Hello there GBAtemp, I recently picked up my VITA again, and found one of my favorite games actually got an update that fixed all of it's issues, but it was never localized in English.
Valhalla Knights 3 Gold, it's a really fun game, but without the Gold version it's a slog to play.
I have the NPDRM version but can't figure out where the text files might be, it looks like they are base text in game and not textures that need to be edited for a simple item and location patch, not to worried about the story text unless it could be put through google translate.
I am wondering if anyone would like to take on this project or help me with it, it's not a well known game so it's rather niche, and hard to find any information on it. but there are a few that would enjoy being able to finally play this game.
I figured a simple google translate patch would be good enough to get someone through the game.
I don't know what files i should be looking at though there are .nut .xbb and .ana? any information or if someone would like to help me I would be very grateful.
Play Asia Link
Valhalla Knights 3 Gold, it's a really fun game, but without the Gold version it's a slog to play.
I have the NPDRM version but can't figure out where the text files might be, it looks like they are base text in game and not textures that need to be edited for a simple item and location patch, not to worried about the story text unless it could be put through google translate.
I am wondering if anyone would like to take on this project or help me with it, it's not a well known game so it's rather niche, and hard to find any information on it. but there are a few that would enjoy being able to finally play this game.
I figured a simple google translate patch would be good enough to get someone through the game.
I don't know what files i should be looking at though there are .nut .xbb and .ana? any information or if someone would like to help me I would be very grateful.
Play Asia Link