There is an autoboot neogamma r7 that i use, its on this forum somewhere, which is really nice, instead of the normal loading screen, showing you the game id and the settings being used, it goes to a loading screen, its just an image that says loading, but a little nicer to look can still access settings by holding 1 as you launch it. thats the best way to load discs right now, although USB loading is much better. you should update your HBC as well, newer channel has hotswapping, you can unplug your sd and put a new one in and not have to reload its done automatically, as well as having the option to load from USB. the only issue is that the new HBC has a different ID, instead of HAXX its now JODI, so preloader will not be able to access it if you have version 0.29 like me, its not a big deal as you can still launch apps if necessary right from preloader, but you might want to look into updating that as well, biggest improvement is sdhc with preloader. other than that you are right where you should be, stay on 4.1