There have been a ton of great points brought up already, most of them covering what I would have said.
-the years of mistakes and tensions between SEGA of Japan vs America
- the general acceptance of companies following the ship and patch a have later model
-micro transactions but likes let's be real, every game in a store now
-wasn't there an Aliens game that was basically a lie sold to gamers?
-the quick and quiet smothering of the Vita
-I even saw notable examples of other experiments like Stadia, Ouya, and the N Gage.
-anything Xbox really
-343's continual misunderstanding of the Halo franchise
Do massive wrongs that get righted warrant talking about? Like the initial release of FFXIV? I still can't believe they (SE) made cutscenes and story lore to explain an entire universe reboot. That's badass.
Personally, the initial state Destiny and Destiny 2 were released in.