Hacking Updated to 4.2U


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2009
United States
Hey guys, just did an upgrade last night from 4.0 to 4.2U and I had some issues but it seems like everything is working? Is there an easy way to see if I don't have any left over crap that I shouldn't? Here's some info;

Waninkoko re12
HBC Channel 1.03
preloader .29
USB Loader worked

Steps to upgrade (I had 1400 blocks free of memory);
First I upgraded HBC channel to latest on
Then I updated bootmii to latest as well
Took a nand backup with bootmii
Next I tried to run 4.2 Safe updater but it kept giving me network initialize errors
Re-set up my wireless wep key since HBC also couldn't connect all of a sudden
HBC finaly connected but 4.2 Safe updater still gave me issues
Downloaded the wads with NUS
Installed all wads through wad manager 1.4
Kept getting error when installing Wad for System Menu 4.2 (error -1036)
Started freaking out
Took the plunge and restarted, it went back to the HBC
figured I'd try 4.2 Safe updater again, so I did and this time it found the network connection and did it's thing without issues
Then I used WiiSCU to update to the latest Wii Channel
Restarted the Wii and it still worked

Used Waninkoko's rev14 installer to update my cIOS - I had to use the wad method cause it kept hanging with the downloads
Went to install Preloader .30r4, got an error that said can't find root or something

I was able to still run cfg usb loader and player new super mario bros fine fr about 20 mins, so it looks like everything is still working. I'd like to get preloader installed though so does anyone know how to fix that error? Also because of the above steps and all the errors could there be remnants of crap in my wii now? Any way to check and make clean? Just wondering. Thanks again for all the awesome guides that I used to do this!

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