So I've been meaning to dabble with softmodding my Wii, but I'm in a bit of a pickle. See my Wii refuses to connect to the internet, I've tried several different networks in different places, it just won't connect. I figure my Network chip is busted (it might simply have never worked)
But now I read you could use an SD card to install homebrew and whatnot, so I ordered one....
Now though, every single guide I see says you need your Wii on version 4.3 (mine is 3.40)
ONLY every guide I read to UPDATE my wii with an SD card says I need Homebrew already installed.
Am I completely boned, here? Is there a way to do this? WITHOUT internet (don't try to troubleshoot my internet connection, please. I've already spend HOURS trying to fix it to no avail)
But now I read you could use an SD card to install homebrew and whatnot, so I ordered one....
Now though, every single guide I see says you need your Wii on version 4.3 (mine is 3.40)
ONLY every guide I read to UPDATE my wii with an SD card says I need Homebrew already installed.
Am I completely boned, here? Is there a way to do this? WITHOUT internet (don't try to troubleshoot my internet connection, please. I've already spend HOURS trying to fix it to no avail)