Its not very good, I expected a LEGO... type of action adventure game and got something worse, which is saying something.
Camera is pretty bad, seriously why can't most devs do a decent camera system in this day and age? They've had around 15 years of 3D titles and still most can't do it right. I read that on two player mode the camera system is kinda like single screen Sonic 2 co-op as in the camera follows player one and player two has to work out how to get back on screen.
AI is dumb, either the enemies just seem like metal with you being a magent or they stand there and watch you just run past.
Levels seem incredibly generic, its like they were made on paper within a few minutes and then just put into the game without proper testing. Also the combat which is the meat of the game is badly put together.
It clearly had a lot of potential but it seems like Blue Tongue (who did de Blob) didn't have enough time to spend on the game.
Not even worth the download, very disappointed with this. I didn't expect the best game in the world but with the developers last game being de Blob I thought it would be a good fun game.