hi i am trying to load a backup and the wii disc loader on the main screen is saying that the wii system needs a update to play the game and it also come up with a warning that if i execpt then any thing done to the wii will go on the system hacks it is saying that block disc updates are enabled but it is still asking for a update
what do i do ??? i am runing wiiflow and preloader v0.30 iso v70 system menu v482 , homebrew 1.0.6 ios 61 v19.26, wii system ver 4.2e
cIOSCORPv3.5. nerogamma 7 rev 14
what do i do ??? i am runing wiiflow and preloader v0.30 iso v70 system menu v482 , homebrew 1.0.6 ios 61 v19.26, wii system ver 4.2e
cIOSCORPv3.5. nerogamma 7 rev 14