Recently the Lego group and Nintendo revealed the first Legend of Zelda lego set, which is a 2-in-1 model of the Great Deku Tree from both Breath of the Wild and Ocarina of Time.
Although I'm overjoyed to see Zelda finally represented in Lego form, I can't help but think that the Great Deku Tree might not have been the best choice out there. Especially for the $300 price point.
I was texting a friend and we were throwing around ideas for other Zelda Lego sets. Some of the ones we came up with include:
A Great Tower from Breath of the Wild
Hyrule Castle (multiple games, but especially BotW's version)
An overworld area from Ocarina of Time, such as Kokiri Forest or Zora's Domain.
There are a lot of bosses from almost every game in the franchise that would make good sets as well, I feel like.
But now, I'm curious. If you could choose, what Zelda location/character/moment would you immortalize as a Lego set?