , but i thought you can only spoof once you got the exploit runing , no ?
Yep, everything works with 5.5.1. When you update it will give you 5.5.1would updating via the internet now give me the 5.5.1 firmware , and does the latest version work with loadiine ?
I would update via disc to 5.3.2. Best advice. The lower the better for future exploits. Then spoof to 5.5.1.
I mean if you're going to pirate games (loadiine) at least buy 1 to support game devs..... One with 5.3.2 on
What's the rush? Borrow one, rent one, buy one?
An exploit for 5.5.1 is out. That site is out of confused , sites like tells me that the expoilt keys for 5.5.1 are private , what does that mean , i just want to be able to run loadiine for now and maybe install iosu in the futur , does the firmware number 5.5.1 allow that or not ?