Wii Shop revival service "RiiShop" enters public beta

Many people remember the Wii days fondly with its gimmick controls, memorable in-app music and homebrew friendly system. Ever since the discontinuation of the Wii Shop service back in January 30th, 2019, users could no longer purchase new titles through it, and were only left with the option to redownload already purchased titles.

Since then, a few homebrew developers have worked on a revival service, formerly known as "LaunchShop" to recreate the Wii Shop servers back when they were fully accessible. As of January 8th, 2024, this revival service has been rebranded into "RiiShop", and is now publicly available for Wii users in a WAD format.

The current open beta can be installed in homebrewed Wii systems as a WAD, and users can enter the Wii Shop menu and browse Virtual Console and WiiWare games, as well as Wii channels that were originally available, complete with what seems to be dummy Wii Points to redeem, but with nothing to do with them at the moment due to downloads not working on the current build yet. It's worth nothing that this will apparently work like a free Shop to download titles from, with no currency being involved.

As with any product in beta, expect some issues to pop up, and bare in mind that the public beta might not have download working, since many people online are reporting downloads not being possible as of yet.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2022
cornwall, england
United Kingdom
Yeah, all it does is connect to the wii shops server for redownloading games by connecting to multiple wiis that had bought other games to yours via rc24/wiilink or something similar, which makes the games show up in the shop. Then purchasing would be reimplimented via the wii shop backup or even riishop in order to legally purchase the games again

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