Hello. This is my first post so if I i say something incorrect, please correct me. So I have a black wii that I had homebrewed for fun. I decided to install games directly to the menu, but got sidetracked when I saw on my computer, a iso of the prerelease system menu. I thought it would be fun to see that menu running on it. I never even thought about it getting bricked or It permanently being stuck with that menu. (the startup disc for it hadn't been dumped yet either.) I installed it and was met with a dreaded black screen. I thought it was a connection issue and replugged the cables, to no avail. I tried an entire different cable and still a black screen. I eventually gave up and decided, it wasn't worth troubleshooting for nothing to happen, and left it. Now I am a few years older and want to come back and see what I can do with others help and I came here! Also when I gave up, I had repurposed the SD card, which was probably a stupid idea, and now no longer has any folders like the letterbomb hack or the bootmii folder. Before this, the wii had a few miis, photos and a couple game saves, and homebrew and bootmii stuff. Though I never used bootmii cause the wii remote would never connect while I was in there. The wii does boot too with the fan, lights and everything, but no signal was detected. If you need more details or can help, please reply. Thank You!
(edit: by the way, i also used wii mod lite to install)
(edit: by the way, i also used wii mod lite to install)
Last edited by WolfyBoy104,