Initial Source (Currently Down):
Source From IGN
The patents in question? They are JP7528390B2, JP7493117B2, and JP7545191B1
The astute viewer might notice that Google Patents has a record for all three patents dating back to December 22, 2021 (which are also deemed active when you hover over them while the rest of the versions outside of japan are pending), and that's because they are the same Patents from 2021.
But then why are the reports from PocketPair and the sources taking from it using the 2024 patent? Well I'm no legal expert, but If you get sued for patent infingement, my best guess is that companies would rather use the latest version of the patent over the first version they made.
So TLR: Nintendo kinda sorta did a patent troll using patents they filed at the tail end of 2021 becuase they couldn't sue for "design infringement"
Source From IGN
The patents in question? They are JP7528390B2, JP7493117B2, and JP7545191B1
The astute viewer might notice that Google Patents has a record for all three patents dating back to December 22, 2021 (which are also deemed active when you hover over them while the rest of the versions outside of japan are pending), and that's because they are the same Patents from 2021.
But then why are the reports from PocketPair and the sources taking from it using the 2024 patent? Well I'm no legal expert, but If you get sued for patent infingement, my best guess is that companies would rather use the latest version of the patent over the first version they made.
So TLR: Nintendo kinda sorta did a patent troll using patents they filed at the tail end of 2021 becuase they couldn't sue for "design infringement"